OmegaGarden's VolksGarden rotary garden round 2

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Well-Known Member
lolol oh man so you guys can see the pics and i cant? thats too funny

at the bottom it says that 'HTML code is Off' could that have anything to do with my posting wohs


Well-Known Member
lolol oh man so you guys can see the pics and i cant? thats too funny

at the bottom it says that 'HTML code is Off' could that have anything to do with my posting wohs
sounds like your computer is buggy. if you can't even see the pics. :-|

i just click reply. it takes me to this screen. there is a toolbar icon and a menu as well for attaching pics. i click it. it takes me to my files. i find the pic i want to post. i click it. then i hit upload. the pic loads. then i take that image code and put it in my post. i think this is how everyone here does it. :weed:


Well-Known Member
When omegafarmer/maximus tried to grow at my shop for advertising, he would grow the plants static and then stick them in the machine for pictures... I hope he is not leading u all astray just to sell his junk. A picture is not always as it seems. SNAKEOIL


Well-Known Member
I don't think this is omegafarmer. Omega farmer acted was defensive, childish, and annoying. This guy hasn't tried to get anyone to buy it. He's simply trying to shut up all the haters out there by actually providing a journal. Omega took other pics off the internet from other growers back at overgrow and posted them. Every pic I've seen is the same one. I don't believe he's even grown or shown a picture of his grow, flat or rotary. So that whole stickin them in the machine is bull shit. And EVEN IF IT IS omegafarmer, were still getting a grow journal... so don't hate. You've been hating on these things for a while, especially omegafarmer. I've seen your posts and I understand the hate for omega but max do his thing. Shit...


Well-Known Member
When omegafarmer/maximus tried to grow at my shop for advertising, he would grow the plants static and then stick them in the machine for pictures... I hope he is not leading u all astray just to sell his junk. A picture is not always as it seems. SNAKEOIL

From what I've read about all rotary systems, you have to start your clones in the rockwool in a static grow, to get them to root, other wise they won't stay in the cubes when they are upside down.


Well-Known Member
Yes and they can't survive the flopping around.

I was thinking you could try stuffing the rockwool so it's held tight, staking them, and pinning the leaves though if you really wanted to try to root in one. Stuffing a plug of rockwool alone so it can't loosen up and can't move at all would probably make a big difference but unfortunately all that work would be insane...

I'm not going to hate on this guy, and so far since he hasn't gone apeshit mad about all the hating yea I guess it might not be him. I guess it could be a lacky but lets just let this guy be and see how he does now.

I don't think there is any other method that can outdo a properly done rotary system... The only thing I wonder about these is if it's actually big enough to crank out as much as the claims have been but it will be great to finally see something, anything.

As much as I don't like omegafarmer there may be some merit to this size though, and there are good points to the design.
(Just being honest, don't have to like the guy to admit it might not be a bad product.)

We just have to see.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to hate on this guy, and so far since he hasn't gone apeshit mad about all the hating yea I guess it might not be him. I guess it could be a lacky but lets just let this guy be and see how he does now.

I don't think there is any other method that can outdo a properly done rotary system... The only thing I wonder about these is if it's actually big enough to crank out as much as the claims have been but it will be great to finally see something, anything.

As much as I don't like omegafarmer there may be some merit to this size though, and there are good points to the design.
(Just being honest, don't have to like the guy to admit it might not be a bad product.)

We just have to see.
I agree. It's nice to see someone actually giving it a shot, showing pics with how its actually working rather than acting like they've done a grow, but won't show any evidence.

I BELIEVE that this machine is possible of making the claims they provide, with some experience under your belt. But, I don't doubt that it will take some time to perfect, as does every other style of growing when you have no experience.

It sure would be nice if this machine can pull it off. I hope so...


Well-Known Member
Don't think it's easy though, it isn't, it's probably one of the toughest ways to grow as far as needing daily monitoring and more frequent res changes than any other method. And you have to really keep an eye on the watering and making sure you give one rotation at max per day but at first just one rotation every couple days and it changes as they age.

But they just force the plants to grow like mad, even though they're not doing much in the way of fancy watering, it's like just dipping a cube in a bucket of water 1/4" for a couple minutes is all.

I was thinking though if you got a strain you stuck to that was ideal and learned it and then could duplicate stuff very consitantly you could get a good rythm going with them and at some point probably automate all the changes on multiple units under full computer control. I can imagine pulling off nearly full hands off growing after a while except for all the cloning and loading and manual res cleaning if you used a very large res system with some automated flushes and changes that changed all the parameters as needed based on past data collected. (Like work I've done before in the legal plastics and die cast manufacturing sector with computer montioring and controls.)

(I was daydreaming of course....) Nobody could afford all that until it were legal, and then you'd have to be a really big player.


Well-Known Member
so i have a question??? When the plants are growing in the omega garden and are getting bigger and bigger do the roots ever out grow the rockwool??? do they just flop around untill the grow is over??? it dose not take that long for my roots to out grow "a what is it a 3in rockwool cube" if you could shed some light much aprecieated :)

peace out


Well-Known Member
I was thinking though if you got a strain you stuck to that was ideal and learned it and then could duplicate stuff very consitantly you could get a good rythm going with them and at some point probably automate all the changes on multiple units under full computer control. I can imagine pulling off nearly full hands off growing after a while except for all the cloning and loading and manual res cleaning if you used a very large res system with some automated flushes and changes that changed all the parameters as needed based on past data collected. (Like work I've done before in the legal plastics and die cast manufacturing sector with computer montioring and controls.)

(I was daydreaming of course....) Nobody could afford all that until it were legal, and then you'd have to be a really big player.
That would be cool though. I heard Nebula is an awesome plant for rotationary grows.

I forget the name of the individual that posted above me but, the air naturally prunes the roots.


Well-Known Member
Hi Max just finish readong both post on the volksgarden and its an amazing machine you got there dude, the pictures look great and evrything also one thing i wasnted to ask that i dont think u told us is that are you using clones?...which i thinnk you are and if you got any new pictures , im amazed on the volksgarden evrything looks great man , keep it up :)


Well-Known Member
sorry commented on your last grow that only 15 plants were well sized,
what was their weight?


Well-Known Member
yes i hear nebula has preferred status, and air pruning is right, there is no root beard.

yes on the clones - the latest pics are from just a day or so ago - trying not to let this take up a lot of time, and i seem to be less then nerdific, so it all take its toll. and if i am stoned like now then oh man i can spend too much time on it.

2 boxes with the larger one being 45" x 45" x 24" and the tray box is something like 30" x 12" x 45" and it ships on a pallet cause of its size but the whole thing is less then 80 lbs.

1 st grow was 1/2 lb w/600 watt lamp
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