So how do I calculate it right? And I'm talking about what size fan I need to get air exchange on my grow, not for cooling this light.
Temp is 70 now, it's wintertime here. Probably 75 in spring/summer.
Ok so if Temp in room is 70 right now the calculation I made in the post above is exactly what you need to exhaust this grow area, not the light.
The calcualtion I made above would keep your temp in the Homebox at about 75 Farenheit now and 80 Farenheit in summer, 80 is too warm. You need at least 250+ CFM just like I said at first.
I'll try to explain this Formula: ****FORMULA APPLIES TO MH/HPS ONLY NOT CFL****
3.2 x W/T = CFM
( 3.2 is the only constant in this formula )
W= Watts of Light
T= Temp. increase from Room Temp.
CFM = Fan strength required
3.2 x (Watts) / (The Temp in degrees Farenheit Air will increase from Room Temp.) = Your required CFM's to keep Temp at Normal Room Temp plus (T)
So again in your case:
3.2 x 400watts= 1280
1280/5 ( 5 because you don't want Temp over 75 degrees Farenheit and you starting room Temp. is 70, so 70 + 5 ) You can substitute 5 with any number but this will be the increase from normal room temp.
So lets say we have 2000 Watts of Light, 65 degree Farenheit Room Temp. And we want our Temp in grow rrom to be 75 degrees Farenheit.
3.2 x (W which is 2000) = 6400
In this case we divide by 10 since room temp. is 65 and we want an increase of 10 degrees to get to 75.
6400/10 = 640
So you would need 640 CFM of Exhaust Ventilation to keep the grow area at 75 degrees Farenheit if you have 2000 watts of light and a intake temp. of 65 degrees Farenheit.
Hope this helps.