Plant & Clone not getting taller after 3 weeks (Pics)


Active Member
Whats up everybody.
I'm new to the Forum and was hoping that one of you guys could help me out with a lil Problem i have. I recently started to grow indoors for the first time. It wasn't planned or anything untill a friend of my showed up :shock: with some seeds and cuttings (clones:leaf:). So i decided to give it a try. :weed:"Smoke it anyways, so why not save some money!":hump:

I did the whole process with the seeds & water, the cuttings, rooting powder and all the other good stuff. Worked out perfectly. :clap:
I put the seed & clones in ORGANIC POOTING SOIL.
I got em in 7" Pots (probably a gallon) sitting under 2x 4ft
flourescent lights. (Cool White, Daylight)
About 2 inches away from the light.
Timer for the light is set to 20 Hours a day.
Temperature stays between 70-75 Fahrenheit and drops about 10-15 Fahrenheit with the lights being turned off.
Usually trying to keep the soil temperature around 20 Celsius to 25 Celsius. I don't know how the humidity is. Either the pH.​

Here is my actual problem. After 3 weeks (being in this kind of set-up)
my clones didnt even grow an inch and the seed gained maybe a 1/2 inch.
I also used some Superthrive. Plant looks healthy just doesnt wanna get any taller. Is there anything i can do to speed up the progress ?
Check out my Pics and let me know what you think. Thanks in advance.​



Well-Known Member
how are you watering them? - looks like they may be getting too much

also, you could use more light


Active Member
roots,shoots, fruits... your clone is ok, sometimes it takes a while to establish a good root syestem. i would imagine it is the same with the seedling but i have never seen one that small for that long. The good news is your plants will explode(when they do grow) if they are like my clones...


New Member
Of course they're stunted; you've got night temps in the low 60s bro. What else could you expect? You need to be over 70*F 24/7..... and figure out the humidity while you're at it! 50% RH MINIMUM


Active Member
I give them tap water which is at room temperature. I usually wait till the soil gets a lil dry. I also changed the pots after about a week and a half. The Seed had a bunch of roots. The Clones didnt even start to grow em. The bottom of the stim is still covered in rooting powder.


Well-Known Member
Low 60's is fine for night temps, that is not the problem. More likely the PH of your water.


New Member
I'll get a hygrometer tomorrow, just to make sure that everything is good.
You'll still need to get those temps up bro. They look over-watered because the cold temps are stopping the plant from using as much; it stays in the container longer and keep that much more oxygen out of the medium and away from the roots. You actually need to be up around 75*F, but 70* minimum all the time until mid to late flowering. ;-)


Active Member
I really appreciate the help. Also turned up the heater. I'll check the Humidity + the pH tomorrow and let you know what it says.


New Member
seems whenever i see you, you suck!

ive grown for 8 years and just got a hygrometer 2 days ago

low 60 is fine for nite temp as long as you dnt go below, get it right its well documented information
I wasn't laughing at newb, I am laughing at the jokers that keep saying low 60s is good enough. That means you Tuss! ;-)

I really appreciate the help. Also turned up the heater. I'll check the Humidity + the pH tomorrow and let you know what it says.
If you're in organic soil, you don't need to worry about the pH as the microorganisms in that soil regulate the pH directly around the roots. The only time you'd need to worry about it is if your reusing peat and/or you've been feeding with chemicals that kill off the beneficials.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't laughing at newb, I am laughing at the jokers that keep saying low 60s is good enough. That means you Tuss! ;-)

If you're in organic soil, you don't need to worry about the pH as the microorganisms in that soil regulate the pH directly around the roots. The only time you'd need to worry about it is if your reusing peat and/or you've been feeding with chemicals that kill off the beneficials.
so if you say above 70 all the time and several books and the grow faq state that its best to have a 10- 20 degree decrease between night and day temp. so i hope your useing co2 because that would put your day time temp at 80 -90 degrees.. optimal day temp is 70-80 unless you use co2 then you can run a lil hotter. thats just how it is.... im not makin this stuff up. its well documented, now that isnt to say that you cant get away with running a lil warm but for optimal growth............its been said


Active Member
Alright so anyways, I am Broke.:o So i wont have a hygrometer and a pH Tester till next week.:shock: Anyways I updated my grow room the way you guys suggested. 2 days later my plant starts to turn colors. It's getting kinda yellow plus my "seed" bend on its side by itself.:shock: I just helped support it with a straw. Take a look at the pictures and tell me what you think.:? Thanks guys. Appreciate the help.



Active Member
Everything is going "good" so far. :clap:
I hope.
I keep the room constantly at 25C / 78F. Day and Night.
Don't have the right equipment yet to lower the temp at night.
I need a second heater and timer.
The ph of the water is 7 /
ph of Soil is 7.5.
I dont have that much trust in my hygrometer but it says its 22%.
Does that sound right ?:o
The plants are lookin way better than they did before.
Thats for sure. Plus i got 2 new Clones which are doing really good.
I keep them under cups almost all day long.
Take a look at the picture of my older Clone.:weed: Any ideas to make things better ?​



Well-Known Member
get that soil ph down to 6.5 or your gonna have deficiancies, the growing tips will start to yellow first prolly........ it could be leathal

just cause THEFAUX said it was ok does not mean its true.. you have to adjust ph in organic gardening to