I really think he’s got the early symptoms of Alzheimer’s. His father had it, and Donald Trump is a little older than when his father was diagnosed. Trump couldn’t complete a thought, nor did he say anything we haven’t heard before. I also found it interesting that when both candidates were fact checked, darn nearly everything he said was either a lie (excuse me a Haitian is stealing my dog for dinner) or grossly exaggerated. Rock on Kamala!!
I have to correct myself, the FBI announced it had captured an illegal alien that was eating cats, his name is Alf!!!
Edit: what wasn’t comical out of Trump was frightening, his admiration for the Hungarian President is a harbinger of what could be coming. Orban, since his second term in 2010 has weakened judicial appointments, persecuted the LBGT community, suppressed free press, and destroyed the democratic multi party system.