A few sugar leaves here and there


Hey guys just curious if it's normal to have a few sugar leaves here and there turn dark and wither away. Is that normal or do I have a problem?
You can look for the eggs also they will look green and have a little web like thing connecting them to the plant probably on the underside of leaves but can be elsewhere. Think some people use BTS and other safe to use things in flower.
meanwhile i look it up and check this other thread you can check also.


Is this the BTS spray? I opened those buds and found little fuzzy webbed cocoons in each wilting spot. Bug identifier app listed it them as a couple different things, like bagworm, and plant hopper moth. For sure caterpillars are the problem though.


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Is this the BTS spray? I opened those buds and found little fuzzy webbed cocoons in each wilting spot. Bug identifier app listed it them as a couple different things, like bagworm, and plant hopper moth. For sure caterpillars are the problem though.
Bacillus thuringiensis: This biological insecticide is the most effective method for treating caterpillar infestations, as it harms caterpillars without posing a risk to cannabis plants or humans.
yeah It says so on the label just double check around if people use captain jacks pretty sure iv heard so. ill check