is my grow space to small?!?!

cannabis kid

New Member
how big of a yeild do you think a hydroponics system with 6 23ww cfls would give 1 plant? i also have a good intake outake air system with the additional 2 fans for light cooling and temp control and another additional fan for wind to strengthen the branhces and whatnot

ive decided im just gunna go with 1 plant if i can get 2 and a half ounces lol

oh and one question.... can an ozone generator harm the yeild or do anything to harm the plant?


Well-Known Member
you should be ok with the ozone. but 6 23watt cfls is not going to get you 2 and a half ounces off one plant man, your talking hps now

cannabis kid

New Member
damn im pretty much stuck with the cfls. how much do you think i can get with the cfls and the hydro system? oh and another question.. can you clone a clone? because ive seen my friends clones and it doesnt have any offshoots so i was wondering...


Well-Known Member
you mean clone a plant that was taken from a clone? i guess so but im nbot sure i always clone from my mother. with cfls you could reasonably get an ounce or maybe some more if you really get them close and you have great conditions with a decent yeilding strain. browse the cfl forum its amazing what these guys can do!!!!


Active Member
damn im pretty much stuck with the cfls. how much do you think i can get with the cfls and the hydro system? oh and another question.. can you clone a clone? because ive seen my friends clones and it doesnt have any offshoots so i was wondering...
Yes you can clone a clone, once the mother clone is big enough, youll need 8-10 cfl if you want around 1 oz dry or you can use the sun and grow outdoors where ganja was naturally made grow

cannabis kid

New Member
alright gotcha and i will check that out. oh and can you clone a flowering offshoot or does it have to be exclusively in veg. state? cuz i dont want to have to buy more seeds after my first plant is done


Well-Known Member
you can revegg and take clones after you harvest or you can take clones in the first week or 2 of flowering and put them back into vegg. thats what i did with my current clone

cannabis kid

New Member
oh okay thanks i guess ill be doing it after because i dont have a seperate room for vegging. and i heard somethin bout this method called reincarnation or something... i saw it on a jason wilcox video on youtube he says you can but t back into veg then flower it again is that possible?


Well-Known Member
i think it might be viable but probably not fruitful or worth your time. the stress the plant endures is great and well......that not what we want now is it. ive heard people getting 2 harvests on a plant but....thats not for me

cannabis kid

New Member
yeah it sounds kinda sketch. okay one more realy random question then im done... when ever i smoke even if its only like 4 hits how come i stay high for like 5 hours and my friends all stop being high like in 2 hours? one time we smoked and i didnt stop being high until the next morning whats wrong with me? lol


Well-Known Member
how long have you smoked for? how frequently do you smoke ? and what kinda herb do you get?

all could be factors


Well-Known Member
well then i dont know man. im 20 and have been smoking since i was 12 i have a really really hard time getting high because i smoke way too much( horrible back pain from injury) so be greatful you have this dilema . many would kill for that kinda tolerance. i think its just because youre a fairly new smoker man, in a few years you will look back and be like.....dude i wish i wish

cannabis kid

New Member
yeaahh i thought i was a fairly new smoker but ive been smokin longer than all of my friends ora nybody i know for that matter and i stay higher than ALL of them for hours and hours