White Lighter? Bad Luck?

A few months back I was on my way to pick up an ounce with a friend, he had the money in his pocket and he had these shallow pockets and was on a bike (i found out about the shallow pocket thing later, else i woulda fucking carried the money).

Just before i got to this guys house, my friend checked if he had the money, and it'd fallen outta his pocket, £140 gone like that, and no fucking bud, i was pissed so i went to light a cig, and i had a white clipper, plus im lefthanded, sucked.
so i decided yellow lighters are bad luck. ever since i have started carying mine not much has gone right. for instance i got my truck stuck tonight after hittin the bong with the yellow lighter. I carried it with me to the truck and lit a cig. i was drivin round and found a sand pile and was like i have been over worse in the truck but evadently i hadnt. sand smooshes in like just the right spot to get you bottomed out ontop of a pile. yea i was stuck for 3 and a half hours till my roomate left the bar and got me with his jeep. i miss my virginian rednecks.
I just found this on Urban Dictionary...

The real history to the white lighter myth and why they are unlucky is based on four famous and revolutionary musicians of the second half of the 20th century. Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrex, Janis Joplin, and Kurt Cobain were all left-handed, all died at the age of 27, and all their autopsies reported that a white bic lighter was found in their pockets. This is why it is said that white lighters are unlucky. So if you are 27 and left-handed, don’t use a white bic lighter, you will die.

I had a white bic once, and I got caught smoking by the po po while I was using it...I don't buy them anymore. lol

im left handed, and i have a white lighter, but im not 27 im only 20 but i have been havin the worse luck since i had it
meh, i always look at it as, whatever lighter it is, crack lighter, torch, those big grill lighters, matches, whatever .. if im high im lucky.
fuck white lighters man they suck. i was completely against it for the longest time and all my friends would say that they are bad luck. i'd respond by saying "no they're not they're only bad luck if you believe they are." then shit hit the fan when me and my boys were smokin a blunt down on the rocks where i live and a pig came down breakin balls shinin his light in our faces askin us if we were smokin a j. but he was cool and told us to wait a lil bit before we drove. during the whole ordeal my boy flicked the blunt over a 20 cliff thing and there was 3/4 of it left. so once the popo left we searched for that shit like crazy lol it took us like 30 minutes in pitch black to find it. i got my shoe soaked by steppin into a tidepool but i didn't care once we found that bleezy we sparked it and i was goooood. but in the end guess what we sparked that shit with? a white lighter....another story to prove that white lighters blow dick is that me and my boys were smokin a blunt down in this persons driveway and the driveway was at a good incline. so after we finish fishbowlin my car we go to leave to go to a party and guess what...we get stuck. turns out the whole driveways black ice so we're messin around for deep tryin to get my whip outta this shithole. we tried every technique possible and could not get out. we are all blazed slippin and slidin on the ice. it sucked not to mention it bein freezin cold. we ended up callin for reinforcements and my boys showed up wit his truck and pulled us out, but i had a white lighter on me and chucked that shit right there into the woods. i got mo stories but too lazy to tell them. bottom line is dont fuck with white lighters, just get rid of them.
dude the rep button on the layout u have is missing. you have to go to personal settings and all that and change the forum layout or somethin along them lines. i had that problem forever and finaly figured it out cuz no one knew what i was talkin about
at the moment im using a green lighter. i like it cuz its green like bud. so i kno its my bud lighter. i usualy go with the pink bic tho
wow that whole jimi hendrix thing is crazy; never heard of it before. But I was always told it was the yellow bic that was bad luck not a white one. Either way, mines blue so it doen't matter to me.
wow that whole jimi hendrix thing is crazy; never heard of it before. But I was always told it was the yellow bic that was bad luck not a white one. Either way, mines blue so it doen't matter to me.

That's what I've always heard as well.
A couple years out of High School (A long time ago) On my way to a bar my lighter died. We stopped at the only G station for miles and miles to get a new lighter. Now mind you I have heard of this riddiculous white lighter myth before but never paid attention to it as nothing has ever happened to me before. The G station only has ONE LIGHTER LEFT, and its white, so I grab it and off we go.
We get to the bar and start a so far, fairly good night out. A month prior to this I broke my leg racing my quad so I was on Crutches and in a cast. I was with 2 guys and a chick, meeting another 3 girls and 3 guys at the bar. At about midnight I'm sitting at the bar and a smokin hot blonde comes over to order a drink, she turns to me and says hey there gimpy , you got a light. So I of course being the gentleman I am lit her smoke for her (white lighter) and bought her drink. We chatted for a few, one drink turned to a few. Another girl I knew happened to be there saw me and came over to say hello. She walked up and immediately asked for a light, so being the gentleman I am I lit her smoke for her(white lighter) and introduced her to the hot blonde next to me. Turns out they are old friends. The one girl says, how do you have sex when your on crutches, I said I can show you if your interested, she smiles and says that depends on if your other friend (hot blonde) wants to help hold you up, she hears this and says why hold him up when he can just lay there and let us use him to our advantage. I'm thinking to myself , NO FUCKING WAY. Bartender!!! 3 Tequillas Fucking PRONTO!!! I tell my buddy my ships finally come in so they are on their own getting home because I'm leaving with the chicks.
So these two broads are walking with me out to my car, I pause for a minute and pull out a FATTY and start firing it up (white lighter). Out of the corner of my eye I see some dude looking into my ride with a flash light. So I hobble on over and ask what the fuck he's doing. He gets pretty shitty with me telling me to mind my fucking business, Being its my ride he was checking out (I didnt tell him this) It was my business, so I told him to get fucked and he grabs my arms and slams me into the car next to mine, so I lit the (white lighter) in my hand and burned him so he let go, and I RAILED his ass with one of my crutches.
Both the girls screamed and I looked over only to get Rocked in the jaw by this guys buddy (or at least I thought) coming from the other side of the car. By that time 3 of my buddies were coming outside and saw the ruckus and ran over to help my handicapped ass.
As we were literally kicking the ever loving shit out of these two guys more people started to pour out into the parking lot, some on our side, some on their side. Then The cops started showing up, within minutes 20 cops and 100+ people were BRAWLING out in the parking lot. I got grabbed by the cops and put into the back of the cop car, it was all unfucking believable. In the huge scrap a buddy of mine saw me in the cop car and opened the back door and let me out. We ran off to another buddies car and took the fuck off. At this point all I wanted was a cigarette, somehow I had lost my (white lighter) in the fight. I asked the dude that let me out of the cop car if he had a light he pulls out(and i'm not shitting) a white lighter and says here I found this in the parking lot, keep it.
Turns out the guy looking into my ride was an off duty cop, his buddy was his partner. One got a broken jaw/nose (from my crutch) and the other went to the hospital from the good ass kicking he got. 30 people were arrested and we made the local paper. The headline BAR BRAWL in the article it said police were looking for a man on crutches. I cut the cast off the next day and never heard from the two girls or the police again.

It's the only white lighter I own. And I keep it in a case on my dresser.

GOOD TIMES Sorry so long
Ive always heard they were bad luck butthat bit about Hendrix and Morrison dying with one in their pocket is BS. I dont even think Bic manufactured lighters then. I dont use white lighters because them being bad luck has been burned into my brain, but I mentioned to someone in Greece this summer that they were bad luck when the lady went to light a cig with one, and the lady totally bugged out on me, like I put a curse on her or something and she went ballistic on me and freaked out. So, now I dont tell anyone that they are bad luck./