Limits on pot use?


Well-Known Member
never too stoned man - there is always someone that is smoking more however you your not feeling it in the head its a waste man - only get stoned if ya wanna as far as being addicted i cant see this - maybe a bit mentally I smoke around 10 grams a day during the week and a bit more during the weekend when i go without its always in the back of my mind but thts it


Well-Known Member
hey gravy..while I agree with most of what you said, everybody I smoked with in the 60's still smokes pot. where did that come from?

my family members...they all did an assortment of drugs in the 60's and 70's and now they're the biggest commie narcs I've ever met. I know not all...but the one's I've come in contact with have done a full 360.


Well-Known Member
No I won't "grow to hate the herb".

Secondly you don't know some of the people I've seen who literally can't get enough weed and will do crazy shit to get it.

I've seen two sides to it.

I have no "desire to change" and I'm not conservative.

Maybe I did compare the two because people get like to do things that make them feel good. I didn't see it that way when I posted that but you seemed to have.

Some people like to get drunk every day.

For that matter though not everyone who has a drink every day beats their wife or their children.

My grandmother has a glass of scotch every night before she goes to bed, does that make her a lush? A danger to society?

No it's what she chooses to do to relax at the end of her day and that woman has never laid a hand on me or been violent towards me.

So what if I choose to smoke small amounts it's my bag not yours.

I like the amount that I do, I like getting really baked and watching a movie alone, I like getting really stoned at times and I enjoy a mild buzz sometimes again my body, my way of doing things.

If you want to smoke all day long that's your prerogative. It's your life your body.

I don't care how much you smoke I know for myself I don't want to turn into some of the people that I've known.

Some people don't have self control and they literally do become junkies. You aren't one of them fine. Again even if you were on crack that's all you and no I'm not comparing the two.

The internet is an addiction to some people.

Eating is an addiction to some people.

Shop lifting is an addiction to some people.

Hell running through the mall or other public places is an addiction to some people.

Caffeine is a definable addiction to me I fucking love my coffee and love the caffeine especially a good caffeine buzz when I have gone a few days without it.

Some of you just assume that I compared the two alcohol and weed. No I'm not comparing the effects at all I'm just stating that I don't want to be needing for anything. FOR SOME PEOPLE IT HAPPENS. If that isn't you then cool fine whatever. Don't jump on me for smoking a bowl and stoping.

I don't go look in the mirror when I've had my fatty and say shit. I usually sit on my couch and watch tv or a movie.

I don't go crazy when I smoke with a group yelling "oh I'm high" no I sit the fuck down and chill and smoke even more.

I don't live around my ole gang that I used to smoke with anymore. I don't really like doing it alone I have no one to talk about crazy theorys and laugh with.

Why be defensive? I only stated what I like to do with my weed.

And was attacked for what not smoking enough weed.

As far as calling me an addict, hey you do it to. Am I somehow less than you because I like for my bags to last longer than your might?

I don't care how much you do, it's your shit. Why does it matter how much or how little I smoke?

If you came over to my house and wanted to get high with me every day and never brought any that would a problem. Otherwise do what you want.

That's all I do, what I want to do.

Usually stoners seem to be laid back cool people, not here it seems.

And yeah I did grow up hearing about it being "dangerous" "gateway drug" all that BS.

And at one point I did believe that.

My views changed.

I can't see myself judging another person for it later down the road or becoming some kind of nut who thinks it's bad and dangerous.

People who have smoked my shit and come back at me later with that crap piss me off.

While i'd like to read and respond...I simply can't. Can you summarize that?


New Member
my family members...they all did an assortment of drugs in the 60's and 70's and now they're the biggest commie narcs I've ever met. I know not all...but the one's I've come in contact with have done a full 360.
I guess we all know someone who has quit the weed, but I know a bunch of people who started smoking in the 80's that are nazis against marijuana now....


Well-Known Member
I've noticed usually a certain event causes ppl to 360, like having children, or a career that wont alow it, new found religion aspects, etc. Most ppl do it out of fear.

It's like how a person nearing death that was never the religious type throughout their entire life will all of sudden "find god" when they fear the end is near.

....soo if ppl are afraid of their kids starting, or it costing them their job or community status they will do a 360 and become weed nazi's


Well-Known Member
I guess we all know someone who has quit the weed, but I know a bunch of people who started smoking in the 80's that are nazis against marijuana now....

that's sad. I guess hypocrisy is the only way some people can look at themselves in the mirror.


Well-Known Member
While i'd like to read and respond...I simply can't. Can you summarize that?
Um. Well it was an angry rant to someone I'll never meet.

Pathetic really I don't even know if it's a real person or not for all I know it's an AI sitting in a lab someplace.

If you'd like to respond to any of that just pick out something you want and go with it.

I guess the gist is don't judge me for how much, how little, or what I like to do with my weed.


Well-Known Member
okay, this is getting old. i smoke alot, you dont. i dont care how much you smoke. you basicaly said i took the alchoholic reference wrong and im cool with that.




Well-Known Member
back on topic.....

About a bowl a day, a lot more if the whole day is free.

I usually smoke half the bowl, about 5 hits, and save the rest for later.


Well-Known Member
Shit, I wish I would feel guilty, but I smoke from wake to snore every day...
Yesterday I only smoked 2 joints though as I was renovateing my other house and just got too busy and dirty. Just wanted to get her done, and then blazed the night away.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
Sorry for the slow moment guys, the whole blunts conversation passed me by, I think I was doing something else when my computer was on the screen and didn't refresh it. Just realised now. Anyway, have you ever seen those giga cones? 30cm long, seems like a waste but it would get you some serious R.E.S.P.E.C.T. The biggest I've ever rolled(filled) was one of them XL blunts from I put an 1/8 of white widow in it seen as though I was growing and had loads of it, It got 8 of us completely ripped. It tasted quite nice too, apple flavoured.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
No, Iv'e never seen one alive directly, i've seen some on tv though, I watched a program about the pink fairy armadillo once, it's pink, fluffy and about 10cm long.


New Member
No, Iv'e never seen one alive directly, i've seen some on tv though, I watched a program about the pink fairy armadillo once, it's pink, fluffy and about 10cm long.
because of climate change we are starting to see armadillos in tennessee. I hit one in a corvette one time in texas and it fucked my car up....


Well-Known Member
Armadillo in your weed patch is devastating. They dig under the plants looking for grubs. Really makes a mess like a ditch witch ran through the garden. Sorry for Tennessee armadillo can be carriers of leprosy.

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
I remember one time in elementary school some person brought a bunch of animals in

one of them was an armadillo and i got to hold it

it smelled terrible