Saddam admitted he had WMD's after he was captured. Didn't hear about it on the news? Not surprised.... Saddam shut down the program because of the costs involved, no other reason. Thank G*D for free markets, even in WMD'S

He planned on using the "Oil For Food" program (remember that atrocity) monies to reconstitute his WMD program after the heat was off. he honestly just miscalculated with Bush, he never thought Bush would attack. Thank G*D he did, or today we would be looking at an unstable iraq with WMD's.
George has kept us safe at the cost of his reputation from those who are not civil citizens. I tip my hat to his choosing leadership over popularity.
I for one will never personally insult a President, ANY President. If that day happens, I will know I have lost my true objectivity and my info filters are forever tainted. I see some of oyu have already fallen over the cliff. I can barely see you.