• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

100,000 of us. and all we get is decriminalization


Well-Known Member
It does not matter what the general Population wants or votes for, we have no say in this. The congress and house for the most part are filled with politicians who decided long ago that the "people" are too stupid to know what to do so the government must become a "Nanny State" that will take care of all our needs, all we gotta do is let them.

I would wager a bet that the majority of the populace would legalize or at the very least decriminalize MJ. Also they would never have voted for this "Bailout" plan AKA TARP. But we get no say in the process and thats why MJ will never see legal status and we all must pay for other peoples mistakes with our taxes


New Member
Actually a population under the influence of weed would be a perfect fit for the Nanny State, don't you think?

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I hear that English Nanny woman on TV is loaded...

Well, if everyone would just get a govt. job. I mean if Congress just say passed a law that declared everybody a govt. employee, well then there wouldn't be any unemployed people! It would solve everything. Everyone would just go to work as usual, if you were a dentist, then your still a dentist. You hand your check over to the Government at the end of the week, and then go out and shop on Govt. credit. It's so simple. :mrgreen: right? :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
Also, people need to understand their rights as jurors. There is something called Jury Nullification. You can find someone "not guilty" even if they are guilty of the crime committed. You can do this if you do not agree with the "law".

That is one way to get the wheels going. I've heard so many of you say that "everyone knows its harmless..." if that is true then why are so many fucking people in prison for non violent drug offenses? It's because their fellow citizens are putting them there.

Mention your knowledge of this during jury selection and i'd imagine you will be exiting the building very quickly.


New Member
They are sent there because the letter of the law stipulates very little leeway for a jury. It's part of their oath.

If you mention this at jury selection then you are removing YOUR ability to argue for the accused on that jury..... sort of the opposite of your point, no?

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I hear that English Nanny woman on TV is loaded...

Well, if everyone would just get a govt. job. I mean if Congress just say passed a law that declared everybody a govt. employee, well then there wouldn't be any unemployed people! It would solve everything. Everyone would just go to work as usual, if you were a dentist, then your still a dentist. You hand your check over to the Government at the end of the week, and then go out and shop on Govt. credit. It's so simple. :mrgreen: right? :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
sounds like socialism to me ( Communism).


Well-Known Member
I agree with what all you guys say. Lots of our weed comes from Mexico Drug Lords and terriest. I would much rather have a person like myself(A non-violent american, harder worker) to buy from then from terroist and Mexico.You would think our goverment would too.
LOL I love how you say Terrorist while pointing at mexico, when your very own government and president ok's the deaths of thousands of troops for oil and reducing the twin towers and peoples lives to rubble..... sigh.

If you think otherwise, you just ain't thunk enough :)


New Member
LOL I love how you say Terrorist while pointing at mexico, when your very own government and president ok's the deaths of thousands of troops for oil and reducing the twin towers and peoples lives to rubble..... sigh.

If you think otherwise, you just ain't thunk enough :)

Scary .....:shock:.

The average IQ is 97.

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
damn str8...... talkin bout liqour..... can anyone say proahbiton....... LIQOUR ILLEGAL?????? whatttt???. marijuana has been around just as long if longer than alcohol... what does alcohol cause in bith development.... disfiguartion, retardedness(sorry). etc... marijuana.... cause your babies to come out a lil under wait... if they come premature..... thats just one angle you can look at it ...
This is the public school system at it's finest. :cry:

For the OP, there are MANY public figures who are pro legal pot. It will become legal once the government realizes how much the tax on pot will generate.

Once they figure out that...and how many more jobs the sales of legal pot will generate, hopefully they'll wake up. Ask Oaksterdam how much they made off the taxes this year ..and that's just a town.


New Member
Once the pol's realize how much money is to be made off of taxes..... are you serious? You act as if they are unaware of it. Politicians are tax sniffing blue tick hounds .. they CHOOSE not to legalize it, despite the tax benefits. Sorry....

out. :blsmoke:

Hellafied Game

Well-Known Member
This is the public school system at it's finest. :cry:

For the OP, there are MANY public figures who are pro legal pot. It will become legal once the government realizes how much the tax on pot will generate.

Once they figure out that...and how many more jobs the sales of legal pot will generate, hopefully they'll wake up. Ask Oaksterdam how much they made off the taxes this year ..and that's just a town.
LMAO i thought that was very f*ck*n funny


Active Member
i remember reading a story of how the catholic church banned cannabis in medieval times because it was making the citizenry too unruly stack another reason on why it will never be legal... :]


New Member
imho - the top reason it isnt legal is $... The U.S. govt. just cannot control it wellenough to tax it the way they would like.Too many ppl would be growing/selling ( still illegally ) and the amount of taxable money would be removed from the regular circulation of US currency and be in the "black market" ( so to speak ) .. So instead of going to a store and buying food/gas or w/e and paying tax, a large percentage of the money in circulation would be diverted to "underground" cannibas sales and therefore become untaxable.. BUT its not like that isnt going on right now.. I mean think about it.. When someone gets busted with a large amount whats the first thing they make you do? PAY TAXES ON THE STREET VALUE!!..Its not like alcohol ( that was made legal so the U.S. gvt could tax the shit out of it ).. It so easy for someone to just throw a seed in the dirt.. Its also my opinion that the U.S. gvt is making a very very big mistake as the amount of tax dollars that legal weed would generate is likely to be well into the billions.. I am all for taxes.. They pay for our roads/schools and many many other things that we need and most of the time take for granted. I WOULD MUCH RATHER BE GIVING MY MONEY TO SOMEONE ( "legal" place that sells MJ ) THAT IS PAYING TAXES THAN JOE DICKHEAD DEALER THAT IS JUST GONNA BLOW IT ON A NEW CAR OR W/E.

all the above is purely my opinion and I could be 100% false lol.


Well-Known Member
I agree that some action should be taken. Maybe with a new government staff there will be hope for change. I have read so many studies proving marijuana is not a dangerous thing, and how much worse alcohol is, and other drugs.


New Member
but they can control alcohol way better.. In alot of states gvt are the ones that OWN AND OPERATE the liquor stores and its 100% gvt regulated.. other states not so much.Where my cousin lives they call them "ABC" stores and they are owned/ran by the gvt and is the only place u can buy liquor.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
okay first of alll....... there are 100,000 people registerd to this site. let alone all the countless other botanical communities... 100,000 people who have grown, are growing, or are going to attempt it......... is there no one on this site that can prove the country wrong and is some sort of public figure. let the world know that youve done this, that, and the third and you still havnt become the steriotypical "drug addict". i am not lashing out for reason. im just fed up with the secrecy of all of this......i have spent nights in jail for the simple fact i had a couple fucking dime bags on me... but the guys selling crack and coke down the block are sittin there laughin there ass off..... yes in NY its decriminalized now. but really. how far can you put it off that marijuana is the countries second biggest cash crop....over 150 billion dollars made each year( i think thats the numbers) and thats only all the stuff the governmant knows about... how long really.... can u keep pushing it and pushing it... ITS DECRIMINALIZED... okay so instead of going to jail im going to pay a fine... if im paying a fine ide rather spend the 2 nights in jail over a 250 dollar fine.... and again i have not been in any trouble in a long time. i simply think its time for change... american revoloution, french revoloution, the storming of the bastille, the civil war..... things are not done by sitting by, and doing nothing... ik there are marijuana tokers that have good reputible jobs, lawyers, poloticians what have you.... but once a movemant gets set into motion for the liberation of the counterculture... ik im gonna be votin my ass off to pass that bill, ammendmant, etc.......

everybody has there vices, in the time of recession do we really need more shit going wrong, people going to jail, more governmant money spent on nonsense. keeping marijuana out of the states...... but again..... OUR SECOND BIGGEST CASH CROP

sorry but i gotta say it.... in young jeezys new album the recession he says" you know shits fucked up, when you get more time for selling dope than murder"
another quote i got from seemorebuds CFL grow book " the punishment should not be any more harsh than the affects of the drug" soo if weeds only makes you tired and lazzy... why should you go to jail.. and be tired, and lazy??????
" dope and no money is better than times of money and no dope".... aint that the truth,,,,,,,

-very fucking fed up pothead (pa-thead)...... Pe@ce

The problem with what your looking for is no one has the balls to stand out as a public figure and rep for the potheads. And they problem with that is that anyone that does isn't reptuable.

Look at that cop, the retired cop that smokes weed now and tells us all how to get away with it. I forgot his name but that's not important. The guys a loser, so he stood up but he isn't getting us shit cause hes a loser. I know all of you are gunna be like "fuck you skippy, hes the man" why cause he went on TV and made an ass of him self saying things like i smoked but i dont inhale, just cause he has the pothead fisod.

Well your not gunna get shit like that, its stupid. I honestly wish he stayed a cop and was still busting people because he jsut made it worse for us. Any of you guys who are like no he used to be the best cop in texas or some shit should wake up. You guys aren't trying to impress other potheads you trying to impress Mr. by the book over here. These people will turn around and all they see is rebellious loser. Responsible potheads dont show others how to break the law. Espiecally things that can help other dealers get away with it.

Im perfectly fine with decriminalization cause honestly im alittle bit scarred of half the pothead community. Correct me if im wrong here but half this community isn't like all you guys. Most of the people on this webstie aregreat potheads. I fight with that chick on here all the time, the one thats always yelling at kids from growing in there parents house. her names like florida chick or some shit but honestly shes probably one of the most reputable pot heads on here. BUt anyway back to what i was saying, more and more i see this whole pothead thing getting warped into this gang bangin thug life shit. more people have this fuck the police attitude now. Which we shouldn't their there to do their job and we have laws that should be followed.

Stop complaining decriminalization is fine for now. All we get my ass, thats a shit load, would you rather have it completely illicit? In our system things take time.

Now my final point and ill shut up but honestly if you are a responsible pothead. You truly are responsible with all your pot smoking, you should never, never ever get busted. its like near impossible. Think of alllll the people over here on this site that get away with smoking weed. All of them, how? If you stick to yourself grow a couple plants. Follow the guides out there that tell you want to do in order to stay safe, then bam your fine. Your smokin your happy. The cops will never no, nor will they care, nor will they be trying to crack down on you. Now if you on here bitching about legalization cause you wanna carry 3 lbs so you can slang it on the block and stack mad paper improving your game then your an asshole.

Anyways just my 2 cents. Dunno how you all will take it

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
but they can control alcohol way better.. In alot of states gvt are the ones that OWN AND OPERATE the liquor stores and its 100% gvt regulated.. other states not so much.Where my cousin lives they call them "ABC" stores and they are owned/ran by the gvt and is the only place u can buy liquor.
The only problem with that is its not so convenient. In new hampshire i think they have it and they have them on the highway, at the welcome to new hampshire sign and the good bye nh sign. Seems kind of irronic with the borderline epidemic of drinking and driving.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
imho - the top reason it isnt legal is $... The U.S. govt. just cannot control it wellenough to tax it the way they would like.Too many ppl would be growing/selling ( still illegally ) and the amount of taxable money would be removed from the regular circulation of US currency and be in the "black market" ( so to speak ) .. So instead of going to a store and buying food/gas or w/e and paying tax, a large percentage of the money in circulation would be diverted to "underground" cannibas sales and therefore become untaxable.. BUT its not like that isnt going on right now.. I mean think about it.. When someone gets busted with a large amount whats the first thing they make you do? PAY TAXES ON THE STREET VALUE!!..Its not like alcohol ( that was made legal so the U.S. gvt could tax the shit out of it ).. It so easy for someone to just throw a seed in the dirt.. Its also my opinion that the U.S. gvt is making a very very big mistake as the amount of tax dollars that legal weed would generate is likely to be well into the billions.. I am all for taxes.. They pay for our roads/schools and many many other things that we need and most of the time take for granted. I WOULD MUCH RATHER BE GIVING MY MONEY TO SOMEONE ( "legal" place that sells MJ ) THAT IS PAYING TAXES THAN JOE DICKHEAD DEALER THAT IS JUST GONNA BLOW IT ON A NEW CAR OR W/E.

all the above is purely my opinion and I could be 100% false lol.
I agree with you completely man, cept i think you got it wrong a little bit. You mentioned joe dick head, but you forgot steve ass hole, mah nigga gangsta james douche bag and all they other crack heads on seaseme street. I think your way underestimating how people wit take advantage of legalization and abuse it. Even i would, most of us on here to we;d be swapping our backyard for a new field.