CO2 from candles?

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
nice grow! About how much do you get off each plant? Are those two seperate grows, one hydro and one soil? What lights are they under? And yet another question( the last one I swear), what strain?


Well-Known Member
nice grow! About how much do you get off each plant? Are those two seperate grows, one hydro and one soil? What lights are they under? And yet another question( the last one I swear), what strain?
those are just pics of different grows of people i know. they are pulling pounds with no CO2. :weed:

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
I know co2 won't drastically increase your yeild and you can grow fine without it but it seems that the more co2 you have the better your plant does in all respects, faster growth, stronger stem, pest resistance, higher yeild. According to the experiments anyway. And if you can get it cheap and easy then you might as well have a go.


Well-Known Member
nope, but go ahead and try.
Outdoors is a lot more ideal enviromnment than indoors and remember something was said about everything else having to be 100%... Outdoors is 100%

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
I might try the yeast idea but your probably right about candles giving off harmful fumes. Speaking of outside grows, I'm going to try an outdoor grow in may, buy 15 random outdoor seeds from a site I found, germinate them inside then go to the woods around my house and plant them in hidden spots. I don't know why more people don't try that, If you got an ounce off each which would be a very conservative estimate then that would be a pound for virtually no effort.


Well-Known Member
Use a bunch of autoflowering beans. They'll stay small enough they won't be a big beacon for the police and theives.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
I will do if I can find any, thanks. But there aren't many police or thieves roaming around the woods in the sleepy village of (where I live, I ACTUALLY almost said then:dunce:) It rains a lot in england so I won't need to water them and we don't have deers or anything that would eat them. Do you have any idea how much I could expect off each plant, I though about between 1 ounce and 4 ounces.


Well-Known Member
regular plants outdoors in full sun?
A pound or two ea and over 6' tall if they have the whole season to grow and you take care of them.


Well-Known Member
I will do if I can find any, thanks. But there aren't many police or thieves roaming around the woods in the sleepy village of (where I live, I ACTUALLY almost said then:dunce:) It rains a lot in england so I won't need to water them and we don't have deers or anything that would eat them. Do you have any idea how much I could expect off each plant, I though about between 1 ounce and 4 ounces.
:weed:hey we have deer in england and rabbits will eat them for sure.


Well-Known Member
Watch out though, you get even more rain than we do and quite likely you'll end up with bud rot and could get nothing off them useable.

Autoflowers... Finish before the the worst of the rain and cold.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
A POUND!... OR TWO!! Jesus, if I thought i'd get that much off them i'd sit by them day and night and beat the pesky rabbits off them with a shovel. I was going to find three seperate wooded areas and plant 5 in each. I'll definatly be trying that then, even if only one plant survives i'll have enough weed to make it worth it. There aren't any deer around where I live, the woods are only small and couldn't support deer. I'll plant in early may and harvest whenever they look ready, probably october.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
Watch out though, you get even more rain than we do and quite likely you'll end up with bud rot and could get nothing off them useable.

Autoflowers... Finish before the the worst of the rain and cold.
It rains more in summer over here then autumn and winter put together. There's not much I can do about the rain, I'm prepared to lose a few plants, and if I plant them far away from each other it would be unlikely that all of them would get bud rot I would of thought.


Active Member
could the scented CO2 from the candles (if you used one) effect the genetics of the plant while its growing?

jus wonderin


Well-Known Member
If you are planting under tree's that block the sun at any time during the day that cuts it way down though, I gave numbers for full sun.

Beating rabbits with a shovel. You would need to stand guard 24/7 hands at the ready with that thing, 'cause they're fast.


Well-Known Member
so how does this work? you mix it all together in a bowl and place the bowl near the plant?
You use a container like a plastic milk bottle, run a hose from the top of the
milk bottle to a bubbler it bubbles up through some H20 and collects at the top of the bubbler, then it goes through a tube to your plants.
(Take a look at the Pics)

If fact, i've just remembered something, I'm sorry that I have to disagree with the professionals but I read that in every experiment that has been done to test the effect of co2 levels on plant growth the more co2 they put in the atmosphere the faster the plants grew.
30% - 100% increase in growth using CO2
You can use to much CO2 and kill your plants, but I think it's a high number like 3000, 4000 ppm maybe higher.

There'd better be some CO2....LoL



Well-Known Member
What is with all the misconceptions and wrong answers today?

30% to 100% increase in growth? Where did you get those numbers?

Do you really think we would say not to use it if it were going to do that for you people? We spend time on here trying to help people in every way you can imagine and sure wouldn't hold that little tidbit back if it applied to your grows.


Well-Known Member
What is with all the misconceptions and wrong answers today?

30% to 100% increase in growth? Where did you get those numbers?

Do you really think we would say not to use it if it were going to do that for you people? We spend time on here trying to help people in every way you can imagine and sure wouldn't hold that little tidbit back if it applied to your grows.
Even though CO2 enrichment can mean 30-100% yield increases, the hassle, expense, space, danger, and time involved can make constant or near constant venting a desirable alternative to enrichment. As long as the plant has the opportunity to take in new CO2 at all times, from air that is over 200 ppm CO2, the plants will have the required nutrients for photosynthesis. Most closets will need new CO2 coming in every two or three hours, minimum. Most cities will have high concentrations of CO2 in the air, and some growers find CO2 injection unnecessary in these circumstances.
Reference Link:

I just don't make this stuff up. :joint:
Not to use what? CO2?
100% increase in CO2 will give you a 35% - 45% increase in growth/yield
100% increase isn't that much. Average CO2 ppm inside the house are like 400ppm. thats only 800 ppm. They say to run your CO2 at 1200 ppm to 1400 ppm. thats 2 to 2.5 times the average CO2.
I'm not saying that you can't gro with out increased levels of CO2, but the
potential is there for increased growth. How much growth depends on several variables. We know that plants use CO2, these plants that we grow have life spans measured in months. It doesn't take many brains to figure out that any added CO2 will be beneficial to the growth of the plant.


Well-Known Member
if you're grwing inside, you have enough co2. The trick is to have a sufficient intake fan,or exhaust. I run 2x 115cfm fans which means a complete change of air in about 2.25 minutes That supplies enough co2, but we do have true animal house here so lots of gases!

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
My venting system is not that great because I have a makeshift carbon filter that slows down airflow, so co2 enrichment might be a good idea for me, I'll try the yeast method that topfuel suggested.