Blaze & Daze

Happy Dirt Day! Got six 10g planters mixed up and prepped. However, it would appear remedial math is not my strong suit as I totally miscalculated and didn’t account for the kale and bean containers - D’oh! Guess I know what I’m doing Sunday. Have a great Saturday night. Be easy friends :peace:IMG_3878.jpeg
This bike is crazy... Crazy fast! Notice this guy's heart rate. I didn't even know humans could get it above 180 without dying. Dude is like a super hero, albeit a useless one. Bikeman. Nah-nah-Nah-nah-Nah-nah-Nah-nah- BIKE-MAN!

I kept waiting for someone to step out in front of him so he could knock their legs out from under them. I'd be aiming for people to see how many in air flips I could make them do.

This dude just walked down my driveway and right past the back door. Wish I'd gotten a better shot, but you get the idea. Decent sized black bear. Happy Sunday, everyone..View attachment 5394349
Fences make for nice neighbors!! I'm growing more and more attached to my block walls, except for the scorpions that like to soak the heat off them in the dark. Good morning.
I still have a fox living in my yard and pooping on a prostrate juniper which doesn't make cleanup very easy. I may have to take steps.

Doing a little indoor work this morning. First of 8 plants to chop and freeze today. My first scrog in 14 years seems to be the ticket for this strain. Bag of Oranges.20240519_093305.jpg20240519_093208.jpg
Mornin’ y’all. Thank gawd I don’t have my plants out yet, because the squirrels were at it already this morning digging in the pots.

I’ve used a variety of things as repellent, each with varying degrees of success. Any of y’all fighting the fight and winning? Haven’t used white vinegar around the area, but was told it can be effective. Happy Sunday!
morning, friends. it's hotter than hades out here today; well, not really but it's way too hot for mid-may! my asshole chickens tore through some shade cloth and absolutely MURDERED the beautiful cabbages in that row. thankfully i have more in a raised bed. yesterday's market was a bit of a bust but c'est la vie.
now i'm off to look up some coq au vin recipes...