how do these look

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Looks good... I'd also get some duct tape and tape the cables to the fixture so that the bulbs don't just hang from the little copper wiring that's held in place by the screws.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
it's always best to make a box fitted to your liking.

A box would be useful because you have more light in a smaller space. The negative issues are the heat that can build up and the lack of ventilation, if you don't use fans.


Well-Known Member
right as im ill and have no resources to make a box i have used this. 7 out of 10 seeds sprouted 2 of them are about 2 inches tall i think because they were with my other plants for 2 days rest are very tiny


Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Well, what strains are they? Depending on strain and grow space available you can determine the time for vegging. ore info is needed to efficiently answer your question.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
If you have the space for it, big bud can grow up to 1.2. It's a very very bushy plant, so don't give her 24/0, but 18/6, since I've seen her width grow larger then her height.

You can veg big bud for 3-5 weeks, depending on the efficiency of your grow space (light, humidity, co2, heat). It's best to flower her when she has 6-8 internodes or has already reached 30-40cm.


Well-Known Member
not been on here for a while been a bit busy. here are some update pics and i have put my 7 little ones in there aswell as the box they where in got to small so they are on a 12/12 cycle with the plants that are budding. i know i wont yeild as much from them this way but i have no where else to put them. also the white widow buds have crystals all over them but do not show well in the pics as the light messes up the camera. and i have got the power plant to bend over as it crept up to the top of the light so i used lst



Well-Known Member
also if i ad the 4 lights that produce 1000 lumen each will that help the growth or is it better to just leave it with the 250w hps

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
also if i ad the 4 lights that produce 1000 lumen each will that help the growth or is it better to just leave it with the 250w hps
The more, the merrier, so squeeze those lights next to the HPS if you can. It's always better to have more lumen shine on those plants.


Well-Known Member
did i hurt my girl by using 20-19-19 or something like it once? i used it because it said for flowering plants. i quickly watered and left it for four days. i could hurt it with that stuff right? what would happen.?

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
did i hurt my girl by using 20-19-19 or something like it once? i used it because it said for flowering plants. i quickly watered and left it for four days. i could hurt it with that stuff right? what would happen.?
Depends on what your fert-water ratio was. If you mix 1 drop of nutes with 1 gallon water, there's nothing gonna go wrong. Usually, it's best to use the concentrations described in the instructions of the nute bottle, when feeding mature plants.
Don't worry, extra nutes stay in the soil. It's constant overfeeding that produces high concentrations of nutes in the soil, that start to harm your plants.

i can allways rely on you to reply not many others do
Always here to help a fellow grower:weed:.


Well-Known Member
doctor cannnabis on my power plant there are a few buds the leaves around it that are droopy and rolled downwards and a few big fan leaves are yellow i thought this was the plant using the nutrients from them can you look at this pic and see if im doing somthing wrong. this is after i did lst. is it because of that. i pick up my grow tent today its 80 x 80 x 160 mylar lined so that should help them a bit


Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I have 3 questions for you:

What are the temps?
What/how much nutes?
Can you post a pic of the stem where it's bent (right there, close to the wall)?