New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

fkN rip off $30 for this.i shoulda gone to McDonald’s and got 2 cheeseburgers and a milkshake.
It looks good but it has NO flavor. Lol . If I was to eat lobster again it’s gonna be steamed and dipped in butter. Like at red lobster. I miss the gulf shrimp in Mississippi. Bozo’s in Pascagoula was amazing. Nothing comes close.
I'm with you, rather just have the meat on a roll if I'm eating out.
Some places ruin it with sweet relish or too much salt, drown it in fake mayo, tarragon to excess etc.
Connecticut-style is what you have to ask/look for, or look on facebook.
I do them that way for variety, but at least I know whats going in it.
It looks good but it has NO flavor. Lol . If I was to eat lobster again it’s gonna be steamed and dipped in butter. Like at red lobster. I miss the gulf shrimp in Mississippi. Bozo’s in Pascagoula was amazing. Nothing comes close.
I simply dislike the cold water lobster.
Caribbean Lobster on a wood fired grilled w/ butter & garlic for me.

But the claws and joints are the best, most succulent part!
Finding one of the big carcus or marus pieces in a bowl of chowder is heavenly.
I do prefer the tails grilled, much more tasty.
Oh yeah? Bring it to JJ’s fall BBq or no ones gonna believe u. lol. Plus++++ Your rep +++would take on some serious west cost notoriety. I dare you to
Come and shake up Cali a little
with your NE swag.
Oh yeah? Bring it to JJ’s fall BBq or no ones gonna believe u. lol. Plus++++ Your rep +++would take on some serious west cost notoriety. I dare you to
Come and shake up Cali a little
with your NE swag.
I'll send a recipe, lol.

I should have shared the Ocean Roll food truck with you. prices are reasonable.
They actually do a good job on a mixed lobster roll, and the 50/50 boxes are a great deal.


I'll send a recipe, lol.

I should have shared the Ocean Roll food truck with you. prices are reasonable.
They actually do a good job on a mixed lobster roll, and the 50/50 boxes are a great deal.


No worries , That looks a lot better than the slop I had.
Kennybunkport is 1.5 hr drive from me unfortunately and I’m out of here in a few days.
It is supposed to get up to 90 degrees today This place is crazy.
Like the worst weather ever .
It looks good but it has NO flavor. Lol . If I was to eat lobster again it’s gonna be steamed and dipped in butter. Like at red lobster. I miss the gulf shrimp in Mississippi. Bozo’s in Pascagoula was amazing. Nothing comes close.
It's still hard shell season for lobsters and they'll molt into their new shells in a month+.
Some people like hardshell because their shells are completely packed with meat and they think they're getting more meat, but imo, like you said, zero flavor. Especially when it's drowned in mayo..soft shell lobster contain more water in the shells when you crack them, but much sweeter. Night and day from a hard shell.
But yeah, that f-ing roll that was on is atrocious. Lobster rolls should be on a cheap hot dog roll with celery salt( optional :p) I'm suspicious when they start jazzing up rolls with a non-traditional bun.
Best of luck with the new move!