Is a fan absoloutely neccesary?


Active Member
In my box setup i installed a bathrroom fan into the roof that moves 70 cfms of air, this creates a pretty good constant flow of fresh air moving in and out of the box. Sense im limited on space i was gonna screw a fan directley to the roof in a fixed position to keep a air movement along with the bathroom vent fan, but if its not neccesary i would rather save the hassle. So how is a fan beneficial?


Well-Known Member
Fanning your plants help strengthen the stems to hold the bud, you want to duplicate an outdoor environment as best as you can.


Active Member
If the intake is blowing onto the plants, you may be ok. You can use other mechanical means to support the buds, if you're lucky enough that the stems won't be able to :)


Well-Known Member
hell yes its is. your plants need lots of air movement to supply fresh air to them and it will force the stems to grow bigger. and it will keep the room a even temp


Active Member
Well i just installed it and its gonna be their permanantley now, and thank you all for some nemb advice:)


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I would like to ensure this is a secure sight
Ive been here quite a while now & have yet to see anybody fuked with by police from this site,were a bit freaked out at 1st but once ya learn to chill its alot more fun.

I prefer to use photobucket to post my pics,that way if i want them removed from the forum i can delete them at photobucket,if you post them using the forum pic posting method the forum then owns them & you can ever delete them,just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Yep... It's safe here.

Check out my journal, I have a shitload more to worry about than you ever will.

Also the fans remove excess oxygen, and resupply fresh co2. Without a fan respirating air around the plants, dangerous levels of oxygen will build up and really stunt growth.


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Well-Known Member
NO! Its is not absolutely necessary, i have a small box also, i have a 70cfm exhaust fan mounted up top with passive intakes, 210watts of cfl, and no fan blowing around. My plants a perfectly happy, temps are 77, and all plants can support their buds (and no they arent airy) Now of course they would prefer a fan but its not detrimental


Active Member
My box stays at just about 77degrees as well, interesting. What are the dimensions of your box smppro?Im only running 138 watts cfl about 30 watts per square foot


Well-Known Member
Ummm... You still have a fan... :?

It's the 70 CFM that's circulating air through the box...
Yes and so does he so its not the fan he is referring to. He is talking about another fan to blow on the plants not the exhaust fan. Atleast thats the way i understood it

and i never said i didnt have a fan, i said that i didnt have one blowing around the box, i know i have an exhaust fan pulling through