President Musk

True, but technically, under law, it’s still seen as an abortion.
The removal of a fetus that has not reached the end of its gestation period, dead or alive, is an abortion in many states.
Not true, show me proof of what you claim, I think maybe you are incorrect.
not your daughter
As I said, hypothetical questions don't warrant an answer.
My eldest Daughterd mother wanted to abortion her. After this would have been her 4th abortion. I did not know this until after she was pregnant, today that daughter is a mature, well adjusted adult with children of her own.
The killing of a fetus is morally, ethically wrong.
Show me 1 case of a women in the last 20 years, in this country, that saw and took the advice of medical professionals that this happened too?
As I said, hypothetical questions don't warrant an answer.
My eldest Daughterd mother wanted to abortion her. After this would have been her 4th abortion. I did not know this until after she was pregnant, today that daughter is a mature, well adjusted adult with children of her own.
The killing of a fetus is morally, ethically wrong.
Show me 1 case of a women in the last 20 years, in this country, that saw and took the advice of medical professionals that this happened too?
The source of the 2nd isn't very reliable as they certainly have an agenda and don't give any info that doesn't meet their agenda.
The 1st and 3rd are cases of Dr.s making mistakes. While tragic not Germaine.
Unconstitutional and who said we are not in the U.S.
In book, Romney charges ‘a very large portion of’ the GOP ‘doesn’t believe in the Constitution’
Shortly after Romney announced his retirement, McKay Coppins, a staff writer for the magazine The Atlantic, published the first excerpt of a biography he had begun working on in which the Utah Republican unburdened himself of decades of private thoughts and conversations. “A very large portion of my party,” Romney told Coppins, “really doesn’t believe in the Constitution.”