Oh no, is this powdery mildew?


Active Member
Lol good my thoughts were correct then, poop or some other form or contamination.
It's growing outdoors, but I just repotted it the night before and then came outside the next day and seen that on a whole bunch of leaves. I also thought maybe it had gotten weak in health slightly because I also split the stem bout 1/4" right at a top point and had to twine it back together and stake it up. Then next morning seen that so got worried it has contracted something due to repot and split. But she was fixing to off breaks same day so doubt that will hurt it to much.
I also just misted them with water a day before during the early evening so I was figuring It was the water left over and the calcium that's in it.
So whew, not powder that we think. But I'll definitely keep a eye on it and see if it spreads anymore.
Thanks again everyone.
My first weed plant that I've allowed to get this tall since its legal now and I don't have to be paranoid about it when it starts to stink lol. So after a certain stage I'm clueless on what some things look like.
But I figure a lot of the disease and all that would be the same as any other prickly soft tissue leaf plant


Active Member
Yea I have these stupid little grasshopper looking things that love to sit up there and munch on them in the evening time.
It's the only bug I have any dealing with because they can hop onto it since I use bug killer grains on my soil once a pot(always have in my garden plants, and not toxic either since it doesn't get absorbed by roots but can't use on things such as peas or cabbage when sprouting) and sven dust around the base to prevent anything from crawling on it. But just little grasshopper type things and I have noticed they are leaving little slug type spots, but not slugs.


Well-Known Member
Yea I have these stupid little grasshopper looking things that love to sit up there and munch on them in the evening time.
It's the only bug I have any dealing with because they can hop onto it since I use bug killer grains on my soil once a pot(always have in my garden plants, and not toxic either since it doesn't get absorbed by roots but can't use on things such as peas or cabbage when sprouting) and sven dust around the base to prevent anything from crawling on it. But just little grasshopper type things and I have noticed they are leaving little slug type spots, but not slugs.
Those sound like leafhoppers and they are difficult to get rid of. They're leaf chewers/sucker's that dont really bother an established plant, but they can transmit disease.


Well-Known Member
With powdery mildew, the whole leaf would look like it is covered in white dust. As others have suggested here, it looks like a bird did a plopsy on your plant