Really frustrated today. One of my closest friends, a vet that has pretty bad ptsd, got passed off at me for recommending he get a tech guy for his ac instead of relying on me to fix it. I told him I couldn't. I've helped him with over 50k over the past few years, building a beautiful fish pond for him, teaching him and supplying him with whatever he needed to grow his own, given him jars and jars....He stopped me from leaving and pretty much looked into my eyes like I was his dog daring me to bite or growl. Heda broken me in half if I even flinched. Everything I had was his if he needed it. I'm a humble guy that will stop to help anyone. If I have it and you need it, it's yours. There was no build up to this. Both sides of this story, he was 100% wrong. His wife asked me to forgive him and that comes easily. I've never asked anything in return. Am I wrong that the one time I ask for something it be that he never contact me again and basically fuk off? These are people that consider me and I them, family. Sorry to be a buzzkill, just don't really have anywhere else to air this out.