Matrix Reloaded/Silo Grow Method

Sorry, I've been away for a while.

As we say: trouble usually comes to your house not alone, but with its friends.

My mother-in-law had a stroke.... the second in the war. The first two months were heavily bombed, it was quite unclear where to go, everything was rattling and shaking. My mother-in-law and father-in-law sat in the cellar for two months. Towards the end of the second month I had my first stroke. They took me to the hospital, and there was more rattling... The conditions were terrible.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want you to feel sorry for me. I'm telling you about what's happening in front of my plants.
Sorry, I've been away for a while.

As we say: trouble usually comes to your house not alone, but with its friends.

My mother-in-law had a stroke.... the second in the war. The first two months were heavily bombed, it was quite unclear where to go, everything was rattling and shaking. My mother-in-law and father-in-law sat in the cellar for two months. Towards the end of the second month I had my first stroke. They took me to the hospital, and there was more rattling... The conditions were terrible.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want you to feel sorry for me. I'm telling you about what's happening in front of my plants.
Just glad you're still here.
Just glad you're still here.
Thank you!

I'm very honored that you appreciate me so much.

I haven't been here in two and a half years.

there for a bit i didn't know where you went too ,that bothered me you are the only people i know a little about ,from your section of the world.
To visualize vividly, the lands I'm in, at times, resemble the entourage of a computer game. Like Battlefield or Call of Duty.))) I've loved computer games since I was a kid. but I couldn't play them for about six months until I got used to the fact that Battlefield was out the window.))

So many people left as soon as it started, it was chaos at the train station, people abandoned cars property... and ran..... The city was deserted.

What impressed me the most was the amount of abandoned pets on the streets..... When I saw them... it was heartbreaking to see them suffering without homes and owners..... The ones that were close to our house, we tried to feed as much as we could.

No, I didn't abandon Elsa, no, I didn't run away.

What's happening now is unimaginable, I'm in the middle of something that's going to change the world. And these events will be studied by historians for a very long time. Unless, of course, it ends with Hiroshima. But I really wish it didn't.))))
Mad respect for the work you do under the circumstances. Keep growing, hope they dont take away you power. Ill pull up a chair and follow along

Also, my Ukr friends in Spain always says that the weed there is better, but they say everything is better over there so i dont know if its pride or truth ;)
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Sorry, I've been away for a while.

As we say: trouble usually comes to your house not alone, but with its friends.

My mother-in-law had a stroke.... the second in the war. The first two months were heavily bombed, it was quite unclear where to go, everything was rattling and shaking. My mother-in-law and father-in-law sat in the cellar for two months. Towards the end of the second month I had my first stroke. They took me to the hospital, and there was more rattling... The conditions were terrible.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want you to feel sorry for me. I'm telling you about what's happening in front of my plants.
I'm so glad to hear you're still with us, old friend.
I put a lot of effort into keeping up with events
Yes, I can imagine, it's mind-blowing.)))

What can I say

Stay on course. There are no mysteries, everything is clear and understandable. Everything that's happening, in my opinion, seems to have clarified a lot.

Meanwhile, keep your head down and stay away from the shooting!
If you go out on the street, there is a greater chance that you will be grabbed and shoved into a bus than to get caught in a bombing.)))

No, this is not Palestine, here you can predict the danger by some signs and just stay away from it.. The probability is extremely low, only chance.

Take care and safe growing
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Thanks, Bro!
I put a lot of effort into keeping up with events and as you say, things are not what we are told they are. It will be an interesting conversation when this is all over and we can talk over beers and fat joints!

Meanwhile, keep your head down and stay away from the shooting!

I will continue to look forward to your updates.
Me the same, Denys has been my companion for over two years now, i catch him everyday, plus the rest, even Paul Strikegum, though he can get annoying. Took in two girls in our place in march 22, still get the tightest fades and haircuts from one of them, but they are now alright on their own in Spain;
@Sedan, i trying to stay clear of thi and not speak too much or mention anything specific in your thread cause im sure its not what mods like.

Waiting for the day that this is all over and we'll actually get to see some of the stories acted out.
Maybe we could get another band of brothers / Hrupa Brativ? It would be the most kickass of all.

Also know that in my original home country the feeling re this is monolithic on your side, even the extreme right knows whats going on which is rather sobering and very unusual; all the Baltics and Scando know whats at stake and who is next if we fail.

Re ukr weed, i dont know i just know what they say, and they say everything is always better in ukr, beer, weed, party, techno everything lol, but they love their country. Best genetics are probably sitting in some old guys fridge, the comercial stuff is nice, but if you can cross it with something that is just one or two gens from growing outside in the mountain side in from last century you can usually find some gold.
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i trying to stay clear of thi and not speak too much or mention anything specific in your thread cause im sure its not what mods like.
my old topic was closed for this reason)), I know about it.

But I will not talk about specifics, only in general terms, in the context of the growth of my plants. To create a background or entourage, to add brightness and piquancy to my topic.)))

Now this is a very painful conversation piece for many, it is not worth talking about it openly for now, at least until all this is over..

the tightest fades and haircuts
Yes, in Europe this is a very popular job. If you are a hairdresser or a make-up artist, you will definitely find a job with a high salary. Otherwise, they usually pay half the salary of refugees and only the most difficult jobs.

Denys has been my companion for over two years
I understand that this is a refugee who came to Spain and did business with you.

Yes, there are many here who left with money.. Those who do not live on benefits, but are trying to set up a business there.

Waiting for the day that this is all over and we'll actually get to see some of the stories acted out.
Yes, then we will definitely return to this conversation.
"Yes, in Europe this is a very popular job. If you are a hairdresser or a make-up artist, you will definitely find a job with a high salary. Otherwise, they usually pay half the salary of refugees and only the most difficult jobs."
She is the number one worker in the barber shop, no one can do a fade like her. We got her an interview as soon as she could get by with a little English. She is loved by her boss, hardest worker and supports her girlfriend in spain and mother in Kharkiv. Sometimes i feel shes twice the man i am, lol.

"I understand that this is a refugee who came to Spain and did business with you."

No, Denys is a youtuber, pilot from Sevastopol. Daily updates, he would be the first thing i saw every morning with my morning coffee as we transited from covid paranoia to war & fear. Sweet guy, but i follow most of them. All of them do donations. To the point mr P wants to go after them with his old work buddies. Youtubers seem to have the most detailed and up to date news for us outside.

Anyways back to grow :)
and supports her girlfriend in spain and mother in Kharkiv.
It's amazing how small the world is.

She is the number one worker in the barber shop
Yes, a lot of people have left, but not everyone is as lucky as this girl.

A lot of people I know have left. I think most of them left forever.

No, Denys is a youtuber
You're probably talking about Denis Davydov.

Since I appeared here, I've been shown this blogger.

He's also popular in the US.

Anyways back to grow
As long as there is light.))