Myth Schmyth...Truth is we don't know...


Well-Known Member
Uh huh, out... Flat busted and snowed in but you are wrong and all you would have to do is try it. Is it that much to ask that if you are going to isist you are right and my dog didn't get fucked up when he fucking did and that it won't fucking work without fucking butter that you try it.

Does it make any sense that it wouldn't work in the wild raw. Are you dense?

I mean, Sorry, peace and love... Friend :)


New Member
Uh huh, out... Flat busted and snowed in but you are wrong and all you would have to do is try it. Is it that much to ask that if you are going to isist you are right and my dog didn't get fucked up when he fucking did and that it won't fucking work without fucking butter that you try it.

Does it make any sense that it wouldn't work in the wild raw. Are you dense?

I mean, Sorry, peace and love... Friend :)
I have tried it. I should have said that right out. When I was about oh, 16 or 17 I ate about two joints worth of weed. I got a stomach ache and later slept like a baby. I wasn't impressed with it. later I read up on it and have tried many, many concoctions. My favorite by far is marijuana milk. Use or a shot glass or be forewarned. It can be over done VERY easily. :sleep:


Well-Known Member
Where do I have to point out the error in your ways young man or woman or old man or whatever?

Ok, you are right. THC has no use in the wild and god gave it to us and evolution is a myth and jesus saves.

Eat 4 bowls of your chronic you have now, right now. That will be my treat you can't send me that you say won't work and will be wasted. Make them fat bowls worth.

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
The purpose of thc to the plant. It could be to discourage insects, protect from UV rays, encourage pollen adherence....It could also be all three of these or none of these. I don't think evolution has has an exclusivity clause. :cuss:

What is my point? just bugs me when we claim to know things we don't:bigjoint::dunce:

carry onbongsmilie:eyesmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke::blsmoke::peace:
It may serve all or none of those purposes as you say, but it's important to note that marijuana as it exists today with THC levels easily rising over 10% did not exist 100 years ago. Over such a short time period, this was clearly not a natural evolution. Rather, plants with naturally high levels of THC have been specifically selected and bred by man to propagate this feature. So the THC content certainly does serve one undeniable evolutionary purpose, to serve man :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Wow are you wrong about that, with the thc levels and 100 years, and well everything. Did you get this from the just say no campain or similar where they claim we have now made killer monster weed 100 times more potent than our fathers had and that children need to be protected? :)

It sounds exactly like that same old line of crap.


Well-Known Member
Ok, enough is enough is enough this time I swear. Someone else who knows a few things beyond what is in the books needs to take over.


Well-Known Member
It seems like you guys are arguing for the sake of arguing. You both made good points, but I see nothing WRONG with anything OregonMeds said. YES, extracting THC into a something with fat in it is the IDEAL way to consume marijuana without smoking it. HOWEVER, eating it raw WILL have the same effects, perhaps not as strong. I ate a blunt in a car before (supertroopers style), and yes, I was BAKED. I ate that thing wrap and all.

Anyway THC levels haven't (in my opinion) risen in the last 100 years due to evolution. Higher thc levels can be attributed to new information and technology in the botany field. 100 years ago we weren't growing weed in Co2 rich, 50w per sq foot areas. 100 years ago we were barely picking out the males! Advances in plant growing technology are why we have what we do.

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
Look, all I'm saying is that White Widow didn't exist 20 years ago. Man engineered it specifically because it exhibited an unusually high amount of THC--that is the primary reason why White Widow exists and flourishes today. It's the same case with roses, which used to have an extremely powerful rose scent back at the turn of the 20th century. Over the years, roses were artificially selected and bred to show longer life and deeper colors, but at the price of the strong natural scent.


Well-Known Member
hahahahaaa did you honestly just call me one of those people?

My comment was totally sarcastic.
I don't believe in anything really.


Well-Known Member
Ah ok , we were basically discussing evolution and some nutbag came in and tried to say it was god is the way I interpreted that.

rock on


New Member
Ah ok , we were basically discussing evolution and some nutbag came in and tried to say it was god is the way I interpreted that.

rock on
pretty sure you were the only 1 who mentioned god or jesus. Get a grip man. Even if I say i've tried something you try to point out "the folly of my ways." I'm sorry your girlfreind's dog ate your bud. This does not however PROVE evolution selected for thc because of it's narcotic effect.

The reason I keep going back to this silly thread is because you are so desparate to prove something that can't be proved through your argument.


it's all good and you'll think this is silly once you are stoned too OM:hump::joint::hump::joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
Yea isn't that the truth, once I'm stoned... When will this snow ever clear enough for me to drive somewhere. Anywhere...

You said it's a plant "developed for humans". I wrongly assumed you meant god made it, because either way humans sure didn't create it.
Develop = created
created = creationism

I'm not pulling evolution out of my ass here, common sense dictates the reason for a plant or animal to have a mind or body altering substance to them at all would be most useful for protection, even without butter. Since the plants don't hunt critters that is.

Occam's Razor

I'm arguing with myself now just to keep my mind off being in pain at this point. :wall:


Well-Known Member
oh man, I do not believe in a creator or any bullshit.
There's no god ( sorry to drop the bomb)
but yeah,
I've just been thinking about it, like everything in life is intro connected so that there is no function or space unfilled to create an ecosystem in which everything is drastically paired up to something.
Like monkeys to bananas, they are intrically designed to match each other because a monkey has the hands to open it, and the plant is designed to be opened by the monkey you know.
Now as humans we have THC receptors in our brain, I think the term is an Opiate receptor right?
So that, as humans we can use the chemical THC right?
How come we're so attracted to the scent, crave the high?
How come we're able to enjoy THC?

If you look at it on a timescale, the latest evolution to happen in plants is the flowering plant.
It has literally taken over the planet with it's efficiency dominating other species of plants with a ratio of like 75% to any other species of plant.
Along the way there comes this plant right, that grows a chemical that we can harness.
As a plant goes marijuana is very very advanced, just the ability to make a hydrocarbon with ten bonds(tetra) is super evolutionary.
Marijuana has the ability to become hermaphroditic and mate with itself, without an ecosystem, even on it's own the plant pollinates without the need of bees or birds or species to rely on for seed production it strictly relies on itself or the wind right.
Do humans rely on an ecosystem?
No we are not tied in to an ecosystem, and neither is weed.
That's a parallel between a plant and an animal.
Now, if we have a connectivity with a plant like this,
isn't it undeniable that marijuana is for us?
You can disprove my idea but it neither makes you right or me wrong because you can't really know.


New Member
The plant evolved this way for reasons of its own that we will never know. The fact that we get high off of it is a coincidence. We're just lucky. Why question it, just enjoy it.

I will stick to smoking mine, those of you that think you get just as high by wasting it and eating it, carry on. I suppose you never heard of the placebo effect.


Well-Known Member
No man, eating it cooked is worth trying it.
Just really watch it,
it's a different high and eating too much will make things weird.
I was walking down a deserted road in the autumn,
the crumpled leaves of the trees blowing by me,
not a soul was around,
it looked like the world was dead,
and I started crying uncontrollably.
That's how fucked up eating weed is,
I ate alot of brownies though.
Not nearly as much as my sister,
and her friend,
they freaked out in my basement,
and thought they were controlled by puppets,
shaked uncontrollably,
I don't know,
but my sister had a stutter for two weeks after.
So don't even talk about something you don't know,
weed is really good eaten.


New Member
I will stick to smoking mine, those of you that think you get just as high by wasting it and eating it, carry on.
Smoking is fine:weed: If you really want to see what it is capable of, EAT IT. But do make sure to use a fat or emulsifier. MIlk or cream make great carriers for the psychoactive bits. If you are grower, try it with leaf first just to get the idea. With leaf its a good idea to simmer it in water first to remove the water soluble (nonactive) stuff. I don't ever let it boil because I want to keep all the good stuff intact, but you could because water boils @212 deg F and thc @360 deg F. do the simmer, dump the water and replace, repeat until the water is clear. now remove the weed and put it in a pot with half the volume of cream or milk you ultimately want. simmer for 15 min. strain off milk and save, repeat with the other portion and combine the saved milk.

I use a cheap plastic "permanent" coffee filter to strain this stuff. Please, please please be careful your first time. Use a shot glass and measure.



Well-Known Member
I'm going to try that.
I'm home alone and bored :)
how exactly do I get the water out without losing the weed or thc?


Well-Known Member
Filter the weed out while it's in the milk/cream?
I have organic 23%MF cream.
I think that would work super good?