4x4 grow room clean slate


Well-Known Member
West coast seeds wanted i will trade east coast indoor beans for some of cali's bagseed boogey!! If you are out west and get good herbs with seeds let me know i have prob 90 barbwire(killer bagseed) and some young dro seeds(big bud)!!!

Thanks !


Well-Known Member
hey i only see like 8 seeds like u discribed the others look the same :0)
so ill just leave it with the 8 thanks again alot
and for that movie now im going to watch it too


Well-Known Member
Im 100% sure i put ten/thirty in there it has to be the two smallest lightest bigger ones.. If that makes sense you have 8/32 right??

hey i only see like 8 seeds like u discribed the others look the same :0)
so ill just leave it with the 8 thanks again alot
and for that movie now im going to watch it too


Well-Known Member
i hear ya
ya i understand what ya meant
i only have 8/31
and i didnt drop any either before u ask me
i made sure i was dumb carefull .
but its all good
hey its better then nothing im greatfull


Well-Known Member
I guess i dropper 1 soorry :( best of luck with them i will be watching!!

Let the jersey barbwire grow on forever!

i hear ya
ya i understand what ya meant
i only have 8/31
and i didnt drop any either before u ask me
i made sure i was dumb carefull .
But its all good
hey its better then nothing im greatfull


Well-Known Member
dont worry i got ya when i start the barbwire ull be the first to know
thanks alot guy.
im germing the 8 big buds now


Well-Known Member
hey that movie was funny shit lol
u seen those plants? omg
im jurkingoff right noww over them lol
and did u see the set they had underground?
wasnt bad either.
i want to try some of that pinneapple express lol
good shit thanks guy loved it
ill keep u informed on both seeds i got from ya ok ull be the first to know


Well-Known Member
If you ever get a good sack with some beans in it send me some! I am gonna try to get bagseed from all over the world!

hey that movie was funny shit lol
u seen those plants? Omg
im jurkingoff right noww over them lol
and did u see the set they had underground?
Wasnt bad either.
I want to try some of that pinneapple express lol
good shit thanks guy loved it
ill keep u informed on both seeds i got from ya ok ull be the first to know


Well-Known Member
How'd it come out wink? BTW check out my pics, there are some new fixtures I picked up at HD $2.74 each easy to wire It's the one with no wires. I've used them on jobsites with 150w reg bulbs, no problem as they are rated at 660w and 250 w. With these lights can be put at any height.


Well-Known Member
Yummm...They are looking really good man. How many days they at flowering now?

I been they are sticking something fierce now. But I bet its a great smell. Mine are starting to really stick. They smell nice. I am only day 11 flowering, but they are looking good for there age. Just wish mine were at your stage!


Well-Known Member
ok i got the heat daled in it stays right around 70-72 lights on or off! i will let it get cooler every third or fourth night so it has a few cool nights . pics tomorrow . the tops on the two latest lst's are not standing back up but they are fattening them up!


Well-Known Member
ok i got the heat daled in it stays right around 70-72 lights on or off! i will let it get cooler every third or fourth night so it has a few cool nights . pics tomorrow . the tops on the two latest lst's are not standing back up but they are fattening them up!

Wait, what temp is it at when lights are on? What about off?

My temp is usually 80F on the dot on, and about 70F off. And I have no problems.

Well, its a good thing that they are fattening up. How many days you on now flowering?

I will have pics up today, BUD SHOTS!


Well-Known Member
39 days flower my night temps were going down to 55 now i keep them at 70 off 72 on !! plants love it! bud shots tonight!