Myth Schmyth...Truth is we don't know...


Well-Known Member
yeah, i dont smoke for physical pain as much as i do for stress. but i can get to be a crabby-ass when without as well. i can get really high-strung when straight.


Well-Known Member
uh huh :)

That's pretty common.

I had to do today what I loathe doing and had my doc give me a
script for codeine. That's why I'm cool today without pot.


Well-Known Member
i myself am not a fan of pharmacuticals, scripted or otherwise. my daughters mother and whole family are pill poppers....fucking losers.

hope your doin alright my man.


New Member
I'm not a big fan of pills either. Seems that's all the doctors want to do anymore is get everyone on a shitload of prescriptions. Like half of all adults in the US are on Lipitor now.

My bro-in-law was on Lipitor and he went off of it and his cholesterol levels went down after stopping the medication. I quit taking it and now the doctor won't check my cholesterol level at all. I really wanted to see what my level was after being off the medication. I'm now thinking my doctor has something to hide.


Well-Known Member
treatment is more profitable than a cure...think about it, what does a phamacutical company have to gain by curing something? they can cure something once or treat it forever, which makes them more money?


Well-Known Member
treatment is more profitable than a cure...think about it, what does a phamacutical company have to gain by curing something? they can cure something once or treat it forever, which makes them more money?
Oh boy, here we go, the conspiracy of Big Pharma...:rolleyes:


New Member
Half of all US adults are on Lipitor, I bet the CEO of that company is laughing all the way to the bank. Especially seeing that peoples cholesteral goes DOWN when they STOP taking the drug. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out, just takes a person who's head isn't in their ass.


Well-Known Member
I just want you to know it isnèt conspiracy,
the whole thing was planned as a new market for the new age,
through the human genome project,
Its the same thing as the industrial revolution,
cept itès controlled by the business class,
I have a split mind,
I see things on both sides of the mind,
thats why I call myself good and evil,
and thereès no such thing as being crazy,
its just the man trying to make more money by squeezing your pockets dry,
just so they can be the number one rich one in the world,
power like that isnt flavourful for me,
like I would still run the country if I lived in a box on the corner of yonge and bloor,
I dont want money I want to fix the problems for you guys,
I just want you to know that there is no such thing as bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, manic depression, or anything like that. Human nature creates disorder to battle order, like yeah they are real things, but the people with them are not fucked up in any way, they actually have more understanding than anybody else in the world.À
So fuck you white man for calling me a schizophrenic because it made me find the truth in your lies,
thereès no such thing because everything is laid out to go to plan by the spirits of the universe,
if your somebody important like me try fucking up and getting away with it,
I canèt go anywhere anymore without people trying to help me,
because Ièm out to do something awesome,
for the first time maybe our world can be built on love instead of greed,
and still work as efficiently.
I have a dream.
If you live anywhere near toronto,
I will be downtown in the flesh,
if you want to kill me,
then Im calling you on,
but Im in the matrix and Ièm sent to do shit,
and I know everytype of kungfu at lightning fast speeds,
no knifes if you want to stop me,
just skin to skin and we will see who wins.
So yeah there is no conspiracy to the placebo effect.
Also when you take medications you just prolong the sickness,
so you need to pay out instead of being cured,
itès pure fucking evil to do that to my homies,
and I hope you know I care and Ièm standing up for it.


Well-Known Member
Oh and marijuana is actually the medicine of the people and itès everything you need to survive in one plant for mankind.
Yeah and you can belive me because I know spiritually and everything is a reality.
The problems you see are real ones.
If you can see a blinfold itès put there to control you.
And yeah itès to keep you in fear to control you,
by making you feel inabled,
and disabled,
but everybody everywhere is capable of speaking mind to mind,
or freethinking.
There is nothing wrong with anybody, your all put here to do something,
and the reason your fucked up is because your better than everybody else in some way,
which is needed at the right moment.
I love you, stop thinking your not normal because normal is evil,
normal is the shit that controls you,
and wanting to fit in and be viewed as perfect is a shitty temptation,
then being real with people and speaking your mind.
So get off the fake shit and onto the real shit,
marijuana will heal you because THC is the chemical of gods,
and we are all gods of the planet.
Im just the saint that is the seeker of truth,
and will be honest and not lie to you.
put me in power with your hearts people.
I love you all.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a big fan of pills either. Seems that's all the doctors want to do anymore is get everyone on a shitload of prescriptions. Like half of all adults in the US are on Lipitor now.

My bro-in-law was on Lipitor and he went off of it and his cholesterol levels went down after stopping the medication. I quit taking it and now the doctor won't check my cholesterol level at all. I really wanted to see what my level was after being off the medication. I'm now thinking my doctor has something to hide.
Well this last week on codeine might have broken me down to the idea of trying some kind of pills all the time again. I've been such a dick with attitude most of the time trying to control things with only weed and otc pain pills and it just doesn't seem to be working out compared to how I have felt on the codeine. I seem to be happier and have a shitload less attitude.

Still don't want to... But I think I'm beat. I don't like supporting big pharma, but have to admit I don't know what I'd do if that option weren't at least there if when I need it.


Well-Known Member
Well this last week on codeine might have broken me down to the idea of trying some kind of pills all the time again. I've been such a dick with attitude most of the time trying to control things with only weed and otc pain pills and it just doesn't seem to be working out compared to how I have felt on the codeine. I seem to be happier and have a shitload less attitude.

Still don't want to... But I think I'm beat. I don't like supporting big pharma, but have to admit I don't know what I'd do if that option weren't at least there if when I need it.

sounds like it would be legitamate use of pharmies if there ever was one. my disdain for pharmies comes from misuse and the over-drugging of the masses. if you hurt and it helps, do it.


New Member
Life is full of and Ill quote (EXPERTS) is born is these so called EXperts dont no their ass from a hole in the guessing idiots....


Well-Known Member
Why does a Poppy have opium latex in it? Why does the Coca plant effect us the way it does? Why do mushrooms trip you out? Why does Mj have THC? Who knows but what effect it all has on us must be accedental. Either way I'm glad they have what they have!lol Cat Nip anyone?


New Member
well..for one im stoned so im not talking about the question asked that started this sure experts have an answer as to what the soul purpose of thc is for... just simply rambling man...thats what im talking