Acapulco Gold - Nierika Seed Trust - Grow Journal

I got these seeds as a special 420 freebie from JBC seeds. JBC has been such an awesome company to work with. I tried a couple of seed guys and these guys were so fast and courteous, I use them exclusively for the last five years and counting. They have absolutely everything I could ever want from the absolute best breeders. I highly recommend them for any genetics. Back to these Acapulco Gold seeds. They were a very limited 420 freebie and I woke up early so I wouldn't miss the chance to get my hands on them once they were available.
Just a disclaimer: I am not the best grower on the planet. I definitely appreciate advice and I can take criticism, but keep it light, I am a little on the sensitive side. My goal with these plants is of course to try out a legendary, but also to do an open pollination, so at least this batch of genes will be around for future enjoyment.


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I started with 8 seeds (three of them I planted when I first got them, but I had a hell of a problem with spider mights and thrips, and I ended up trashing them because my diluted dish soap was too rough on them. Three days ago I sprouted them using the paper towel in a zip lock method. I didn't want to take any chances with germination. 8/8 germinated and today I moved them into 1 gal containers that I got by reusing some water jugs.
This is what they looked like in the paper towel, before planting


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This is what they look like in the soil. I used already moist soil and planted them as gently as possible so not to break the little roots. Then I gave them a gentle misting with a spray bottle to make sure the soil around them is good and wet. I plan on giving them a good misting every 6 hours or so until they start to take root and get a little bigger.


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I am using 5000K led lights for the veg, about 400 actual wattage at an estimated 20,000 lumens with the lights about 5 feet away from the seedlings.
I have some AG beans… curious to try em but I’ll just watch you for awhile lol. My fave so far has been Panama Red.

I have a Malawi Gold running right now got that bizarre old skool stank…
That is awesome. Those would be really interesting strains to grow and try. Feel free to post pictures of whatever you got.
I guess it's been 19 days since I took them out of the paper towel and put them in the soil. They all seem to be doing good so far.


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This is two of them next to two Agent Orange/Goji crosses, to give a better idea of the leaf shape.


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So far this is 19 days of root growth in a 1 gallon container. They seem to have a bit of room yet. The other roots look very similar.


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I put them all into a tote of soil. I think it's somewhere around 20 gallons. I found out I have fungus gnats so I am working on getting rid of those little buggers. So far I have fly tape put up and nematodes on the way. Also I didn't realize that my soil is lacking a bit of nitrogen. So I watered them with 5-1-1 Alaskan Fish Fertilizer. I think it's made out of the crap that explodes out of washed up whale carcasses. Just kidding but it is one of the worst smells I have ever encountered and I have three kids. I have very limited experience with adding nutrients, if it ain't broke don't fix it, but I can definitely tell that this stuff gives everything a well needed boost and helps with some of my yellowing leaves.


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I wanted to say thank you to the handful of you that have been checking out this post. I don't give a rats ass about Instagram, this is the only place that I've posted and it's nice seeing at least a few people interested in this strain. So far they aren't the best looking plants i've ever grown. Some of the things i have notices about them is they have plenty of vigor, huge internode spacing, and aren't really as nutrient thirsty as some of the hybrids that I've grown. I have no idea how long they will flower or how much stretch I'll get once I start flowering them. So I might put them into 12/12 pretty soon just to keep them manageable.


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I had to give them a trim because they are growing so fast. Bohdi put together a nice pack with these acapulco golds. My soil isn't very good, but they are hanging in there. I am switching them to 12/12 tonight. I don't really know what to expect for flowering time. I think I will cull the males after I see a good flush of seeds forming on the females.


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I noticed some male flowers starting to pop out today. Some observations so far: I take it back about the internode spacing being large. They are stacking pretty good. They are very vigorous. I am starting to appreciate sativas as being large and harder to handle than the stockier indica types. So far a stem rub is the best I can get for smells. But a spicy leather kind of thing, with a little bit of sour back notes is the best I can describe right now. They all smell good, there is a couple stand outs. My goal for this breeding is to first and foremost do a small open pollination to make some seeds so this strain can be kept around a little longer. Here is a picture of some male flowers.


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