Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
clothes are packed; gonna pack up the toiletries in the morning. are we the only couple who almost divorces/breaks up the day before every big trip? packing and cleaning, and the other person is never doing it fast enough/correct/on time/enough etc. OMG I CAN PACK MY OWN FUCKING BAG. thankfully, i have weed. LOL
the sailboat took her maiden (to us) voyage yesterday while i was at work. she sails like a dream i heard. she'll get more airtime this week, and i'm hoping by the end of the trip i'll be able to sail her myself <3
i'm also hoping to pick up cheap dispo stuff for some buddies who gave me a shopping list. with ohio getting ready to fully open dispos to rec, prices are nuts here currently, so i've heard. i haven't been in one since i harvested my first grow back in january.


Well-Known Member
That's quite the water garden, must draw some birds.
How many gph is the pump?

I had a little marsh sparrow that would run thru the falls, then roll around in a puddle.
Spent most of the day splashing around eating bugs, quite entertaining.
The pump is a 2hp pool pump that sits between the pond and the falls and There's a 500lb bio filter that cleans the pond along with a 75wt uv. There's lots of bird visitors. Some are welco.e, the herons are not.


Well-Known Member
Oh, hi there. These little ladies popped up on the 4th. BOO. I also did a little digging for the corms I was trying to start and realized one had sprouted, but I put it in the dirt upside down. Oops. The little tiny guy in the left of the pic is the start of a hopefully healthy Silver Dragon.

The one on the right is a silver dragon

Also, has anybody had any issues trying to get the BOOxWW beans to pop? When I first ran BOO, I also dropped a couple of the BOOxWW beans and they cracked, but never took off. I started 2 this time when I started the BOO and they cracked, but never took off again. I went ahead and dropped 3 more in a cup of water last night and am going to just leave them in there until the root actually comes out and starts growing or they decide to do nothing.


Well-Known Member
That's quite the water garden, must draw some birds.
How many gph is the pump?

I had a little marsh sparrow that would run thru the falls, then roll around in a puddle.
Spent most of the day splashing around eating bugs, quite entertaining.
When I water plants and shrubs the birds hear it and I just spray over next to em,then they play and and cool off in it.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member