first timer--anyone have feedback?


Well-Known Member
jesse where did you get superthrive?? how much?? hope not the internet?? i just want to go out and buy it i made it so far without the internet!


Well-Known Member
SORRY! I always find a way to fuck things up... confuse everyone...:o

Freaking gypsies...!!! thinking they can just go around posting where they please....!!!

I'll have a talk with ;-)
Where's Stalin when you need him...there's a man who knew how to deal with those damn gypsies...


Well-Known Member
its cheap for how you use it. Your only suppose to put ONE DROP per gallon. a little $8 bottle treats over 2000 gallons.


Well-Known Member
Day 56

Tomorrow will begin my 36 hour preflowering period! At 6 pm tomorrow I will unplug the lights for the aforementioned dark period until 6 am on Thursday. This will allow me to start my new desired light schedule, 6 am-6 pm lights on.

So I didn't water plant 3 last time because it wasn't ready. I am using the lift test and it was still pretty tonight I watered her using the flower nutes for the first time!! Per gallon of water I used:

I wantes to only add 1 TEASPOON of tiger bloom but instead I added THREE TIMES that amount! I hope she is ok....what can I say, I was high as fuck on some purple kush. You guys think it will hurt her?

I plan on feeding them 2 tbls of big bloom and 1 tsp of tiget bloom along with one tbls of grow big until week 3 of veg. Then I am going to cut out the grow big and up the big bloom and tiger bloom.

I was thinking of adding some of the following to my nutrient soup: B52, Monkeyjuice, tarantula, Sugar (in a bag by advanced nutrients), earth tea, carboload, calmeg, and a product that has sulfur and 2% sugar. I heard foxfarm is sulfur deficient...

Anyone with some solid knowledge have a take?

Ok well plant 1 is already flowering a believe. The tops are covered in long spikey white pistils. They are forming at pretty much every growth tip. Plant 2 is a little behind but I think she is flowering too. WTF!!?? Are they autoflowering or did I veg too long? Gimmie some knowledge, oh ye who know all that I do not! Thanks and GROW BIG!!

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Wow, you put your plants in transition for flowering? Shit, all I did was switch the light schedule @ 2 weeks from 18/6 to 12/12 and did a watering with Clearex and the next water was bloom and mine are doing great!


Well-Known Member
Wow, you put your plants in transition for flowering? Shit, all I did was switch the light schedule @ 2 weeks from 18/6 to 12/12 and did a watering with Clearex and the next water was bloom and mine are doing great!
Well there are a million ways to grow weed...

I have never done it before. i am opting for 24 hours of dark then switching to 12/12 after that, instead of 36.

It may not be neccesary but i am tryin it this time anyways.


Junior Creatologist
bro, you dont look like you need much feedback in here, you actually got some pretty knowledgable people in here helpin you out. Plus you got that heethan fucker Gypsy in here with his voodoo fuckin magical crap, so im sure hell help you out along the way, just be sure not to piss him off, or hell put the molacka on that ass, n your plantsll turn to shit overnight LOL:fire::fire: -- But seriously man, lol your lookin good. One thing i woulda tried though, would have been to keep your lights at 24/0, and then when your ready to flower just slam them right into 12/12. Its like shocking your plants, and making them panic, not knowing what to do with the sudden change. They then basically get thrown into overdrive, working to adjust to the lighting schedule change, and IMO end up working faster to produce pistils for ya. This is just shit that ive read and applied to my own grow, and i have no clue if its really more effective, because ive never done it the other way, lol. But it sure as shit does work, i get pistils within 6 days of 12/12, n then they just take off from there man :D

-anyways bro, good luck witth the fun part of the grow, cant wait to see the final product, ill be back around to see how things are goin for sure.

+rep man, n if you need any Charms to ward off curses or hexes that certain people may have put on you *cough*, lemme know man, i got them shits wholesale :D


Well-Known Member
bro, you dont look like you need much feedback in here, you actually got some pretty knowledgable people in here helpin you out. Plus you got that heethan fucker Gypsy in here with his voodoo fuckin magical crap, so im sure hell help you out along the way, just be sure not to piss him off, or hell put the molacka on that ass, n your plantsll turn to shit overnight LOL:fire::fire: -- But seriously man, lol your lookin good. One thing i woulda tried though, would have been to keep your lights at 24/0, and then when your ready to flower just slam them right into 12/12. Its like shocking your plants, and making them panic, not knowing what to do with the sudden change. They then basically get thrown into overdrive, working to adjust to the lighting schedule change, and IMO end up working faster to produce pistils for ya. This is just shit that ive read and applied to my own grow, and i have no clue if its really more effective, because ive never done it the other way, lol. But it sure as shit does work, i get pistils within 6 days of 12/12, n then they just take off from there man :D

-anyways bro, good luck witth the fun part of the grow, cant wait to see the final product, ill be back around to see how things are goin for sure.

+rep man, n if you need any Charms to ward off curses or hexes that certain people may have put on you *cough*, lemme know man, i got them shits wholesale :D
thanks man! if i get the juju i will get your line of products asap!

so the plants have had no light since 6 am this morning. tomorrow i will hit them with 414 ACTUAL watts of 2700k CFL's!

my new grow room setup is complete! i will get some pics up by friday!

goodnight i am tired from all the grow room construction. :leaf:

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Well there are a million ways to grow weed...

I have never done it before. i am opting for 24 hours of dark then switching to 12/12 after that, instead of 36.

It may not be neccesary but i am tryin it this time anyways.
Very true, though a million may be low-balling :-P Curious to see how your transition faze goes. Wish you the best and hope you jus keep smokin:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Very true, though a million may be low-balling :-P Curious to see how your transition faze goes. Wish you the best and hope you jus keep smokin:leaf:
Ok they have been under the 2700k light since 6 am! they look happy as hell!

i have buds growing everywhere! its crazy to me that mine started flowering at 20 hours of light. maybe because i vegged it for so long?

anyone wanna post some pics for me?

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
Ok they have been under the 2700k light since 6 am! they look happy as hell!

i have buds growing everywhere! its crazy to me that mine started flowering at 20 hours of light. maybe because i vegged it for so long?

anyone wanna post some pics for me?
Dang, buds already? Count yourself lucky!


Well-Known Member
any way i can post pics for you ??? im not sure how but i will help if i can?

Ok they have been under the 2700k light since 6 am! they look happy as hell!

i have buds growing everywhere! its crazy to me that mine started flowering at 20 hours of light. maybe because i vegged it for so long?

anyone wanna post some pics for me?


Well-Known Member
He will tell you what is goin on when i get done posting them!3

sorry they are out of order i did have to rename them all so i just pounded the keyboard not thinking about the alphabetizing:(



Well-Known Member
plants look good man !, thats a big ass CFL !!!
dont trust duct tape to secure lights... (if you are i cant tell for sure)