Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

Had one bud turn brown, pulled it off and there the caterpillar was. Cabbage moths. I have a kale plant right next to it, which inadvertently became a trap crop. The caterpillars ate the kale down to the stems earlier in the season, but it grew back. The kale has many of these caterpillars and some of them have started to cacoon. If the kale was not there I'm sure the caterpillars would have decimated the cannabis. I've never had much luck with brassicas (because of the caterpillars) and don't usually plant many.
I started using a flotron bug zapper at night for the last 3 years now, it stopped the caterpillar problem completely.....Beats bagging my plants every night which works fine except if its windy..... The birds get roasted moths for breakfast too
I only saw one grown cat on a random bud x tpd, and a couple three babies on other strains this season. Pretty good for here on the sandhill. But then we had a crazy dry end of summer and fall. A lot less rot than a normal year.
I started using a flotron bug zapper at night for the last 3 years now, it stopped the caterpillar problem completely.....Beats bagging my plants every night which works fine except if its windy..... The birds get roasted moths for breakfast too

I was thinking about this, it appears the moths lay eggs at night so if one can coerce them into suicide before laying eggs it might help solve the issue. How is this still working for you at current? Also, have you found it effective with mosquitoes? This particular brand is also what I was looking at on amazon, it says it's American made; how is the flotron holding up? Can you leave this out when it's raining or do you have to cover it up?
I was thinking about this, it appears the moths lay eggs at night so if one can coerce them into suicide before laying eggs it might help solve the issue. How is this still working for you at current? Also, have you found it effective with mosquitoes? This particular brand is also what I was looking at on amazon, it says it's American made; how is the flotron holding up? Can you leave this out when it's raining or do you have to cover it up?
I use my flowtron every night if my plants are in flower, no cat damage yet all year...It is a bit loud but I sleep away from it
I use my flowtron every night if my plants are in flower, no cat damage yet all year...It is a bit loud but I sleep away from it

What's the deal with rain, do they have to be covered up or turned off? I'd hate to buy one and it rain while sleeping and short it out.
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What's the deal with rain, do they have to be covered up or turned off? I'd hate to buy one and it rain while sleeping and short it out.
If the wind is angling the rain to hit the zapper i turn it off, its its not windy You can leave it on....I guess rain can be a problem, if its raining not many moths around anyway....
I've been growing outside in Minnesota since the 90s. Never had insect problems, with the exception of aphids, which I ignore. The climate is really changing around here, though. Its like hot or cold with the rain. It's either buy irrigation for your plants, or dig trenches to keep all the rain out.

I wanna buy one of those bug zappers now.
I've been growing outside in Minnesota since the 90s. Never had insect problems, with the exception of aphids, which I ignore. The climate is really changing around here, though. Its like hot or cold with the rain. It's either buy irrigation for your plants, or dig trenches to keep all the rain out.

I wanna buy one of those bug zappers now.
Too cold for them bugs huh? Ever see a stem completely covered in aphids? Stuff of nightmares. I use lacewings to control the aphids, perhaps you have a thiving predatory ecosystem?

I use my flowtron every night if my plants are in flower, no cat damage yet all year...It is a bit loud but I sleep away from it
Caterpillars are the last pest standing, I haven't figured out. I'm worried if I use a zapper, the lacewings will get caught in it and then I will have aphid problems again. Any experience?
I'd say that might be recommended. I'm finding HELL of praying mantises all over the place still, too. I think they have tiny little personalities, some let me hold them and others are totally skittish. They all trip me out when they turn their tiny heads to look at me, they're PEERING at me.
nope, just sizing you up for next meal !
yeah...those effing web worms!! can add grasshoppers and snails to that list too!! I'm using bio advance by Bayer that works pretty good in a water mix concentrate. Also handles mold! Ladybugs came in strong on my crop and helped me out a lot!!:clap:
Anyone dealing with hemp borers? I sprayed BT, and Captain Jack a few times and stopped about two weeks before budding started but I still got these worms just like seen here in the link. I have been crushing the stems where possible trying to mash the worms not sure if that worked. My sativa buds are light and not really dense so I am thinking I would see them if they get near the buds......not sure first time for me with these.
I started spraying bt each week in mid august. I’ve lost entire plants to caterpillars and worms each year but this one. No damage at all since my new regime of BT


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