Where did you get your seeds shipped to?


Well-Known Member
I would like to order some lowryder from attitude but i dont really want to order it to my house. I was thinking my friends house but i would think it would be wierd to ship a package to his house and tell him its for me and have a name on the package that isnt mine. I'm just curious of what you did when you bought seeds online.

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
i shipped them to my house,just a one time thing and it was only 20 ww and 10 skunk#1,i saved 15 ww and just clone off the originals for like a year and a half now,and no ones knocking on my door.

i'm not saying to do it this way,but it works,you should really have them sent to your friends so you can sleep at night."i just moved to a new state and didnt have any one to send them to exept me"


Well-Known Member
Still curious if anyone else would like to share were they got their seeds shipped to.


Well-Known Member
attitude beat ass at shipping , select the stealth mode and get urself a funky peice of clothing included - just check my stylish t !
but yeh , to my house was where they came , quick as shit might i add


Well-Known Member
attitude beat ass at shipping , select the stealth mode and get urself a funky peice of clothing included - just check my stylish t !
but yeh , to my house was where they came , quick as shit might i add
Yeah i think i may do that, setting up my first grow now with bagseed and we will see how that turns out then i'll head online. Thanks again guys.


Well-Known Member
my house from the 'tude. I only ordered AK-48 and G13 Power Skunk, should be here in a bout a week. I was thinking of sending it elsewhere but ah, too much trouble.



Well-Known Member
Wha about a P.O Box?
To be honest I think a P.O. Box would be the same as getting it ordered to your house. You need to provide an ID when getting a P.O. box if im not mistaken, althought i've never tried before so I could be wrong but i'm almost positive.


Well-Known Member
umm i use pick and mix
5 days and there here usually
reliable and you can get them sent wherever you want

except to the us. they dint deliver anywhere there atm sorry :)


Well-Known Member
p.s sorry i forgot my name and i send them wherever they have to be sent.

a tip if they dont come. find a new address customs will send you a letter if they catch you more than once. i found out the hard way

if you can get away with it i recommend using a different name and what not
although a lot of places wont do this:(

there are some tho

thats how you order in make believe world


Well-Known Member
What about names/credit card info. Did you use your real name? Did you use a pre-paid credit card?


Active Member
I've always been hesitant to order seeds online even though I've been seeing ads for them for years in High Times and online. I was even too scared to bring some home from Amsterdam, but I didn't have a place to grow at the time so it wasn't really an issue.

I've just started growing again and ordered seeds from dopeseeds.com because I wanted to grow something worthwile. I payed with my paypal debit card and they showed up in my mailbox a little over a week later. I won't hesitate to order again, but I will keep it to no more than 20 seeds at a time.


Well-Known Member
use a prepaid card. find somewhere you wont have to sign for it.. or just use your card. a good bank will let you pay with one name and send it to another shipping address


Well-Known Member
Shipped to my house from Attitude. I also used my card. I am not too paranoid about stuff like that though lol.


Well-Known Member
My parents house!

I just got my own place so it was quite convenient

I wouldn't really wouldn't worry about it though, the police don't have the time to get warrants for everyone that bought seeds and then execute them