I don't mean to dispute, but without incontrovertible evidence to your statement, "it's just a fictional statement".
Look at what the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation (and other reservoirs of the neoliberal pathogen) have done to Republican ideology since Nixon.

The Supreme Court, since stacked with Federalist Society true believers, has gutted the 14th and is taking a gang of sledgehammers to the 15th.

Incontrovertible? You tell me.
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No, really, Trump committed financial fraud, was found guilty and the judge determined he had to pay $450 million in compensation. Because Trump stole $450 million dollars in an act of financial fraud. Do you know what the wealthy say about that?

They say if New York fines people like Trump for fraud, they will pull up and leave the state. They see Trump's being held accountable for financial crimes, not as something deplorable that Trump did, they see him being held responsible as a threat to them. Because $450 million is just a drop in the bucket. How much have they stolen?

So, nobody is being asked to donate their salaries. Billionaires aren't paid a salary. That's for chumps like you and me. Billionaires are being told to disgorge their ill gotten gains. Maybe we'll just take it from them in the form of taxes. That's probably easier than suing their asses into oblivion.

Meanwhile, you repeat the lies of people who are afraid that their ill gotten gains and unpaid taxes will be taken away as if Biden is threatening you. I'm guessing you aren't a billionaire, so, no. You aren't threatened but your cult leader is. Maybe it's time to reflect on how you went so wrong.