help me out take a look


Well-Known Member
hey whats up guy long time no hear
glad to see ya back guy
god to have ya.
ya things are going alot better now
its almost 3 weeks old this plant here
and its growing faster now :0)
its like 5 inches.
and ya this is just personal so when i could smoke again im going to hae alot.
and ya i know there are great dels on mh/hps set ups but right now im good with the cfl's.trying to get this down pack before i move up.
heres a couple pics i just took
hit me up
thanks for finally comeing around again lol


Well-Known Member
looks like a little cutey!
im hopin now the 'not so' seedlings hav stopped the rapid acent they will fill out as well as urs.
wots ur thoughts on topn fimn bla bla?
that fresh new growth colour - just yum


Well-Known Member
good look thanks
um ive been thinking about it "topping"fim" but i dont know.
still undecided on it.or if i should try it on the next one.
i was thinking on leting this one grow may like another week or 2 then throw it into flowering just to get it under my belt and look at it like awwwwwwwww
but im still thinking about it.thanks for hiting me up
keep it coming
and for those who dont like to talk about anything in peoples threads just like to stay on the topic well i dont care here ill talk about anything :0)


Well-Known Member
what happend "where in he hell am i?"
is my bitches charging to much again?
dont worry ill talk to them AGAIN.
i keep telling those bitches to stop that lol.
i cant believe them are doing it again.
u cant find good street workers these days anymore.
dont worry ill have them refund the extra they took from ya ok?


Well-Known Member
well then if u went that deep in her azz then i know why she charged ya extra :0)~
make sure u go get checked
i make sure all my bitches has something to give to guys as a token of appericiation
for stoping by and taping :0)
lol u never know what she has.its a surprise :0) lolol


Well-Known Member
lmao lol i knew it would
trustt i have a crazy mind lol
ill get ya
even when u start it lol
so whats next?


Well-Known Member
ow so i see u met one of my street workers too?
hey let me know i could give u a cupon get ya nice discount :0)
and if u pay enough i could even have her dush it for ya :0)~
ill have it cleaned up.
have it smell more like clams and not catfish


Well-Known Member
yum... all I can eat seafood buffet.... u nasty sickos... we better nip this in the bud before we offend someone.


Well-Known Member
hey it dont matter this is my thread they could leave if thier feelings are getting hurt :0)~
and besides whos going to take offend to what we are saying? ow do we have hookers on this site or is my streetworkers here?
lol i ow them lol