Oregon homeless camp bill

Its when the Chinese Dictator himself came into town to meet with Biden months ago. They literally swept the streets clean overnight for that APEC summit or whatever it was, and proved that they could actually clean up the city with all the tax money that never seems to go where its supposed to.

There were rumors of homeless getting in white vans, never to be seen again, etc. I'm not saying the conspiracies are true, just that it would be creepy to me to see entire blocks cleared out overnight. Most those people aren't allowed in shelters due to being crazy af and on drugs, and they don't have enough shelters in the first place.. So, where they go?

They displaced 10s of thousands of people before the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta (literally bulldozing entire communities of homes, evictions, etc), and issued over 9000 arrests to homeless people.. :-o
I think it would be nice if we put some real effort as a nation into moving toilets out of businesses and out throughout our cities. Take the stress off our businesses when dealing with the toiletry needs of the people in those areas.

its because LA is the next host of the Olympics, theyre only about 5 hours apart
That would do it. It will be interesting to see how sustainable this is.

Also I just wanted to say, when I posted that story I just checked the date this thread and didn't read the first couple pages until a little later. I didn't bump this one to mess with you, I just thought it was a good place that the story related to. And I am glad I did, you guys had a really good conversation about this.


So is the un-housed populations vanishing all the sudden. Like, where do they really end up? Didn't something like that happen not too long ago in CA?
I think it would be nice if we put some real effort as a nation into moving toilets out of businesses and out throughout our cities. Take the stress off our businesses when dealing with the toiletry needs of the people in those areas.

That would do it. It will be interesting to see how sustainable this is.

Also I just wanted to say, when I posted that story I just checked the date this thread and didn't read the first couple pages until a little later. I didn't bump this one to mess with you, I just thought it was a good place that the story related to. And I am glad I did, you guys had a really good conversation about this.

so what happens is they migrate to the suburb areas than those areas are typically more reinforced with police presence which then they make them move again, its more of a displacement thats spread out than anything actually sustainable
they dont do any more shelters etc
so what happens is they migrate to the suburb areas than those areas are typically more reinforced with police presence which then they make them move again, its more of a displacement thats spread out than anything actually sustainable
they dont do any more shelters etc
I see it a lot going to other way here (pushed towards the freeways/Detroit).

I really am looking forward to our species not feeling the need for every other human to have to toil to survive.
That is a nice design, it is basically a larger portajohn. That combined with bus routes that are free to the people there to get to jobs in the more remote areas that need people but require transportation and there is no reason not to let these people live in relative safety.

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yeah and we know they arent big enough to support the entire unhoused population and they have more rigerous rules than jails

the reality is more what i said, very few people get into those tiny homes. i know this because i volunteered heavily with the unhoused population in my lastcity,

I know exactly what is happening but thanks for the fluff piece
Those more rigorous than jail rules are there to help program these people into a condition that will keep them out of jail. These camps are in lieu of building more jail cells.

I know exactly what's happening because I spent 25 years working for the California Dept of Corrections & Rehabilitation. The unit I worked in, our main goal was to reduce the recidivism rate and give convicts the tools necessary to stay out of prison. The resources these programs provide the homeless are crucial in keeping many from falling unnecessarily into the criminal justice system.
yeah and we know they arent big enough to support the entire unhoused population and they have more rigerous rules than jails

the reality is more what i said, very few people get into those tiny homes. i know this because i volunteered heavily with the unhoused population in my lastcity,

I know exactly what is happening but thanks for the fluff piece
I think of it more as a proof of concept. I am not a fan of the 'temporary housing' part though. There is really no reason we should not be able to provide something like that for everyone that needs one for as long as they need.
I think of it more as a proof of concept. I am not a fan of the 'temporary housing' part though. There is really no reason we should not be able to provide something like that for everyone that needs one for as long as they need.
That only happens when you violate the law....
That only happens when you violate the law....
That makes sense thank you I didn't think of it that way.

I don't have much family that I have seen go through late stage life stuff, but as I am getting older and seeing it more and more, and understanding how all those injuries add up and compound, and it is worth us as a society understanding we should think about how to provide it respectfully for the people we live with.

Im really hoping we can finally put this flirting with dictatorship behind us and get started on setting the next handful of generations up for as much success and prosperity as possible. There is so much that we have just started to understand about living in a society with the technology we now can operate. And idiots are kicking and screaming because they are programmed to think that the spawn of the idiots who clear cut our nation's forests should not have to pay taxes on the insane amount of money they were given.

It sucks to think that this would be one of those great ideas that would get passed and started and then have the Republicans systematically sue and chop out and harass the project to stall it as long as possible so they could use it to troll themselves back into power to shut it down and pretend like it is a Democratic failure.
I think of it more as a proof of concept. I am not a fan of the 'temporary housing' part though. There is really no reason we should not be able to provide something like that for everyone that needs one for as long as they need.

heres the thing it isnt just breaking the law or drugs etc.

in shelters they make you leave all your belongings outside these can be survival needs or the only sentimental things they have, this means they have to risk hiding their items which get stolen most of the time, almost always stolen.
they dont allow any food items or water inside so they also have to leaveany food they may need

curfew is strict meaning you gotta be there by like 4pm to 6pm if the bus is late youre fucked and then they chuck you right back out at 5-6am
you must be separated from any friends, partners etc
if you tip toe anything out of line you are banned from the shelter and any associated one and they are all connected

this is why most people dont go to shelters,it doesnt help them, they treat these people like absolute shit

Why are we treating unhoused people so poorly to abide by rules so strict they are worse than prison , we treat unhoused legally and in shelters as criminals
they are people who need help

the tiny home projects are great in concept they do not plan out in practice as the unhoused population is too many and too few tiny home opportunities

Everyone wants to tout an unhoused person is just a lazy alcoholic drug user with mental health issues when most arent but they are treated as such

Even users in here posting fluff pieces still tout the same rhetoric