Police Interactions.


Well-Known Member

This is really impressive to me. The key is to wind people while staying safe. So easy, just takes patience and practice, and communication.

I could see part of larger communities you could have a dedicated set of people that just train this all day and are on call for mental health response. They wouldn't need to have police try to restrain people because they can't be trained in everything like people are when they train to be athletes and it would take a whole lot of stress off cops.

Get rid of the pain reliance. Just safely maintain control until they gas. Which you can only really do if your ass is not gassing. Gassed people get mad and do stupid shit.

This would be a great career for all those kids that dedicated years wrestling.
"Taser Taser Taser".....If you have ever experienced a police taser you know how incapacitating they are.


Well-Known Member

LAPD raid goes from bad to farce after gun allegedly sucked onto MRI machine

Officers allegedly raided the diagnostic center, located in the Van Nuys neighborhood of Los Angeles, thinking it was a front for an illegal cannabis cultivation facility, pointing to higher-than-usual energy use.

Officers raided the facility on Oct. 18, 2023, and detained the lone female employee while they searched the business, the lawsuit said. However, they didn’t find a single cannabis plant and only saw a typical medical facility with rooms used for conducting x-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans and MRIs, the owners said, while they continued to wander around various rooms of the facility. The plaintiffs say the officers’ behavior was “nothing short of a disorganized circus, with no apparent rules, procedures, or even a hint of coordination."

At one point, an officer walked into an MRI room, past a sign warning that metal was prohibited inside, with his rifle “dangling… in his right hand, with an unsecured strap,” the lawsuit said. The MRI machine’s magnetic force then allegedly sucked his rifle across the room, pinning it against the machine. MRI machines are tube-shaped scanners that use incredibly strong magnetic fields to create images of the brain, bones, joints and other internal organs.
An officer then allegedly pulled a sealed emergency release button that shut the MRI machine down, deactivating it, evaporating thousands of liters of helium gas and damaging the machine in the process. The officer then grabbed his rifle and left the room, leaving behind a magazine filled with bullets on the office floor, according to the lawsuit.
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Well-Known Member

Their explanation for doing it seems perfectly reasonable. But they are whitewashing that there are clear examples of them using the same kind of troll tactics to sway politics as the dictators of other nations attacking our citizens.

This is why I would like to see a google type quasi-government entity to be able to push back on them and show the clear examples that are going to far and actually have the power to do something about it in real time, while being able to help contribute to the development of new tools to actually do great things like helping our police across the nation maximize how they do things.

I still think every cop on the street should have full access to their home base with people sitting back watching their backs and providing nonstop support. And zero paperwork on their end, if there is a full recorded record of all their time on the job, then there is no point for them doing paperwork. I also do understand the need to make sure that their departments are not being subject to disinformation, but that would also be something that they would get help on, meaning that every tax dollar that police department is spending is going on helping those communities they are in.

Also on a side note, im not sure that Mayor Adams is not a left-troll. Which is a bummer.
The last line.

"Taser Taser Taser".....If you have ever experienced a police taser you know how incapacitating they are.
I think there is something to be said about having less traumatic outcomes for the people going through some shit in their lives at that moment.

A random thought though comes to mind with tasers.

Daunte Wright.



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WASHINGTON (AP) — Police in a majority-Black Mississippi city discriminate against Black people, use excessive force and retaliate against critics, the Justice Department said Thursday in a scathing report detailing a slew of civil rights abuses by law enforcement in one of America’s poorest counties.

The Lexington Police Department “has created a system where officers can relentlessly violate the law,” according to the Justice Department, which found a stunning pattern of racially disparate policing and harassment in the rural town of about 1,200 people, approximately 76% of whom are Black.

The report paints a picture of a police department that has routinely violated the rights of residents with impunity, using arrests for low-level offenses to generate money for the police force and leaving people to languish behind bars if they couldn’t afford to pay fines. Officers also sexually harassed women and threatened people with force or arrest if they challenged law enforcement, according to the report.

“Today’s findings show that the Lexington Police Department abandoned its sacred position of trust in the community by routinely violating the constitutional rights of those it was sworn to protect,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said.

An employee who answered the phone at the Lexington Police Department, which is in Holmes County, told The Associated Press that Chief Charles Henderson was not immediately available to comment on the report.

Investigators traced a stark uptick in racial disparities back to an intentional change in police tactics overseen by the police department’s former chief, who was fired after using racial slurs and talking about how many people he had killed on duty. Under that former chief, Sam Dobbins, who is white, Lexington police officers dramatically increased arrests for low-level offenses.

Over the past two years, the Lexington Police Department has made nearly one arrest for every four people in town, the Justice Department found. That is more than 10 times the per capita arrest rate for Mississippi as a whole, they added. Many of the arrests were for low-level offenses like owing outstanding fines and using profanity. And most of those arrested are Black people.

The odds that a person arrested by Lexington police officers was Black would climb by 125%. After routinely arresting people for low-level violations, officers left them behind bars until they could pay a fine, the Justice Department found.

One man was jailed four days because he refilled a cup of coffee at a gas station while only paying for one cup. Another woman was arrested and chained to a bench at a police station for parking in a space reserved for people with disabilities, according to the report.

Police also used excessive force and disproportionately targeted Black people for arrests, investigators also found. Black people committing traffic offenses were arrested while white people committing similar traffic offenses were not, officials said.

Investigators reviewed body-camera footage to review racial disparities in the use of force, finding that officers repeatedly use force against Black people but never against a white person.

Lexington residents owe police $1.7 million in fines, and the city court has issued bench warrants authorizing the arrest of more than 650 people — roughly half of the city’s population — because of unpaid fines, Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke told reporters.

“In America, being poor is not a crime,” Clarke said. “But in Lexington, their practices punish people for poverty.”

Investigators also found officers used Tasers like a “cattle-prod” to punish people and punched or kicked people who were unarmed and handcuffed. In one case, an officer kicked an unarmed Black man so hard that he wet himself. The officer told the dispatcher: “I didn’t give two (expletive) about his civil rights,” the report says.

The Justice Department’s investigation and report followed the filing of a federal lawsuit in 2022 by residents who accused police of “terrorizing” people through false arrests, intimidation and other abuses.

It also followed the June 2023 arrest of Jill Collen Jefferson, the president of JULIAN, the civil rights organization that filed the lawsuit. The organization had previously obtained an audio recording of Dobbins that led to his firing.

Jefferson said she has documented police abuses in Lexington for years, but that state officials failed to take action. The prospect of change looked grim until Clarke launched the Justice Department’s investigation, Jefferson said.

“I feel an intense amount of gratitude for Kristen Clarke,” Jefferson said. “We had to go to highest levels of the Department of Justice to get justice for this community. And I’m grateful that they listened.

“It shows that it doesn’t matter how tiny your town is, that your life matters. Finally, the day has come where the truth has come out.”

According to the Justice Department, racial disparities in arrests continued to increase under Henderson, who is Black. In 2019, Black people were 2.5 times more likely to be arrested by Lexington police officers than white people. By 2023, after Dobbins’s departure, Black people were almost 18 times more likely to be arrested.

In June 2023, Jefferson, who is Black, was arrested after filming a traffic stop by Lexington police officers. The arrest came nine days after Clarke had traveled to Lexington to meet with people about alleged police misconduct.

Democratic state Rep. Bryant Clark, whose district includes Lexington, said Thursday that he periodically hears complaints about the police department.

The Justice Department has said the probe into Lexington is part of a broader effort to crack down on unconstitutional policing at small and mid-size police departments and in underserved regions throughout the South.

Last week, it announced it was opening a civil rights investigation into the Rankin County Sheriff’s Department in Mississippi, six of whose officers were convicted in the torture of two Black men in a racist attack that included beatings, repeated use of stun guns and assaults with a sex toy before one of the victims was shot in the mouth.

“Gone are the days when rural isolation and remoteness could conceal the injustice of unconstitutional policing,” said Todd Gee, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Mississippi. Addressing other police departments in the country, Gee said: “Make changes now if your agency is policing in these same unlawful ways.”


Well-Known Member
Phoenix officers repeatedly punch, Taser deaf Black man with cerebral palsy

Acting on false claims from a white man under investigation, body camera video shows officers unexpectedly go after McAlpin, punch him in the head at least 10 times, Taser him four times, and wrap their arms around his neck.

The violent arrest stems from a morning call from Circle K employees who reported that a White man was causing problems and wouldn’t leave the store, records show.

While being trespassed, the man claimed he was assaulted by a Black man and pointed across the street at McAlpin.

Officers Harris and Sue took the man’s claims at face value and left him to go after McAlpin. (The man’s assault claim was later refuted by store employees and surveillance video, records show.)

So the cops were called there because this white guy refused to leave, and that guy just pointed out a random deaf black guy, and the cops left him (the person they were called to trespass) to go beat the shit out of the deaf black guy



Well-Known Member
Phoenix officers repeatedly punch, Taser deaf Black man with cerebral palsy

Acting on false claims from a white man under investigation, body camera video shows officers unexpectedly go after McAlpin, punch him in the head at least 10 times, Taser him four times, and wrap their arms around his neck.

The violent arrest stems from a morning call from Circle K employees who reported that a White man was causing problems and wouldn’t leave the store, records show.

While being trespassed, the man claimed he was assaulted by a Black man and pointed across the street at McAlpin.

Officers Harris and Sue took the man’s claims at face value and left him to go after McAlpin. (The man’s assault claim was later refuted by store employees and surveillance video, records show.)

So the cops were called there because this white guy refused to leave, and that guy just pointed out a random deaf black guy, and the cops left him (the person they were called to trespass) to go beat the shit out of the deaf black guy

I will never tire of saying: until the good cops call out the bad cops, they're just as bad.

conor c

Well-Known Member
I will never tire of saying: until the good cops call out the bad cops, they're just as bad.
What gets me is the idiots who think police were set up to protect and serve they ain't there to keep you in line the rest is an illusion no more no less after reading through this thread a bit I can see you Americans definitely have more of a problem than us in the UK we have some problems with corruption and racism too here as well but not on the scale you guys do shocking stuff to say the least in this day and age I think what @curious2garden said might help cos at least that way they be held more accountable for there actions as individuals


Well-Known Member
What gets me is the idiots who think police were set up to protect and serve they ain't there to keep you in line the rest is an illusion no more no less after reading through this thread a bit I can see you Americans definitely have more of a problem than us in the UK we have some problems with corruption and racism too here as well but not on the scale you guys do shocking stuff to say the least in this day and age I think what @curious2garden said might help cos at least that way they be held more accountable for there actions as individuals
Jim Crow legacy holds us back. Our gun laws/culture dial everything up.

Hell, some people think hallucinogens are illegal to protect us from ourselves. lol.

conor c

Well-Known Member
Jim Crow legacy holds us back. Our gun laws/culture dial everything up.

Hell, some people think hallucinogens are illegal to protect us from ourselves. lol.
I agree though I half envy your gun laws they curse you on the other hand it means every cop is armed beyond what the situation may call for we lucky here they don't carry so much it's only armed response that do they still aren't fun to deal with but it's less common I feel you on the hallucinogenics here we have liberty caps that grow naturally but the minute someone picks it it's a class A controlled substance it's ridiculous