Well-Known Member
Patriot act keeps us safe.
From the constitution.
From the constitution.
Geeze, here's the poster boy for why Bush was "elected" to the second term. The word Idiot seems a little mild for describing this kind of mentality. The world has looked into the WMD thingy and has decided, guess what, no WMDs, But Jax, being the consumate genious, has decided that Bush was right and we'd all be fucked had he not invaded. Jax, I think you ought to go to Texas and be the fan club of one welcoming Dubya back to the farm, Right where he belonged for the last eight years.Saddam admitted he had WMD's after he was captured. Didn't hear about it on the news? Not surprised.... Saddam shut down the program because of the costs involved, no other reason. Thank G*D for free markets, even in WMD'S.
He planned on using the "Oil For Food" program (remember that atrocity) monies to reconstitute his WMD program after the heat was off. he honestly just miscalculated with Bush, he never thought Bush would attack. Thank G*D he did, or today we would be looking at an unstable iraq with WMD's.
George has kept us safe at the cost of his reputation from those who are not civil citizens. I tip my hat to his choosing leadership over popularity.
I for one will never personally insult a President, ANY President. If that day happens, I will know I have lost my true objectivity and my info filters are forever tainted. I see some of oyu have already fallen over the cliff. I can barely see you.
awww med george aint going back to the farm man. they bought a mansion in big D. crawford was for the image, you know...cowboy...lolGeeze, here's the poster boy for why Bush was "elected" to the second term. The word Idiot seems a little mild for describing this kind of mentality. The world has looked into the WMD thingy and has decided, guess what, no WMDs, But Jax, being the consumate genious, has decided that Bush was right and we'd all be fucked had he not invaded. Jax, I think you ought to go to Texas and be the fan club of one welcoming Dubya back to the farm, Right where he belonged for the last eight years.
Well ... that's one!Am I the only one wondering why it would be considered a problem in the first place if Iran could make a bomb? Who are we to police who can or can't have what in the world? Where did the M.A.D. concept disappear to?
I like you're thinkin' GrowRebel..
Listen to the pot call the kettle black! Well let see here ... when did Iran illegally invade a sovereign nation based on lies? When did Iran stage a false flag attack against it's own citizens? When did Iran drop an nuclear bomb on a country? Sounds like you and the war criminals you support are the morons ...The reason iran can't have a single nuclear device is because they are tards..... to put it bluntly. If those morons build a weapon on Monday they will launch it on Tuesday.....they are morons.
Yeah the extremist nut case that continues to show the folks at home how you continue to blow shit out your ass and call it facts ... the extremist nut case that will continue to report on the war crimes committed by this illegitimate regime ...That's only a half-truth. They did in fact of WMD, but it was all from the 80s, and of questionable usability. Though you also fail to address what the trucks that conveniently vanished into Syria before the invasion were transporting. I don't think it would have been oil, because its inefficient to transport oil using vehicles that consume oil. You get into the horses to carry fodder for horses argument, where you have to have continuously more horses to carry the fodder for the horses carrying the fodder for the horses carrying the goods being transported.
Of course, I don't think I should be surprised that you're telling half-truths. You routinely sound like Grow-Rebel who is an extremist nut case.
What total bullshit ... who told you that? Fauxnews? Hussein never admitted to having WMD ... man are you fucked in the head ...it never ceases to amaze me how politically stupid people are ... and it's easy to keep the country safe when the one supposedly doing the "protecting" are the ones that were behind the attack ... the illegitimate bush regime just didn't stage another false flag attack ... nothing more ... and you keep falling for the shit ... out ...Saddam admitted he had WMD's after he was captured. Didn't hear about it on the news? Not surprised.... Saddam shut down the program because of the costs involved, no other reason. Thank G*D for free markets, even in WMD'S.
He planned on using the "Oil For Food" program (remember that atrocity) monies to reconstitute his WMD program after the heat was off. he honestly just miscalculated with Bush, he never thought Bush would attack. Thank G*D he did, or today we would be looking at an unstable iraq with WMD's.
George has kept us safe at the cost of his reputation from those who are not civil citizens. I tip my hat to his choosing leadership over popularity.
Proof please, proof, And in what context?Yes, Saddam admitted the WMD.
just imagine...your country has been thumping the hell out the surrounding countries since time begin and all the sudden your going to admit...."sorry folks we have no weapons"......I stand corrected Saddam said he was bluffing about the WMD.
Dangerous bluff cost him his life.
Yep, the lies you tell while on the campaign trail are whats gets you elected.
Saddam is taken' a good olde fashioned dirt nap...just imagine...your country has been thumping the hell out the surrounding countries since time begin and all the sudden your going to admit...."sorry folks we have no weapons"......