• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

100,000 of us. and all we get is decriminalization


Well-Known Member
the addiction is all mental. ive been smoking weed for 20 years and ive had to stop for legal reasons and it was no problem at all i stoped for almost a year and did not go through any type of side effects.ciggaretts-cant quit em but im down to 4 a day- cocain- was addicted for 8 years 4 of those years where trying to quit it was hard but i did it on my own -smokin weed no freakin way... i quit burnin and didnt look back til i was able to again and wanted to because i like to get high not because of any phisical addiction
if you think its addictive than maybe its just you and your frnds, i know some ppl have harder times with addiction, everyone is diffrnt after all. i know ppl that done coke less than me that had to go to rehab to get off and still go to meetings and i was able to do it myself with no help... its a weak mind that makes you think your adicted. good day sir
its a weak mind that makes you think your addicted,what the fuck are you super mind,if i quit the drugs i did i would say i dont have a weak mind,as for the people that i know trying to quit i will not judge weather their weak or strong,we are all differant and ive been around long enough to no this,but this shit about a weak mind makes you think your addicted is shit,just because you quit no problem does not mean others can,i count my blessings and wonder why my friends are dead are struggling but to say with a puffed up chest the shit you said that people who did less coke needed meetings and you didnt,you sound like you dont deserve the blessing.what are you the higher power of the universe,good day sir.


Well-Known Member
Just FYI:

In the options for this board you can change the number of posts per page to a higher number so you aren't always having to go through so many pages. You see 7 pages, I see 4.
thanks that helps

Also BTW the facebook NORML group has around 470, 000 members
its gettin bigger and bigger


Well-Known Member
Thank you Seamaiden, thank you thank you thank you

I talked to her about it and showed her the articles and I think it planted a seed, we'll see. She didn't jump at the idea or seem excited or anything, but amazingly she didn't say no right away either.
Information is the way to fight ignorance. Make it non-judgmental, never push (I'm the queen of the soft sell)... and, you know what works with my dad is to let him think it was his idea. It's like a charm, it works every time, hilarious. But you've GOT to say, when they tell you what you already told them, "Wow.. yeah, I guess you're right. I never thought of that." You've gotta say it just like that. :) Then watch your seed grow. :weed:
And thanks Snyder, I'm doing ok though none of this comes as a shock with her and I've had plenty of experience to strengthen me for this type of thing. All her life she's had one thing after another. A near fatal car wreck, Collapsed lung, brain anurism with a 15% chance of survival and 90% chance of brain damage which she came through 100% almost , brain surgery for that, and so many different surgery's for other things I can't even count.

Cat's may have 9 lives, but my mom...
Persistence and determination are omnipotent. She has strong "live" fu. I bet it gives her a markedly different perspective from a lot of other folks you know.


Well-Known Member
For facebook cause NORML ( im pretty sure its run by NORML maybe im wrong )
search causes and search Legalize It, currently 479,000 members


Well-Known Member
who said i was addicted,the drugs did,they dictated when i used them not me,you seem to have a problem with that.obviusly that has not been a struggle for you,but in my almost 50 years it has.and if you have a problem with me addmitting that i accepted my addiction,i say who the hell are you to tell me how or what i feel.stick to what you know,do not tell someone who has fought addiction their entire life that it is not a problem ok man.because if you tell me your addicted an an na meeting im not going to stand up and call you a lier,so dont ask stupid questions like who said i was addicted because it makes you sound young and ignorrant ok.

Nah Brah, that doesn't get it. How in the hell can a plant with absolutely NO addictive properties whatsoever dictate what you do or not do?
I don't have a problem with you admitting your weakness. In fact, thats the first step to addressing the REAL issue. If smoking pot has created problems in your life, then it's most definitely time to reconsider it as a recreation. But barring any physical dependence, just put the shit down. There are no REAL studies (to my knowledge) that document a psychological dependence. I believe in my heart of hearts that the term Psychological Addiction was termed/coined by the addiction recovery industry. I under stand that some drugs (cocaine most notably) start fucking with dopamine and serotonin levels, but that is a physiological change, and is considered a form of physical addiction
I have been off alcohol for 3 years. Prior to that I battled alcoholism for over 20 years. Alcohol is a physically addictive substance that causes SEVERE physical withdrawal symptoms that can be life threatening. It's a cocksucker to go thru DTs for DAYS on end, puking and shitting yourself simultaneously, all the while sweating and shaking like a dog shitting pine cones. I drank alcoholicly for so long for 2 reasons. 1) I really didn't want to stop even tho I knew it was killing me (how sick is THAT?), and 2) out of ABJECT fear and terror of the DTs/withdrawal.
The entire addiction recovery industry is at it's core a good thing, however it has become a huge phenomenon, a leech and parasite on the insurance industry that MUST pay for treatment by law. In the past 3 decades, I've seen recovery counselors diagnose "addictions" to just about everything under the sun, and for $40,000, and 28 days they can cure you too!!! They even made addiction fucking FASHIONABLE!!! I am here to tell you that there is nothing fashionable or chic about laying in the shower for days on end in your own refuse and puke. Now THAT is addiction.
But I am not here to tell you anything about you, one way or another. If you feel that you are addicted, then god bless you and help you. I wish you the best, 'cuz everybody deserves a shot at a good life.
If you cannot put a substance down because of life threatening withdrawals, you're truly addicted, and need to seek medical attention to slowly wean off in a clinical environment. But if you cant put something down because you "think" or "believe" you're addicted, and it isn't creating a problem in your life, well, you can draw your own conclusions about that. Sounds to me like someone, probably an addiction recovery type person, has convinced you that you are an addict and you bought the package.

Dude, we're out of pot as of day before yesterday. I REALLY REALLY want to go get some, but I aint. I got up and went to work yesterday, and I'll do it again today. No need for medical or psychological intervention. It just so happens that I really like being high at night. Yes, with prolonged use, for me anyway, makes me lazy and not that motivated to do much of anything but sit and watch my girls grow. Fortunately, I'm self employed. The boss aint gonna fire me. I get the urge to pack a bowl many times daily, but that is NOT an addiction in any sense of the word.

Hey OregonMeds, dude sometimes God is just plain wrong. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your mother. I'm 53, and that whole colon thing gets me really wierded out if I let it (could be an addiction), because it's rampant in my family. God bless you both, her for her suffering, and you for helping her deal with it. That is not an easy task, and your love for her is showing!!! I admire integrity in a person.


Well-Known Member
those who do not study history are DOOMED TO REPEAT IT..im sorry to tell you this folks..you are repeating it..in spades..you are DOOMED..why are you doomed? because almost all of you are ignorant of history....almost no one in this country recognizes what the root of the problem is...where it comes from.or how to solve it..and the politicians are controlled by it..they do not want to solve the problem...they are powered by it.that problem is known as the federal reserve...you fools would bow down and kiss the chains these socialists are binding you with...80% of the people in this country were against the bail out of banks and gamblers who lost their money...the politicians..of both partys voted for it anyway....who do these people represent?it certianly isnt YOU..FOOL's...THIS COUNTRY IS HEADED TOWARD TURD WORLD STATUS..and yea i meant to say turd...and your people in power do not care..cause they will still be in power..and that is all that matters to them.....god bless the founding fathers and all free thinking men and women...


Well-Known Member
lets be real,there is no way to legalize weed in the world.maybe in america,but america is not the world.im not from america.take a deep thinking and see that its imposible to legalize it,cos,tobacco industries wouldnt allow it.truth is beign kept from masses of people,MANY people think that weed is harmful,but it is not.not harmful in any meaning.
im not negative ,cos im saying it cannot be legalized,im just beign real.
but hey,ofc ill vote everywhere and do whatever i can to legalize it.


Well-Known Member
it will be legalized ma dude. just give it some time...... the gov's. gonna have to do somtin to make us happy in the time of a fucking recession....


did you know 100,000 people is only 0.03% of america?


not that many people

to tell you the the truth i think its actuallt 0.003%


Well-Known Member
did you know 100,000 people is only 0.03% of america?


not that many people

to tell you the the truth i think its actuallt 0.003%
yeah can you imagine all the others that don't have a computer or care about the internet or whatever......

for each person here i recon that maybe one represents 10 others.

however you may want to take into account that i just pulled those numbers from my ass.


Well-Known Member
did you know 100,000 people is only 0.03% of america?


not that many people

to tell you the the truth i think its actuallt 0.003%

yea ik. but as i said... for ONE of the websites out there..... go out and count all the marijuana growing related sites out there. and the add up all the people........... is that still not alot...


Well-Known Member
i was wathcin the news( like usual) and the unemployment rate...... up again.. who woulda thunk it.... 6.5 nationally i think the numbers are... but in my state 6.5... means 3 million people lost a job when we are a state of 20mill( rounded up)... so in lets say 2 weeks... we lost 3 million jobs.... i think its time to jump ship on this sinking country???? know what i mean???


Well-Known Member
there could be so many ways it would improve our economy from hemp rope to clothing to feul to food and many more it is just un constitutional for the gov. to tell me i cant smoke a plant that comes from the earth but the other guy can drink booze that is made in such a un natural fasion, and is way worse for you!!!! i dont get it and i get pissed about that shit all the time


Well-Known Member
I bet it gives her a markedly different perspective from a lot of other folks you know.
You would think so, give you a take life by the balls and live for every day attitude... Nope, nothing of the sort. Did I mention she started smoking cigarettes again just months after half the lung was removed?

She figures it just doesn't matter at this point. :wall:


Well-Known Member
"its a weak mind that makes you think your adicted."

In a way, yes, but that's certainly not the politically correct way to say it. A side effect of long term drug abuse of any kind is a loss of self esteem, which is what you are referring to but in way way way the wrong way.

Some people still have self esteem and a few working brain cells left when they realize they have no choice but to quit, and can just do it, others dont, and need help. Often there are underlying mental issues if not mental disabilities as well.

But to say weak mind is insulting and unfair to all.


New Member
i was wathcin the news( like usual) and the unemployment rate...... up again.. who woulda thunk it.... 6.5 nationally i think the numbers are... but in my state 6.5... means 3 million people lost a job when we are a state of 20mill( rounded up)... so in lets say 2 weeks... we lost 3 million jobs.... i think its time to jump ship on this sinking country???? know what i mean???
Well, the Govt. just got finished destroying the real estate and financial sectors, there's bound to be fallout from it. Your numbers are way off. When you say your state has 20 million..... is that 20 million WITH A JOB? No silly that's just your state pop.

You have been unnecessarily frightened by a poor education in statistics. I suggest you stop watching the news, put down the pipe.........put it down........that's right.........easy......easy big fella......now approach a book with extreme caution.......... easy......that's it.....careful, I hear with some books the words jump out at you......... oh wait this is statistics...... nvm.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
You would think so, give you a take life by the balls and live for every day attitude... Nope, nothing of the sort. Did I mention she started smoking cigarettes again just months after half the lung was removed?

She figures it just doesn't matter at this point. :wall:
:( So.. she's given up? How frustrating for you, too.

As for the addiction thing.. while I have never had an addiction to anything, I've seen too many brain scans and too much hard scientific evidence to say that it's just a weak mind. I've known too many VERY strong-willed and strong-minded people who were grounded in every other way pay the price of addiction. I think that, in the end, it's trite to say that it's all in your head.


New Member
:( So.. she's given up? How frustrating for you, too.

As for the addiction thing.. while I have never had an addiction to anything, I've seen too many brain scans and too much hard scientific evidence to say that it's just a weak mind. I've known too many VERY strong-willed and strong-minded people who were grounded in every other way pay the price of addiction. I think that, in the end, it's trite to say that it's all in your head.

Honestly, there are two types of addiction. Physical and mental. Both play a part in tobacco. Both can be broken, but the mental addy doesn't go away for a much longer time. I can see where she has developed depression and that will definitely send her back to the addiction of tobacco. It's a sad tale......:cry:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well, the Govt. just got finished destroying the real estate and financial sectors, there's bound to be fallout from it. Your numbers are way off. When you say your state has 20 million..... is that 20 million WITH A JOB? No silly that's just your state pop.

You have been unnecessarily frightened by a poor education in statistics. I suggest you stop watching the news, put down the pipe.........put it down........that's right.........easy......easy big fella......now approach a book with extreme caution.......... easy......that's it.....careful, I hear with some books the words jump out at you......... oh wait this is statistics...... nvm.

out. :blsmoke:
hahaha yea ..... i dont read as much as i used to .but ik what im talking about.... and i know what news you cant trust on tv.......