how do these look


Well-Known Member
thanks beaujanglez
its been using 5 ml of biobiz flower as stated on bottle per litre of water every other watering i can post pics of stem and tell you the temps when the lights come on. i also have my grow tent now. will it stress them if i move them when the light comes on


Well-Known Member
doctor cannabis shall i flush my plants as i got in my head i may have over fed them with nutes. thinking about it the white widow on the right has been getting a quite a few yellow leaves but i have been removing them. the leaves that are turning yellow just fade not start at the tip of the leaves. i dont want to loose them now. i will post pics in 2 and half hours when lights come on hopefully they can recover. also i made my room all dark and took the light out and put it in the grow tent so will post pics of my grow area too

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
It's ok to move them while awake, rather then asleep, because they're droopier during the night and tend to break and get hurt easier.

If you think it's overfeeding, flush them. If they don't recover at least slightly from the flushing, you'll know it's something else.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Hmm... that bend there looks just perfect. Some people that try to LST end up bending the stem badly so that nutrient flow is cut off at the bending point.

Judging by these pics, your plants are doing fine, they're just preparing to be harvested. How long have they been in flowering?


Well-Known Member
white widow about 4 weeks and power plant bout 3. so its not nute burn then. when i flush does it need to be room temp not to shock plant. also when i checked a min ago humidity was 70 and temp was 80.7 f

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I always prefer to keep my watering solution/water at room temp. It's easier on the root system that way.

Hmm... humidity usually gets very high during the night, so I'd guess it's normal, as long as during the day it won't go over 50-60%.


Well-Known Member
kk iwill use room temp. do you know why them leaves are curling down? i need to get a growers bible or somthing like that so i can know the symptoms of the plants. as it hasnt got that many weeks left should i start using less nutes and how many weeks do i flush for before harvest

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Use the same amount of nutes or maybe 3/4 strength. Leaves curl down from overwatering or narturally from lack of N, which is typical for an aging plant.

Start flushing when aprox 25% of pistils are red, that way you know that you will flush for some 2 weeks before it's really time to harvest. Flushing less than 2 weeks can still cause your buds to taste like nutes.

If you're looking for grow books, check some torrents, they have all the literature you need.


Well-Known Member
right the power plant is perking up now and the leaves on the white widow are pointing upwards a bit but there are a lot of yellow leaves. i flushed them both yesterday but is this normal as its finishing its life cycle as there are about 3 and half / 4 weeks left of is she dying will post pics later as im now off out

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Yes, it's normal for leaves to go yellow even so soon.

Your WW leaf tips may be curling up because of the fan. The fan could be too strong, lowering temps. Leaf tips curled up are a sign of low temps. You should reduce the fan speed so that your seedlings are only mildly moved and only the leaves of your mature plants shake slightly. That's enough airflow, no need to imitate hurricanes.

EDIT: I use a 12cm fan for intake and a 9cm fan for outtake and consider to have a perfect airflow and enough air circulation and plant movement to build up a nice, strong and resistant stem.


Well-Known Member
i have only just put the oscilating fan in but i was using 2 pc fans running on 9v power pack. shall i just go back to how it was with the 2 pc fans . i put the oscilating fan in there as the tent walls were damp so i thought it was to humid

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
You can do one of two things:

1. Put the pc fans back in. And if you think you have a humidity problem, let one work on intake and the other on outtake, in order to reduce humidity,

2. Keep the oscillating fan, but place it on a stool or small chair or stalk of books so it doesn't directly blow into your plants, but the air reflected by the wall will only gently move your plants.


Well-Known Member

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
For 57 pounds, that's a pretty sweet deal and lookin pretty good. One of these would also help with any humidity or temp problem.


Active Member
kk iwill use room temp. do you know why them leaves are curling down? i need to get a growers bible or somthing like that so i can know the symptoms of the plants. as it hasnt got that many weeks left should i start using less nutes and how many weeks do i flush for before harvest
awesome grow stuboy...If you're looking for a bible, I just picked up the marijuana horticulture the indoor/outdoor medical grower's bible by jorge cervantes...great book. Keep up the good grow..:weed: