• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Obama on decriminalization


Well-Known Member
You do realize that unwanted children grow up to not be productive adults. They grow up to be criminals, rapists, car jackers, murders, etc.

This is bullshit. I was kicked out of my home at age 13, lived with family until I was 15, ended up homeless and saturated in tar heroin for 2.5 years..

Now I feel like I have accomplished quite a bit. I am a good parent. I make a good living, all 100% legit. I pay a lot of taxes. And I care about where my taxes go.

I would much rather see my taxes go to homeless centers like New Horizons Ministies in Seattle where I ended up on their door step dozens and dozens of times when I was a teen.
Than to go to botched, cruel, inhumain, and murderous abortions.

There is no doubt in my mind between spending money on one of the two, it would be to support the well being of these kids.

I may have asked you a few times. But did you see that youtube video of the partial birth abortion?


I just can't support this. I can not find a dark enough spot in my heart that I can conclude to myself that funding that shit is right.

And yes I do believe in right or wrong. So what?

And for Barack to bypass legalization which could save our nation.. Quite seriously as you well know..

INSTEAD of doing whats right, he funds something that is destroying our nation. Legalized murder that will now cost our nation 100's of millions more each year.

Paying people tax dollar who perform infancide..

I just can't find it in me to be ok with this.



New Member
So are you saying that you were an unwanted child?

Do you think a woman who doesn't want the baby she is carrying is going to take care of herself during her pregnancy? How about all those crack babies from the 80's, they are turing of age today, how many of them are spending their time productivly in gangs?

You never did say how many unwanted babies you have adopted. I'm really wanting to know. You are so against abortion, how many of those babies call your house home? Until you are willing to take the fruits of the issue into your own home, you really don't have much to say.

You don't want them aborted, you don't want your tax dollar to support them, you don't want to take care of them at your house. Where are these babies living and who is feeding them? Who is raising them? If the parents didn't want them to begin with, what kind of care are they receiving?

How many other kids are out there like that boy in OK who has been missing for 10 years and people just now figured out that he's gone?

Get off your soapbox and go adopt a crack baby or a meth baby, actions speak louder than words.


Well-Known Member
You do realize that unwanted children grow up to not be productive adults. They grow up to be criminals, rapists, car jackers, murders, etc.
Heck, Dave Thomas from Wendy's was an orphan. Grew up to be a successful, self-made man.

People that grow up hard, and make it to the top of the mountain that they are climbing are much more fascinating to me than someone who grew up in suburbia their whole life, and decided to go out and buy a tye dye t-shirt, and pretend to be some activist for some 'interesting' reason.

Talk about all of the shit that I haven't done. You don't know the first thing about me. Don't even start!

Wanna read my biography so you can start getting your facts straight when assuming one thing or another.


New Member
There is a difference between being an orphan and being raised by parents who didn't want you from the start.

So how many unwanted babies have you adopted? You keep dodging the question.

You have no more right to tell me what I can do with my uterus than I have to tell you what you can do with your penis.


Well-Known Member
You don't want them aborted, you don't want your tax dollar to support them, you don't want to take care of them at your house.
Maybe you missed it. But I actually just got done saying that I pay a lot of tax dollars, and I would MUCH rather see my tax dollars go to taking care of children who are not mamed and fucked up from a botched abortion. And I would much rather see us taking care of children with our tax dollars than bombing the shit out of the rest of the world. And I would much rather see homeless shelters and organizations who take care of children in a bad position get money (some how), than to see 100's of millions of dollars go to fuel the baby murder industry.


Well-Known Member
So how many unwanted babies have you adopted? You keep dodging the question.

I answered this way earlier, I guess you weren't paying attention.

Ok, so as I stated earlier on. My wife and I were being RESPONSIBLE, (rather than using abortion as birth control) we used an IUD and condoms. Until we were ready to have kids, we remained safe. 99.99% safe in fact.

Then when we got the IUD out, we didn't know if we were going to be able to have kids. It took so long to get pregnant.

My wife and I started seeking out adoption services. This is where we found several agencies that have up to a year on their waiting list for parents to adopt a child. Including LDS family services.

Just as we were about to start signing on with one of these agencies, we got pregnant.

We were more than ready for adoption.

But, now. We are pregnant again.

All is good. Maybe someday we will adopt.

Meanwhile we volunteer for teen homeless centers.



New Member
but how many of those babies are you willing to take into your home and love them?

Should we be bringing up all these children in an institution setting with no love?

Let's just put them in a giant building, not unlike a jail and raise them in there. That will show them, teach them to be conceived when nobody really wants them.

You just don't even care how these kids are treated once they leave the womb. Just as long as their born. Fuck them once they actually get here.

I see since you had your own kids, you don't have room for these unwanted babies. Since you don't want them and they aren't your genetic blood, why should you have a say?

Someday isn't soon enough, you need to get out there and adopt every baby that you don't want aborted.


Well-Known Member
Slu2 ,What would you have done if some bible banging bastard made condoms, iuds, and other methods unlawful?..because that is what this all leads:)


Well-Known Member
Hot off the wire..Obama just stated that he wants to be bipartisan, and if the Reps want to be bipartisan, then they'll have to agree with obama, " because I'm going to do what I want to do" Yep..sure sounds like he's willing to work with the reps....as long as they agree with everything he wants to do...The stink of Socialism is in the air.
Yet again there's the "I know how to run your life better than you do"More talk of czars..hmm When GWB appointed a czar for the Fed, and it didn't work out the dems decried "czars" Now that they're in nominal control, czars are the way to go.. Question...How is it that under con reps czars areno good, but under soc dems it the only answer??
ya gotta love dem ole' double standards.


Well-Known Member
Someday isn't soon enough, you need to get out there and adopt every baby that you don't want aborted. .

So your solution is. "since every kid can't have the life that I want them to have, lets just abort them"

Most of these kids have the opportunities in this country to do exactly as Dave Thomas has done, or as I have done, or as other millions of other under-priviledged Americans have done.

I don't believe in murder no matter how you try to justify it.


Well-Known Member
Slu2 ,What would you have done if some bible banging bastard made condoms, iuds, and other methods unlawful?..because that is what this all leads:)
Well, then I would be a responsible adult, and I would either pull out. Or I would take care of my fucking kid. Period.

America as a whole has lost two important things to our society.

1. Accountability
2. Responsibility

I have too. I live a pretty loose lifestyle.
But I simply can't justify murder. Nor can I justify spending 100's of millions to support and fund it.

I just can't.


Well-Known Member
"I have too. I live a pretty loose lifestyle.
But I simply can't justify murder. Nor can I justify spending 100's of millions to support and fund it."

not really an answer....
Originally Posted by diemdepyro
Slu2 ,What would you have done if some bible banging bastard made condoms, iuds, and other methods unlawful?..because that is what this all leads


New Member
You have no right to sit on your high horse and dictate what me and my uterus do.

It is my body, it is my uterus, if I don't want a baby in it, that is my choice.

Until I get to regulate your nuts, you are shit out of luck.

Abstinence only education leads to people like you, "pulling out" is not a viable method of birth control. There is enough semen to impregnant in the pre-ejaculate.

Maybe instead of spending money arguing about abortion, we should start educating kids so they don't grow up and think pulling out works.....:roll:

And yet you still don't have any of these unwanted babies in your home. You really need to get off the net and go get some adopting done. You want them born, we'll publish your address as a "legal drop off zone". :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I will just have to see If I can get condoms banned then....Quite disgusting. IMHO We can look into burning books some of them suck....
This is a matter of the law going too far.


New Member
We need to have those unwanted babies born so they can grow up to fight our wars..........isn't dying in an unjust war murder?

What's your address Slu2? I need to go around and post it on craigslist's around the country as a safehaven for unwanted baby dropoff's.