Blaze & Daze

I have been fighting off the doves that want to build condos in my patio rafters.
Last night the owls were back, woke me up with their incessant who-ing.
This morning no doves in sight.
Get a cat. Doves are fat and slow. I used to own a ringneck dove. After the heart transplant, doctor said I couldn't have a bird. Fine by me, that thing drove me nuts. Like a steering wheel belt buckle on a pirate. Kakakakaka whooo who whooooo who who whoooooo kakakakaka. As soon as i turned the damn TV on.

My father-in-law annoys me as much, if not more than the dove. So I did what any rational man who needs to better his mental dojo and formulated a plan.

I paid $50 to my father-in-laws apartment management for a pet fee and dropped it off at his house. He said he couldn't take it because of the property manager. I gave him the receipt for the $50 fee paid. Gave him 4 bags of birdseed, and skipped like a happy little toddler going to the ice cream parlor to my car as he watched me dumbfounded through the window of his screen door holding 4 bags of bird seed with a receipt jammed in his pocket. Bird going nuts in the cage in the window next to him.

Bird is gone, and I can't go to my father-in-laws house until it's dead. They live 30 years. I'm golden

ringneck dove.
Those are an invasive species around here, they escaped from someone's aviary and have multiplied profusely competing with the Mourning doves for food. There is no limit on them in dove season. They are big enough that a few of them would make a good meal and I don't think they have the capability to drop from level flight 6 feet and do a U-turn when a shotgun is fired like the native birds. If you have ever hunted doves you understand.
Those are an invasive species around here, they escaped from someone's aviary and have multiplied profusely competing with the Mourning doves for food. There is no limit on them in dove season. They are big enough that a few of them would make a good meal and I don't think they have the capability to drop from level flight 6 feet and do a U-turn when a shotgun is fired like the native birds. If you have ever hunted doves you understand.
His name is Melvin. I called him that because he is as annoying as a Melvin. Which is a frontal wedgie (bill and Ted's excellent adventure). Any time I let him out of the cage he would follow me around. Nobody else. And I could flung him at people and he would hover in front of them freaking them out until I came and got him again.

They had ringneck doves at the zoo in the butterfly habitat. Everyone freaked out when I snached one out of the air and put it on my shoulder lol. It stayed there for a good 5 minutes. No poop either.
