Leaf damage? Dtw coco


Well-Known Member
Id say toss the rest I let it get too bad. Too many days of possible fungal roots producing toxins deep down the whole cola uts just not there yet to wilt.

If it was one light cycle later depending on how big the cola is probably can get away with clipping it out. If one or two more do it and its 2 wks from chop maybe 3. Id chop and consider lucky.

If its early oof. Could lose that slot only to still get infected clone or two. Thats another thing it could be originating from a mother so already screwed.

Maybe not and I just keep doing what I was doing. Getting rid of the plant is essential IMO.


Well-Known Member
I say keep going as is because I have a couple clones chopping today none of this. My other 3 clones are 1 wk from typically chop time and only one cola wilted.


Well-Known Member
I found something. Its a bit rancid in the root area in the effected plant and the good clone was whiter healthier looking.

When I pushed them, the bad one had really cloudy nasty looking solution but the clean one was much cleaner.

The effected one had loads of gnats! The bits dont work?! Kinda relief I feel like yall are bound to name that as the cause. Still throw away sus bud right? I already did and pretty sure thats wise.



Well-Known Member
Shit this could be fusarium after all or the like, it starts at roots.. I guess take a good look at the clones roots before declaring it a long term new mother. Shit shit shit.


Well-Known Member
Maybe even post legal.
The LA Times did an article on a shitload of carts etc., that they bought in different dispensaries and different brands and tested them for pesticides. The results were not good.

Shit this could be fusarium after all or the like, it starts at roots.. I guess take a good look at the clones roots before declaring it a long term new mother. Shit shit shit.
You got a fungal infection while running pool shock?


Well-Known Member
The LA Times did an article on a shitload of carts etc., that they bought in different dispensaries and different brands and tested them for pesticides. The results were not good.

You got a fungal infection while running pool shock?
Yea or well idk but seems like it. I heard pool shock doesnt kill pythium or whatever its called. Probably not fusarium either.

First time dealing with this but it was on a couple clones last round too. Pretty sure roots were white too but when I checked they seemed like what I posted.

So I think its something in the roots water borne. edit they seemed whiter starting out with super healthy clones but I noticed they were tinted brown a bit at harvest like the good clone I posted

The good clone was starting to die out too I chopped just in time.


Well-Known Member
When I say chopped on time its already possible its loaded with toxins. So I trashed 6 of 8oz approximately, knowing im blindly salvaging colas that who knows if effected.

The good clone could of had toxins I meant to say but probably mostly good.

The bad plant, only took the outstanding excellent colas and cherry picked around the furthest from the bad sites.

These clones roots are so healthy I say gosh damn every time I see the photo. High hopes, turning new leaf.

I got spiders Im intentionally leaving be, theyre my friends now.



Well-Known Member
Yea or well idk but seems like it. I heard pool shock doesnt kill pythium or whatever its called. Probably not fusarium either.

First time dealing with this but it was on a couple clones last round too. Pretty sure roots were white too but when I checked they seemed like what I posted.

So I think its something in the roots water borne. edit they seemed whiter starting out with super healthy clones but I noticed they were tinted brown a bit at harvest like the good clone I posted

The good clone was starting to die out too I chopped just in time.
How often do you change your rez and do you sterilize it or just refill it?


Well-Known Member
How often do you change your rez and do you sterilize it or just refill it?
Thats really what the shock is for, to keep rez clean aim for 3 ppm. By doing .3gs per 10 gallons and I do it every 3 days.

Unless the rez is to be refilled which lately been like that on day 3 so just do new dose of shock.

No slime nothing just maybe some fallout from the maxibloom in crystals like glass that accumilate on bottom.

I didnt think it needed to be cleaned. Ive let it go rancid few times as I was learning to use pool shock at first and would scrub it out each time.

Experience told me some time after day 3 it can go bad from warm temps. Thats a regular thing now with all these tents and hot leds. Dehuey.


Well-Known Member
Kind of a lost cause as these new molds Im learning about can come from the water. So TC once again being right to filter water if possible.

But then it can come in the air. Hard not to be superstitious when viewing outcome however it goes.

Before this I only worried about PM which I didnt see people get often indoors but I did see it. Then theres HLV that I thought was too rare to worry about in my situation.

Hell never a bad idea to second guess anything.


Well-Known Member
Trying to remember how clueless I am and to keep researching. I get worried about misconception interpretations etc. Or like now, worried that it travels through cuttings which I think I read it does.

So my garden is at risk. Im better off hoping its bacterial or etc and not fungal pointing to the rough ones to have.


Well-Known Member
Or that if it can travel through cuttings, rather not it is salvagable if you just monitor health and check roots. Im definetly seeing correlation of roots unlike lights, nutes , ph etc.


Well-Known Member
Root balls last harvest two clones same tent with no issues like this. 3 clones were running late due to canopy skills lacking and possibly this same infection.

Why I think cause I was like hmm I was expecting root balls like this. But they looked similar to the best clone of these two where one went rancid bad with gnats this time.

Gnats.. Another lesson, I can never be over proactive preventing.



Well-Known Member
Bump. Im worried I have a wonk clone, thats a thing aint it? It will just grow stunted its whole life or can it be a banger? Like some seeds can be. Should I replace this clone?

Whats weird theyre all seeming to grow 3 tip leafs suddenly. First time vegging in basement, I only did one other time long ago. Familiar issues. Spider fest, I should be a spider farmer sticker on the wall lol.

Very cool temps and high humidity but lower rh in cool months. I think its the temps but idk could be a willy wonka. Any thoughts? Better off reatarting?

Jeez my recent plans to expand are really worth it, so much can go wrong.



Well-Known Member
So I’m not gonna try to respond to all of this. But I’m going to share one thing.

Take a deep breath homie, growing is supposed to be fun and relaxing. Stressing yourself out will only make you overlook things because you are frantic.

I’ve definitely been in your spot where have issues and you are chasing your tail trying to figure it out. It’s tough some times.

step one: clean everything with bleach. The tents, pots, drain pans, tubing, pumps, fans, lights, everything.

Step two: always clean your scissors when taking cuttings or trimming plants. At the grow I work at we keep our cloning scissors separate and store them in alcohol.

step 3: if you have gnats, then you have either standing water someplace, or a very wet root zone. Either of those things can also cause the roots to have issues of their own. Pool shock won’t keep drain pans or pots sterile, it will only keep the water you are applying clean. So if there is any standing water in the pans or under the pots it could give the gnats a breeding ground.

step 4: make sure as your plants are growing they have enough space and air flow to prevent micro climates from developing in the canopy. Places where leaves touch and are cramped can prevent airflow and have increased RH which creates a breeding ground for issues.

there are many types of molds, fungus, bacteria and bugs that can be prevented just by controlling your environment properly and keeping EVERYTHING as clean as possible.


Well-Known Member
Noted best I can will try my best. Trying to feed 6x a day vs 8 to dry a little but not to spike ec and stress roots readjusting osmosis. Idk though some think its good some bad.

Carpet is old and filthy so it feels pointless to go that deep. Ive been wanting to redo the room to hard floor though which would help. Idk how youd get into dehuey or other electronics.


Well-Known Member
Relaxin. Just trying to keep peace and keep goin. Chopped two mini clones the root ball isnt all that white and a little slimey. No gnats whatsoever not ever one on the fly trap.

Cleaned the cabinet out a bit it was ground zero. I think they spread from there. Just keep on keepin on! Set the cabinet to 2x a day instead of 3.



Well-Known Member
Damn just now saw the cycle of gnats and really theyre hatching in the pots. I guess I knew that but didnt really realize it. The traps arent doing much.

I didnt read the thing clearly when I first got it years ago. I was following the standing water application, duh.

I didnt know I was supposed to load the pots up with them every 3 weeks. I put like one piece in every corner thats how bad I applied it.

Im starting to think the gnats had alot to do with it but also I guess overwatering. Im just new to using 1 gallon.

Its like theyre only in the cabinet but some times get into my other tent like last harvest. Theres no gnats in those tents really.

I tried peroxide that shit doesnt kill them on contact like it says online.
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