wounds ?


Well-Known Member
Newbies dont realise how much information there is out there. They go online they come to a site like this, they see people with high post counts and lots of rep and if someone gives them what sounds like simple advice they will follow, enough growers have made mistakes by following experienced directions that havent been set out well. You only have to look at the people who fucked their hydro up with molasses.


Well-Known Member
That is probably the most stupid advice I have heard, putting things like this on the site is only going to damage the reputation of the site.

I cant believe you told a newbie to put a nail through his plant, next you will be telling newbs its good to break it in half too.
LOL that was stupid.


Well-Known Member
i would never give advise i dont do or havent done.


if you dont agree with what i say thats fine but please dont say it is "stupid"


Well-Known Member
Ok I will rephrase it for you.

I believe that it was in-appropriate and irresponsible of you to say that he should just stick a nail in it without any further advice or links


Well-Known Member
Why would you think sticking a nail throw the stem will help? That sounds stupid to me Sorry man. Stupid is what stupid does right? LOL


Well-Known Member

no not at all. dont knock it till you try it. you both sound like freakin idiots arguing something YOU HAVE NEVER DONE! damn childeren. it is not irresponsible on my part if someone kills there plant because they didnt do the research.

i stick nails or staples through my plants a week before harvest! there is that a better revision on my part


New Member
Honestly, I think most growers experiment with this at one time or another. I snapped one of my stems in half then sellotaped it back up about 4 weeks into flower. Within a couple of days this plant was covered in thc. Although it did take about a week for the stem to repair itself and when it did that part of the stem was easily six times the size of the rest of the stem. I lost quite a bit in weight too (not me, the plant).


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I think most growers experiment with this at one time or another. I snapped one of my stems in half then sellotaped it back up about 4 weeks into flower. Within a couple of days this plant was covered in thc. Although it did take about a week for the stem to repair itself and when it did that part of the stem was easily six times the size of the rest of the stem. I lost quite a bit in weight too (not me, the plant).
Did you get more bud if not what's the point.


Well-Known Member
super cropping does give you more weight if you do it right and with the right strain, it was discoverd by experimenting like skh did. whats the point you ask? you answerd your own question. he now knows what not to do! or at least when not do do it


New Member
No. What this does is give you stronger bud. You get less but it is more intense. If you grow lots of plants it's okay to pick the weakest and try out little experiments.

Basically any stress you give your plants during flower will cause the thc production to rise, although this would then use less energy for growing weight and density to the bud. Too much and you can hermie the plant which is why most growers opt to do it just a few days before harvest.

A clever way to increase thc production without losing too much in weight is to trim your bud just a few days before harvest. Leave on all the big fan leaves and trim the rest of the bud like you would had you harvested. The buds will tighten up fairly quickly and thc production will intensify. Although, I only did this once.

It's about experimentation. I'm the kind of guy that can't take other people's word for it, I must find it for myself.


Well-Known Member
Yeah and thats cool, but if you got say white widow and its 20% thc, how much would you add by using the nail, would it really jump up that much to make it worth the loss of weight in the bud by doing this in the time when the bud should be fattening up?


New Member
What's the point was just stab for a good friend of mind's LOL We're cool right MR. Skunk.
Yeah, we're cool. Personally NGT I don't bother anymore. I just let them grow, aside from little accidents like on my last grow where one of the lights crashed on top of my 3 best plants. They were all fucked up, but they survived. I patched them up with sellotape and string. Still turned out the best plants too as the others were in upvc buckets and were slowly being poisoned.


Well-Known Member
I for one slice 1 of my fan leave branch on top of my plant when i topped them. And it healed up in one day.


New Member
If you ever grow dwc make sure your buckets are pvc (if they are plastic) not upvc. UPVC releases chemicals into the feed which poisons your plants. They can even die.