Well-Known Member
Looks like Jack Smith and Garllan are seeking options, they asked the J6 judge untill Dec 2 to try to figure things out........an she granted it....
If i was jack smith, i would burn the house down and release everything to the public before orange dumb dumb gets his hands on it, or maybe there is another option, as far as Machan and Lilli's cases, it's seem they are still going, Machan is supposed to convict and sentence on Nov 26th, Lilli case she say she options to fight against the Dummpy even though he's in the WH......
now as far as government is concerned, i would ask all gov agencies to keep any and all top secret info out of that mans hands, don't let him have it, hold it, and or read it. If there is government whistle blowers that want to give out info anon please do, there are places when and where you can give that info out.......keep a close eye on this orange asshat......over all i'll keep my eyes and ears open for further developments......

If i was jack smith, i would burn the house down and release everything to the public before orange dumb dumb gets his hands on it, or maybe there is another option, as far as Machan and Lilli's cases, it's seem they are still going, Machan is supposed to convict and sentence on Nov 26th, Lilli case she say she options to fight against the Dummpy even though he's in the WH......
now as far as government is concerned, i would ask all gov agencies to keep any and all top secret info out of that mans hands, don't let him have it, hold it, and or read it. If there is government whistle blowers that want to give out info anon please do, there are places when and where you can give that info out.......keep a close eye on this orange asshat......over all i'll keep my eyes and ears open for further developments......