• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

What's the biggest mistake Bush made?


New Member
Don't waste your time Melmac, you're either for Vi's guy, or you're a socialist, democratic, koolaid drinking, Obama worshipper in Vi's eyes.

I like your thinking though Mel, you're American, why do you have to be sub-classified? I agree...........


Well-Known Member
Surely you are not this much of a fool. DO you really think they are working with uranium to keep their mosques warm in the winter? They have an atomic bomb. My pprediction is they are holding it until Israel fucks with them and then they will blow up an Israeli city. You would have to be a complete tool to insist that because no one has photos of the bomb (our government isn't sharing if they do) it doesn't exist. Hell, the war in Iraq was founded on shakier evidence than my assertion that Iran has nukes. If I am wrong on this I will buy you a house in Detroit :clap:
...and you have to be a complete tool to believe what the government ... US and Israel tells you ... it's a well establish fact that they lie ...
the IAEA has found no nuclear weapons in Iran ...

IAEA report
One more time.
There is no Iran nuclear crisis.
There is a paranoid nation that is itself covertly building nuclear weapons underneath a supposedly peaceful reactor and in order to assuage its own guilt projects that every other nation must be doing the same thing. This paranoid nation attacked and bombed Iraq's power station claiming it contained a clandestine weapons factory. Examination of the rubble proved that it was nothing but a power station. The paranoid nation led the hue and cry that Saddam had banned weapons of mass destruction. after Iraq was bombed back to the stone age and occupied, that claim too turned out to have been a national hallucination by that sick little paranoid country; one that has cost the United States trillions of dollars and thousands of young lives.
And now, because nobody dares have an intervention with this sick little paranoid country, even as this sick little paranoid country openly defies the United Nations to go on dropping banned chemical weapons on to UN schools filled with schoolchildren, the paranoia now aims itself at Iran, who has always allowed IAEA inspectors full access to their power station.
No evidence of a weapons program has been found by the IAEA or produced by the sick little paranoid nation that wants the United States to kill all of its imagined enemies.
And you know, that is the problem with acceding to paranoia. No matter how many enemies you kill, there are always new ones being imaged every single day.

http://www.tehrantimes.com/index_View.asp?code=184534http://www.tehrantimes.com/index_View.asp?code=184534[URL="http://www.tehrantimes.com/index_View.asp?code=184534"]ElBaradei says Iran’s nuclear program is legal: report[/url]
IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei in a telephone interview with Al Hayat newspaper has reaffirmed that Iran’s nuclear activities are “legal”.

Lucky for you I don't want to move to Detroit ... :-P

Of course Iran is building a nuclear device.... wow, some people get trapped by their own ideologies. Ask why a country awash in CHEAP oil would pursue nuclear power? Connect the dots to the elimination of Israel (who has nukes but somehow is responsible with them....gosh) which is the current Iranian regimes sole goal, add in the puppet organization of Hamas which is an arm of Tehran, and you come to an OBVIOUS conclusion.

out. :blsmoke:
Yeah ... the obvious conclusion is ...You are both blowing the bullshit about Iran out your asses ...



Well-Known Member
Am I the only one wondering why it would be considered a problem in the first place if Iran could make a bomb? Who are we to police who can or can't have what in the world? Where did the M.A.D. concept disappear to?

I like you're thinkin' GrowRebel..


New Member
And by the way ... Melmac, don't be making the common error that is frequently made in this forum ... just because a person doesn't march to the tune of Obama and the rest of the fascist/communists/socialists in the Democrat Party, doesn't mean that that person voted for Bush.

First im not a democrat and you must have voted for bush.....Im an american voter.I would never belong to any of the major parties.They both suck......And another thing,im a american and everybody in the dem.and the rep.and independent party are americans also,...so my point is why are we calling ourselves one thing or another,we do not need any more things to tear the american people apart.Why do we need to call ourselves republican or democrat or a independent im a american and i want the best for my country.[/quote]

Did I say that you're a Democrat? No, I didn't, did I?

For your information, the last Republican I voted for, prior to this last election, was Ronald Reagan. In fact, the very first time I voted, I voted for John F. Kennedy, who by today's liberal standards, would be to the right of Darth Vader. ~lol~

Why do we need to categorize ourselves in one political party or another? Because people belong to those parties and believe in what they espouse. Personally, I've been registered as a Libertarian for at least 25 years now.

And, why do I refer to the Democrat Party as fascists, communists and socialists? Because that is exactly what the leaders of the Democrat Party are. Think Harry Reid, Teddy Kennedy and Nancy Pelosi.



Well-Known Member
Am I the only one wondering why it would be considered a problem in the first place if Iran could make a bomb? Who are we to police who can or can't have what in the world? Where did the M.A.D. concept disappear to?

I like you're thinkin' GrowRebel..
Hot-sexy pregnant chick, Iran is a dangerous country. They are what happens when organizations like the Taliban, Al-Quada, or Hamas gain control of resources and land. They appear to be a country with a government but that is a front for idealogical extremism, the kind that advocates blowing up things that are American and Israeli. Their possession of nucleur weapons is so dangerous because they might actually use them. It is worth the consequences of a pre-emptive strike to ensure they don't have nukes. As a pacifist in principle, Iran is the only country in the world I am willing to say that about.


New Member
But still Milf has a good point, why are we the world police? We can have as many bombs as we want, but they can't have one? (not that I want them to have one, I think nobody should have them including us).


New Member
But still Milf has a good point, why are we the world police? We can have as many bombs as we want, but they can't have one? (not that I want them to have one, I think nobody should have them including us).
hey Miss :mrgreen: (waves)

The reason iran can't have a single nuclear device is because they are tards..... to put it bluntly. If those morons build a weapon on Monday they will launch it on Tuesday.....they are morons.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey Miss :mrgreen: (waves)

The reason iran can't have a single nuclear device is because they are tards..... to put it bluntly. If those morons build a weapon on Monday they will launch it on Tuesday.....they are morons.

out. :blsmoke:
yep just like a 9 year old and fireworks, you know the kid will find a match.


New Member
Absolutely Diem ... Heck name an Arab country that if constantly attacked from its neighbors for years, that would not light one off.

I tip my hats off to the country of Israel....... I would be tempted to push the button on Hamas myself. Truly a grown up nation worthy of our support.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey Miss :mrgreen: (waves)

The reason iran can't have a single nuclear device is because they are tards..... to put it bluntly. If those morons build a weapon on Monday they will launch it on Tuesday.....they are morons.

out. :blsmoke:
This woul dbe ironic if you are american....

The only nation to attack civilians with nuclear bombs to date.


Well-Known Member
Its not what bush has done its why did the idiots vote him in for another 4 years.How quick people are to blame someone else.If the idiots did not vote him in office again a bunch of the crap would have never happen.so all you people who voted him in office,this is on your table.After the first 4 years the people should have known better.
he shouldnt have one in the first place . Gore should have. good ole Jeb Bush helped him get into office. :clap:.....wait....:spew:...there we go

fuck all the bushs :hump: ....evil mother fuckers :fire:


Well-Known Member
Whats most ironic about the situation with Iran developing nukes unchecked is we launched a full-scale war in a neighboring country because Bush said they had WMD but in reality they didn't have anything.


Well-Known Member
Whats most ironic about the situation with Iran developing nukes unchecked is we launched a full-scale war in a neighboring country because Bush said they had WMD but in reality they didn't have anything.
That's only a half-truth. They did in fact of WMD, but it was all from the 80s, and of questionable usability. Though you also fail to address what the trucks that conveniently vanished into Syria before the invasion were transporting. I don't think it would have been oil, because its inefficient to transport oil using vehicles that consume oil. You get into the horses to carry fodder for horses argument, where you have to have continuously more horses to carry the fodder for the horses carrying the fodder for the horses carrying the goods being transported.

Of course, I don't think I should be surprised that you're telling half-truths. You routinely sound like Grow-Rebel who is an extremist nut case.


New Member
Bushie was just on stumbling and fumbling through his final press conference..... "when I go home to Texass, I gonna color in my book, and do some picture pages, I might pick my nose............. Obama is gonna go in the oval office *sniffle dat be my office*


New Member
Saddam admitted he had WMD's after he was captured. Didn't hear about it on the news? Not surprised.... Saddam shut down the program because of the costs involved, no other reason. Thank G*D for free markets, even in WMD'S :lol:.

He planned on using the "Oil For Food" program (remember that atrocity) monies to reconstitute his WMD program after the heat was off. he honestly just miscalculated with Bush, he never thought Bush would attack. Thank G*D he did, or today we would be looking at an unstable iraq with WMD's.

George has kept us safe at the cost of his reputation from those who are not civil citizens. I tip my hat to his choosing leadership over popularity.

I for one will never personally insult a President, ANY President. If that day happens, I will know I have lost my true objectivity and my info filters are forever tainted. I see some of oyu have already fallen over the cliff. I can barely see you. :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Freedom of speech in in the constitution, you just can't see it with all the ass wipe marks in the way. :mrgreen:

and come on, never insult a president.......Nixon, Nixon, Nixon............:razz: