
Active Member
Any sudden intense pain
Car crash
Realizing you wallet is empty because of the dank you just bought
Going for a cigarette and opening up and empty pack
Somebody dropping a glass pipe

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
meeting a bunch of people to go swimming at a flooded quarry out in the middle of nowhere, then driving two hours all the way home only to realize that you forgot someone---the buzzkill isn't so much for you, but for the leftee who by the time you got back to find them---thought it necessary to build a shelter :)


New Member
I ask them "If jesus died so all mans sins will be forgiven, why do we have to obey any commandments?"

If an eye for an eye is justice, then why "thou shalt not kill"?


Well-Known Member
meeting a bunch of people to go swimming at a flooded quarry out in the middle of nowhere, then driving two hours all the way home only to realize that you forgot someone---the buzzkill isn't so much for you, but for the leftee who by the time you got back to find them---thought it necessary to build a shelter :)
Hahahahahaaa!! That's hilarious man!! I mean, yeah, you'd need a shelter if you thought you were totally forgotten :) :)


Well-Known Member
I ask them "If jesus died so all mans sins will be forgiven, why do we have to obey any commandments?"

If an eye for an eye is justice, then why "thou shalt not kill"?
Ah, but I'm sure there's some explanation between eye for eye and the ten commandments. Old Testament God was vengeful. New Testament guy was forgiving yo


Well-Known Member
but aren't they the same guy? Was there a biblical election that we weren't aware of?
lol. yeah, it is the same guy, but i mean, in the old testament he's flooding the world, and sending out plagues, raining fire and brimstone, etc. etc. after jesus comes about he's all lovey dovey and forgiving. i dunno what made him change man, but somethin happened. :bigjoint: