Matrix Reloaded/Silo Grow Method


Well-Known Member
No matter what, we will continue!

The carnival lasted three nights, on the occasion of outstanding valiant victories.

Damn, half the city is without power, although it didn't really affect us. Because I don't live in an industrial area, but in a residential area.

But sooner or later the darkness recedes and the sun rises, warming everything around with its gentle warmth

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The water was turned off for a day. The next day the water was turned on, I decided to take a shower, drained the water that was in reserve. I started to fill up with new water... damn... and it was so rusty... incredibly rusty. I couldn't swim, but that's a small thing... there is no water for irrigation... I'll wait, maybe it will stop being rusty...

eleventh week of flowering.

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It seems to me that the buds have swollen even more.

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The smell is getting less and less, I think it will last another week at most.

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to be continued.....
They are coming along nicely


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I was not here because... because...

It is very disturbing here again... very...

Yesterday I had to close the windows in the evening and turn off the air flow into the room from the street because smoke comes in through the windows and hurts the eyes... Something bad is happening...

I remembered my first sketches of Pegasus))


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