Any stoner Day Traders out there?


Well-Known Member
Did someone get saved by the hair on his chinny chin chin today?

I go out for 15 min and all hell breaks loose!

Any news behind that move Son?

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
those leveraged etfs been causing wild ass swings lately :) It's far better to be on the right side though. I usually pick a side an hour before the bell and hold on as long as my balls will allow :)


Well-Known Member
those leveraged etfs been causing wild ass swings lately :) It's far better to be on the right side though. I usually pick a side an hour before the bell and hold on as long as my balls will allow :)
They're 3x! Jesus! You wanna run with nitrous in a nascar those will get you there.

I love playing them, but, at MOST, I only use 1/2 my account. Today, with DTO, I used about 1/3 of my account. That let me hold on after the reaction at 119. It pulled back to 116.........had I been full bore into that bitch, my emotions would've ruined a perfectly good trade. By trading light, I kept the emotions out of it, and was able to hold on to a good trade.


Well-Known Member
Guess What!? I got invited into a shareholder lawsuit with GM! Just got the letter today. I don't even REMEMBER when I last traded that thing, seriously, has to be over a year.

Well they want me to join in - FUCK THAT!

Str8 to the trash.


Well-Known Member
You S.O.B

I got in pre-market @34.10

I think the S&P will test the 50 dma today.

I'll add to BGU on new highs. Only have 300 to start.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
whatever happened to the days when they would try to get disclosure out of the talking heads? "Lotta bargains out there and you should be buying---but are you----oh god no." :)


Well-Known Member
Its a typical fed day.........nothing is going to happen prior to the meeting.

I'm up to 600 on BGU, my stop is at 33, and I have a buy stop at 35.05.

Seasonality is on the bulls side. Tape is good. We could ramp BIG post fed.

Check out HIG - up big. Financials are having a good day.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I think I'm just tired of sitting in front of my computer. I'm quitting at lunch either way---just hang out the rest of the week :)

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
34.39 out fuck it. I'll take my grand and go.

The fed is running out of power and setting up a saturday night massacre scenario. I'm sitting it out---but I would probably short the sp into the close.


Well-Known Member
well, i'm still long 600 BGU........still have a buy stop for 300 more @ 35.05..........buckle up - this one could be bumpy....

TZA huh? You love fading shit don't you?

Whatever happens its gonna be wild.