Thundercat's Groooooooow

How long has it been since you inoculated? What temp are you incubating at? If you think the spores are the issue, hop on sporevision, or spores101, and order up some more right now. A new syringe should only be like $15-20. Start some more, try to be as sterile as possible cus didn't you say you had some contams. If you didn't last time, try the WBS, it was pretty easy.

im on round 2, but the first 6 jars i didnt have a pc for... and i made them too moist:lol:; but took about 10days before i got any growth in a jar (2contamed at 8)... the one jar grew really slow, didnt look healthy, and only started on one inoculation side.... then after it looked like it was starting to grow healthy and normal, it fell victim to the green ninja:wall:

all of the mold started right under the verm layer and only in a small spot, and many of the jars took a long time to contam.... got the pc and tried again 2more brf jars and 2wbs jars two days later. the brf jars are at 11days and the wbs at 9; both with no signs of growth at all....
trying a lc too:-P (think it may be doing good:confused:)

temps ranging from 70-80
new syringe coming in next week... dont know where it is from though, its from a friend
That would be kinda cool, growing some local strains. I've never had any that I would have thought were wild. I think all the ones I've had were cultivated.

So last night I shook all but 1 jar. One or two of the ones I shook might have been a day early, but I got carried away, and they were close. I also reshook 1 I did yesterday, it was about 90 on the outside already. A couple of these burmas you could almost watch grow!
That would be kinda cool, growing some local strains. I've never had any that I would have thought were wild. I think all the ones I've had were cultivated.

So last night I shook all but 1 jar. One or two of the ones I shook might have been a day early, but I got carried away, and they were close. I also reshook 1 I did yesterday, it was about 90 on the outside already. A couple of these burmas you could almost watch grow!

i'll get you some prints in the spring if you want... then you can grow an authentic "gulf coast" strain:mrgreen:
Wasn't sure, I suppose that makes sense. lol :) Have you ever identified any of the local ones you've picked? I'd be interested to know what strain they really are?
all i could say for sure is they are psylocibe cubensis... and they can get huge down here, so i'd like to grow some of em inside
So does the myc start to put off warmth like compost does? Yesterday I noticed my temp was up to about 86, I took the blanket off it last night, now its at 83 again.

I just checked on my jars, I shook some of them for a second time, the growth has been crazy since the first shake. I still have one ereal jar that hasn't done much yet, maybe 10% growth on the bottom(only jar that hasn't been shaken). There is also one KS jar that had prolly about 25-30% and I shook it cus I got carried away shaking the others. It hasn't grown much(atleast not on the outside) since I shook it, and I might have a bit of the green. Its just a tiny spot on 1 seed so it might not be, I can't tell if its really green, or just the seed, I have to watch it.

Now the good news, I have 1 burma, and 1 KS that seem to be at about 95%. I tryed to give them a second shake, and they didn't really move, or break. Just a little seed on the top did. So I think that with in the next day or two I might stick those two in the fridge till I need them. The majority of the growth looks like the cottony myc growth, do I need to wait till its all the stringy ryzo growth Kush?
Just wait till its solid white, and you will be good to go. Alot of times you dont see the rhizo growth until its been trayed up. myc is diff with every strain, or it can grow diff depending on the climate, and moisture content.
Sweet, as of this morning I have 3 hat are almost done. The rest have been doing well. I shook the last one that hadn't been. I think it might have been alittle early, but I figured maybe it had more growth in the middle, and this would help spread it. We'll see that happens. Unfortunately I might have 2 KS jars that are contamed. I'm not sure yet, I gotta wait but maybe. It sucks cus one of them was almost colonized, and now after I shook it, it might be showing green. Its tough to tell on either jar, cus its just a tiny bit of growth that is sort of coming out of a seed. So like I said yesterday, I don't know if its the color of the seed showing through the myc, or if its green growth. Ifigure I should be able to tell soon enough. Also on the plus side at least it is only the one strain, but on the down side, I don't have any more of that strain. I still have more burma, and ereal, but no more KS. Oh well guess I'll see what happens. I might post some pics tonight if I can get some good ones. Latta guys!
Ok I have pics!! I didn't take pics of the mold, but I lost 2 of my KS jars tonight. It had become evident since this morning that the ninja had struck! No big deal though, I still have 4 pints, and all are doing well. I'll just case 3 and myc transfer the other one into 6 more jars. That will get me back on track with them. The only straggler I have is one Ereal. I don't really have high hopes for him, it seems to be takeing a long time. I'm wondering if I skimped on the spores or something.

Now the good ones, I have 3-4 that are 90+%. There are also several that should be that far along by tomorrow night. I have a burma jar that is in one of the pictures that is pretty damn close to 100%. I'm gonna leave it till tomorrow, then I think toss it in the fridge. When I fridge it, I'm supposed to turn it upside down right, discurage air exchange?





sorry I never label my pics. The pictures with 2 jars, or the single jar with the blue stripe are all of those 2 burmas. The one on the left is the one near 100%. All the jars in these pics were shaken yesterday except the one burma. The picture with 3 jars is 3 of the 4 KS that are left. Then the single jar with the yellow stripe is the strongest of the Ereals. Thanks for tagging along guys, and for all the help Kush!! I think things are about to get fun!! I'm thinking that by the 2 week mark I should have atleast the burmas cased.. :)
Looks good! And you thought you was going to be behind me, yours are further along then mine! I am using qt jars too, so that takes a little longer.
I tell you what man, this has happened alot faster then I expected. The last time I grew mushrooms it took like a month to colonize the bag of rye, then another month to colonize the compost and start fruiting. Then it took like 3 weeks before they were ready to pick the first flush. This is way better!! I really have faith that I might get to eat mushrooms for new years!! :)
I tell you what man, this has happened alot faster then I expected. The last time I grew mushrooms it took like a month to colonize the bag of rye, then another month to colonize the compost and start fruiting. Then it took like 3 weeks before they were ready to pick the first flush. This is way better!! I really have faith that I might get to eat mushrooms for new years!! :)
You might be eatin shrooms for Christmas!! It looks like you can tray some of them up in the next couple days, then 3more days in the incubator...then cased and put in the FC on the 18th..then within 3 to 5 days you should see pins. It might be a little bit after Christmas, but thats still pretty quick in my book!