help me out take a look


Well-Known Member
nope nothing yet
its weird
it should of been here already :0(
i hope they didnt find em.
ive been waiting everyday for the mailman too.


Well-Known Member
i think we would know if they were found! one of us would get a visit from somebody we dont want to see!! or at least a letter


Well-Known Member
ow ya i know
but theres still time for that lol
well i hope everything is ok with that.
and im waiting today for that mail man too
hopefull today


Well-Known Member
Just try to help out when ican! I know i need help with things in my life so if i can help in any way i just feel like im paying the world back for helping me out..... Stoned ....


Well-Known Member
I would take sharp clean scissors and trim off the ugly stuff . I do it, i think the plant wastes energy trying to repair it . I just trim what is brown/yellow leave as nuch green as you can. I cut a few big fan leaves around my lights so they wouldnt touch. They stay green .nice sharp scissors(i stole my moms sewing scissors) the edges dont even brown-up .


Well-Known Member
so u think i should cut off the bad leafs?
should i just cut the leafs or all the way down to the stem?


Active Member
i have 4'x7'6' room with fan bringing in air from my kitchen with a gas stove within 2' of the fan do you think this will bring enough co2 into my flower room