outdoor noob


Well-Known Member
ok so recent events have pushed me to have to resort to growing outside. I was doing great with indoor growing but then again i didnt get all the way thru it. i still have seeds left over and want to grow outside. I plan on growing about 6 plants and only want to spend at most $10 per plant for the soil and all that stuff. So i have around $60 for the grow and already have some ferts from the indoor i started. they are normal veg and flower nutes. I need to kno tho what kinda soil i need to get and chems. to get to mix in with my grow soil when turning it. Im going to grow in the weeds and trees about 2 feet away from a pond. it will get full sunlight and is kinda sandy ground as i am in florida. any help would be great and rep will be given for great help. thank you all


Well-Known Member
ok so recent events have pushed me to have to resort to growing outside. I was doing great with indoor growing but then again i didnt get all the way thru it. i still have seeds left over and want to grow outside. I plan on growing about 6 plants and only want to spend at most $10 per plant for the soil and all that stuff. So i have around $60 for the grow and already have some ferts from the indoor i started. they are normal veg and flower nutes. I need to kno tho what kinda soil i need to get and chems. to get to mix in with my grow soil when turning it. Im going to grow in the weeds and trees about 2 feet away from a pond. it will get full sunlight and is kinda sandy ground as i am in florida. any help would be great and rep will be given for great help. thank you all
things you need to be concerned about growing outdoors:

#1) nosy neighbors
#2) outdoor critters

get some fox farm ocean forest potting soil and put them in 5 gal pots.

recommended to start indoors for about 3-4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
the neighbors are fine to one around and i been watchin this pond for a couple weeks and no one what so ever has been back there. the critters may be the only issue. ima put up some chicken wire but i dont kno how good that will work. I dont want to put them into pots tho cuz i want them to not stand out and since there by water they get water better. I also saw someone had said something about training them b4 puttin them outside if u start inside. what kinda trainin is needed


Well-Known Member
One person told me pine trees are bad to plant close to. Can anyone tell me if it's true or not?


Active Member
From what i have heard coniferous trees, such as pine trees, put off quite a bit of heat, so as to kinda serve to camoflauge the heat signature coming from the cannabis plants. I don't know if the root systems of these trees and the soil around them is conducive to growing premium cannabis. But this is just what i have heard and my own conjecture. If anyone knows more about the subject i would be interested to hear more.


New Member
One person told me pine trees are bad to plant close to. Can anyone tell me if it's true or not?
Outdoor PH has more to do with the mineral content of your soil and much less to the leaf/needle litter.

Pine trees do NOT affect the PH of surrounding soil. Whatever your PH soil tester tells you will remain true, no matter what tree is next to it.

Well, you are in for a great time growing outdoors. You will wonder why indoor is done at all except by the urbanites. Out door grow is EASY and FUN...... There is nothing that compares to the SUN.......

Good Luck...

out. :blsmoke:

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Well, you are in for a great time growing outdoors. You will wonder why indoor is done at all except by the urbanites. Out door grow is EASY and FUN...... There is nothing that compares to the SUN.......

Good Luck...

out. :blsmoke:
I HIGHLY agree with this statement.


Well-Known Member
+rep to you cracker. cant wait to hook it up. i think ima get a ho and tear up some dirt and start mixin some other bag dirt in with it as well. would that be pointless or could it help some?


New Member
Yes, if you are in Floriduh (:mrgreen:).... you should add some soil to your site. Throw some bone meal in there as well.

Okay, so now you can take the step for a GREAT and EASY grow NEXT year. Start a compost pile!! It's easy but takes about a year to be usable.

Here's an ez way to do it. Get about a 6 foot length of heavy wire gauge fence. I'm not talking about a hurricane fence...one of the garden types...although Home Depot is the best place to purchase. In the end about 6 X 6 ' section. I have 4 set up already. I bend the fence into a circle and tie wrap it solid. then bury the frame about 18 inches , maybe a foot if you have roots. It will look like a column. Voila! Add leaves and grass and coffee grounds, eggs...no meat products. You can add cow manure... not dog or cat. Horse is Okay but Cow is best. As the compost settles in the frame over time you can keep adding to it through the year. In 12 months or less, you will have some awesome soil for next year's grow. Organic healthy and sweet smelling.... Enjoy!

oops, forgot to add..... keep the compost in some shade...

out. :blsmoke:

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Nicely said, C.J. The 2' X 4" "welded Wire" fence is really cool. If cut in the properly way, the wires can be used to secure the circle. I also cut off the bottom wire, to give 4" of vertical wire to stick in the ground. It still has to be secures.
Molasses speeds up the compost breakdown. See Deulysown.com & dirtdoctor.com and captaincompostalabama.com for more info. I want to make a compost tea maker. One gal. of this will make 7 to 10 gals. of good nutes. The downside, it will make your thumbs green.


New Member
dude,,,sound good.but America is already in a garbage dump, dont want ANOTHER one in my backyard
First of all.... a compost pile is NOt a garbage pile.

Second, the U.S. has cleaned itself up quite a bit in the last 40 years....give her some credit. It was much worse. Try the glass being half full... it leads to a more satisfying life. Even if the glass is cracked.

Thanks ST.... I bury mine a bit deeper cuz my dogs love to mess with them :mrgreen: Oh yah, did I mention hurricanes? :lol:
out. :blsmoke:


New Member
They are so easy to set up. If you grow outdoors, then composting will greatly enhance your grow. Just remember no meat or dairy products in the compost. I layer mine usually green,brown,green,brown. Grass cutting followed by some leaves and coffee grounds, the whole time throwing in old veggies and egg shells.

So I go out to one of my composts yesterday and guess what I found?..... A stray green bullet :lol:

Now what? It's kind of given me an idea...... are you thinking the same thing I am? :mrgreen: Let's see.....

out. :blsmoke:



New Member
Yah, I wondered too. I raked up an area that i cleaned some weed weeks before. How it ended up in the exact right spot, I don't know :lol: Of course many more may have gone in and I am only noticing the one that germinated..... look, proof of the paranormal!! ... :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Outdoors has critters that want to share your grow. Pelletized slug bait and moth balls can help keep them away.


ok so recent events have pushed me to have to resort to growing outside. I was doing great with indoor growing but then again i didnt get all the way thru it. i still have seeds left over and want to grow outside. I plan on growing about 6 plants and only want to spend at most $10 per plant for the soil and all that stuff. So i have around $60 for the grow and already have some ferts from the indoor i started. they are normal veg and flower nutes. I need to kno tho what kinda soil i need to get and chems. to get to mix in with my grow soil when turning it. Im going to grow in the weeds and trees about 2 feet away from a pond. it will get full sunlight and is kinda sandy ground as i am in florida. any help would be great and rep will be given for great help. thank you all
if you only want to spend $10 a plant, i would suggest buying a bail of pro-mix BX. its like $30, and goes a long way...like 3.8 cubic feet. i think you might find fox farm to be a bit on the pricey side, for less dirt. and about the pine trees... i have never grown around pine trees, but i also heard from a friend that they are very acidic, and can throw the PH of your soil.


New Member
Under didn't read the posts.... pine trees asked and answered .. no problem :lol: pine trees will NOT throw the ph off of your site. When it comes to PH levels in soil, it is basically controlled by the minerals in the soil, not leaf litter from above. If you start in an area of 7, you will finish in 7.

out. :blsmoke: