CO2 from candles?


Well-Known Member
At that rate, I'd be changing tanks every 2 weeks..But I've figured a way to feed just the plants. In an SOG run a feeder tube to a manifold to PVC lines running between the rows. First though I'm going to take that co2 gen from above , but use 2 catalyst chambers to 0 pressure chamber 2x the size, then into the feeder lines.


Well-Known Member
At that rate, I'd be changing tanks every 2 weeks..But I've figured a way to feed just the plants. In an SOG run a feeder tube to a manifold to PVC lines running between the rows. First though I'm going to take that co2 gen from above , but use 2 catalyst chambers to 0 pressure chamber 2x the size, then into the feeder lines.
What fuel?? Is this a burner,tank, sugar and yeast, ? If so explain alittle better im intrested....


Well-Known Member
earlier in this thread there's a yeast sugar gen check it out. He says it'll do 9 sq ft. Then I'll explain my changes..get a pencil and paper*lol* It'll be easier if you draw as I type*g*


Well-Known Member
Excellent so you will have LEGIT data on a sugar yeast setup...... Sounds tech with pressure cycliders and primary tank.... How are you going to catch in the primary? Or is the primary going to be your mixing tank? And the PLUMBING !!???!?!?!?!?

Check out hormones dude.... Ive been researching it for weeks still getting my head around it all and have a thread as per in sig! Inexpensive CLEAN and 100% more effective.... But once i have that dialed then Ill do Co2 but I think a propane BURNER!


Well-Known Member
you may as well use a PAINTBALL cyclinder.... or go the hog with the effort though!
+rep if you pull it off....


Well-Known Member
The problem with propane is what if the power goes out? I've lost kittens when the auto shutoff didn't. Never again. So I'm upbuilding his sugar yeast. No moving parts.


Well-Known Member
Page 4 post 36.

What I'll do is take his system*excellent by the way* and super size it for better flow as I've got an oscillating fan. Picture 3 bottles in a row. 1 2l then milk, then 2l. From each 2l run a tube into the milk, sealing the openings running the tubes to the bottom of the milk jug. Then run a tube from the milk jug to the manifold keeping that tube above the liquid.
Mix 1lb sugar and 1oz yeast in water in the 2l bottles. In the milk jug put water.
The manifold splits the flow. Be sure that each leg off the manifold is equal to maintain flow equality.


Well-Known Member
That's a good idea, a lot safer then candles but I think it would cost more then candles because of the sugar and not give off as much co2, good thinking though there might be another even better way.

i get great co2 with 5 gal bucket
it cost me every week i bag of sugar 3 teaspoon yeast

its about 3.50 cents a week