Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
looks good!! I have taught you well daniel As for how long till they are done, they should be pinnin around the 21st, or 22 if you put in the FC on the 18th. I would say you will be pickin 29th or the 30th. Also, did you poke holes in the foil so the tray can breath? I didnt see any


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I poked a couple small holes when I read your post Kush. I also checked them at the same time, and there is already myc all over the surface. I also checked my ereal jars and 5 out of 6 are 100%. The other is the one that didn't really do much since the beginning. So I will prolly toss the ereal into the fridge tomorrow, cus I am not gonna fruit them until these trays are done. I don't know if I mentioned this, but the whole damn town I live in is out of pint jars! Thats getting lame. I have the 9 jars I emptied yesterday, but I need 12 to do the myc transfers, and another 6 to start the SAs. Well I'll get some pics up, they are lookin great!!


Well-Known Member
I bought some from 1 time I was lookin for the midget half pint jars, and they were $9.99 + $12.75 for shipping and hand


Well-Known Member
Lol, quickly is the only trick I have found. Maybe Kush will have another. From what I've read, you just break up the myc, and add it to the PC'd jar quickly and close the lid.


Well-Known Member
I could order some, but I think I can prolly find some in one of the other towns by the time I had them shipped here. I just gotta drive like a half hour to the next town.


Well-Known Member
OK so heres the pics. The 1 that is clearer is the burma tray, the 2 that are kinda yellow from the light are the KS, the one pic shows a nice chunk of rhyso growth. The KS has several nice spots of it already.


Well-Known Member
Looks kick ass! Its hard to tell by the lighting, but when its solid white case it! If you wait too long, you will get overlay. Sometimes it doesnt take 3 days, you might be casing after 2!


Well-Known Member
I am kinda hoping that will be the case, I'm gonna check them tomorrow afternoon. I might get to case them then. I toss on another layer of verm, spray them down, and into the FC!!! I got a light timer today, and digital temp/humidity meter. I'm gonna cut the holes in the chamber either tonight or tomorrow. I will hopfully get my other jars cooked up tomorrow too.


Well-Known Member
With any hope, I'll see mushrooms with in a week from today, or tomorrow. I'm gonna either put them into the FC(Fruiting Chamber) tonight, or tomorrow. They had real good growth this morning, but they weren't quite 100% covered. Maybe by this evening. I still have to cut the vent holes in my chamber, I tryed to use a razor knife last night, and it just wouldn't do it. It ended up cracking in one spot so I duck taped it.

I will have 7 more jars cooked up tonight. I've got them cleaned and the WBS is ready to cook simmer. Then I just gotta dry it,and jar them up.


Well-Known Member
OK guys it was a big day!!! I am glad to say that the trays were completely colonized, so I finished up my FC, and put them under my light. I will say on the FC, I cut my holes too big for the polly fill, it was hard to keep it in. hats why the ducktape. I'll get a new one in a couple weeks. I checked the temp and humidity a little while ago, and it was 71 degrees, and 88%. So I think thats about perfect right? I put about 3 quarts of water down in the perlite, and I sprayed the walls real well, and the trays too. I really expect to see myc growth tomorrow, this has been going very fast.

I did also get 6 jars cooked up. They are cooling as we speak. Tomorrow I will shoot them up with the SA syringe. Hopefully they get moving quickly like the others. That will keep me right on track I think.

I put the last Burma, and KS jars in the fridge today. I will be adding all but 1 of the ereal jars to the fridge tomorrow. 5 of them are 100%, the other had only some slight growth and hasn't done any thing for the last 4-5 days. So I'm gonna poour that in my garden outside, and see what happens in the spring! It doesn't look contaminated, so maybe it will grow?

Well here are the pics, a couple of the FC, also a pic of each tray before casing. Then a couple of the trays in the finished FC,and finally under the light.