Where did you get your seeds shipped to?


Active Member
I placed two orders with the Doc and got em in three shipments delivered to my place and i paid with my credit card! at first i was so nervous but later oni realized its not a big deal think about it its only seeds! also i would say depands what state ur in i guess? i herd some guys got confiscated somewhere near chicago! btw im in cali.....................

good luck!


Active Member
am kinda skeptical about ordering them , but i look at the picture as, there just seeds,
how big of a problem can that be


Well-Known Member
i used to use my own name and adress (i listened to that stupid advise too)

id use your addrerss & diff name at least you can dispute it. ( i got a customs letter)
least if its a different name you can deny its yours or something your name your gonna find it hard and have to cop it sweet like i did...

depends what you post office is like.. i know i have to pick mine up from there....
lucky ive got them convinced i someone else now :)

i wish i didnt use my own name to begin with now :(

customs cought my shit once... and sent me a warning i cant get caught again.... hence the diff name.

i gotta use diff adress and name every time now :(

and as far as customs is conserned contraband is still contraband punishable by fine or jail..

no shit the letter says it. pretty much it does anyway..

i love seedbanks. but just be careful... a good seedbank will give you a few shipping and payment options... making the fake name and adress easily done...


Well-Known Member
Ok, i guess im gonna be ordering from these guys with my real name, address. Suggestions on odor?


Well-Known Member
sorry mman my lased post was meant to say i used to us my real name and thats a bad idea

id go fake name yo9ur adres least you can argue you have no idea why they came..

sorry for the fuck up...

i highly advise using a diffrent name if u can..

sdorry for the typo

ill edit so its right read it agai in a minute plz...


Active Member
In my opinion if you are ordering lets say 40 or less u should be fine! what the worse that could happen? u wont get your seeds!


Well-Known Member
^^^ Exactly. Also, forget about finding a strain that doesn't smell. Some are worse than others, but they all stink. I'd definitely stay away from skunk strains in particular.


Well-Known Member
Dude. if you order seeds from attitude they come inside a t shirt. The package is very discrete as well. Do not be paranoid...the seeds do not smell. Now IF they smell, they still come inside another package...here are pics:

I WONT post the picture of how the package came for security purposes though...but trust me...its not a big deal. Just order em!!


Well-Known Member
IMO, #1 Rule = Somewhere that you will not be growing and preferably not somewhere that you have grow equipment shipped to. You've gotta have some real balls to order to the house you'll be growing in, under your own name (unless you have a medi permit).


Well-Known Member
k, so my plans got messed up today. Was told to get all of my stuff relating to weed out of the house... lol so im fuc*ed after setting up my computer space and everything =/


Well-Known Member
howd they get messed up????

did you get a customs letter or sumfin..... i did thats y i cant really order seeds any more :( but ya get that.... i had an order get caught got and my letter from customs. strait to my address strait to my name. BUSTED now im fucked i can really order anything anymore and if i do its gotta be small (less chance of being seen) ut i just wont order for a fair while i think....

or are you getting raided.. im due for court soon... im still trying to figure out whether i who told on me.... customs, or someone i know.

hope all goes well for ya tho. least you gota heads up. i was on roll it up when they raided lol.


Well-Known Member
howd they get messed up????

did you get a customs letter or sumfin..... i did thats y i cant really order seeds any more :( but ya get that.... i had an order get caught got and my letter from customs. strait to my address strait to my name. BUSTED now im fucked i can really order anything anymore and if i do its gotta be small (less chance of being seen) ut i just wont order for a fair while i think....

or are you getting raided.. im due for court soon... im still trying to figure out whether i who told on me.... customs, or someone i know.

hope all goes well for ya tho. least you gota heads up. i was on roll it up when they raided lol.
Parental units.


Well-Known Member
oh ok...
thought you might have been in some shit like i am lol.

i dont really care tho. ive said it once ill say it again im gonna keep smoking weed ass long as my ass faces the ground lol.

well i wish you luck on any future endevours anyways :)