Myth Schmyth...Truth is we don't know...


New Member
The purpose of thc to the plant. It could be to discourage insects, protect from UV rays, encourage pollen adherence....It could also be all three of these or none of these. I don't think evolution has has an exclusivity clause. :cuss:

What is my point? just bugs me when we claim to know things we don't:bigjoint::dunce:

carry onbongsmilie:eyesmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
it could just be.


pine tar

milkweed juice

maple tree syrup

coconut milk

******** ...........................................


Well-Known Member
No, it is known... It's the answer I gave you last time you didn't believe me. Trichomes block light yes but THC is not at all needed for that. THC does nothing for pollenation, it's not on the hairs.

Where is the unknown?

Does a cactus grow spikes for looks?


New Member
No, it is known... It's the answer I gave you last time you didn't believe

Does a cactus grow spikes for looks?
UM ...I never asked before, so i'm pretty sure you didn't tell me

Yes for looks, propagation too. Ever get a choya stuck in ur arm? Pull that sucker out, throw it anywhere and it'll grow :-P

people tend to think of things as having ONE reason. I don't believe it's that one dimensional.


Well-Known Member
Ok sorry I just had that question brought up yesterday and they just didn't get it either, you're not alone.


New Member
Ok sorry I just had that question brought up yesterday and they just didn't get it either, you're not alone.
OK i'll bite what is your FACT on this. All the botany texts I've read say they only can theorize.

By the way cactus spike ARE selected for because of looks to a certain extent. YOU won't touch one(well at least not carefully) because of the looks, will you?


Well-Known Member
If you meant to say that you don't believe trichomes have only one use, then in that respect you are correct, they block light the buds don't need to protect the buds from drying out in the sun while the plant is still alive, then when they are amber that function is lost if not reversed.

The second function is to create it's defensive venom of stupidity.


New Member
Generally when plants evolve it is because they have a need for protection from either the elements, being eaten or to ensure reproduction.

Fruit is a good example, the whole point of the fruit is to protect the seed until it can germinate.

We will never know why THC is produced or why we have receptors for it, let's just fire it up and enjoy this gift from mother earth.